I have come across videos where guys do overt push-pulls, acting like they are breaking up. Mentioning that they won't be having sex to the girl many times throughout the interaction before the girl brings it up.
Does anybody here would say it works well or is it better to drop it entirely.
Because I think it comes of as too cheesy and overt-alpha/too cool for school which in a way is trying to prove to the girl that you are of value.
This is my opinion and I might be wrong, I don't know?
What do you say?
Does anybody here would say it works well or is it better to drop it entirely.
Because I think it comes of as too cheesy and overt-alpha/too cool for school which in a way is trying to prove to the girl that you are of value.
This is my opinion and I might be wrong, I don't know?
What do you say?