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Button pushing


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2021
I have come across videos where guys do overt push-pulls, acting like they are breaking up. Mentioning that they won't be having sex to the girl many times throughout the interaction before the girl brings it up.

Does anybody here would say it works well or is it better to drop it entirely.
Because I think it comes of as too cheesy and overt-alpha/too cool for school which in a way is trying to prove to the girl that you are of value.
This is my opinion and I might be wrong, I don't know?

What do you say?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 25, 2019
I think you could get away with that sparingly as a joke if the interaction has progressed enough, but doing it repeatedly it comes off as overly gamey and implies you just want to fuck her (ie don't care about her). I suppose a few women would be into that (mostly night game) but not a lot.

Mostly you want to have a conversation that shows you are attractive; getting to know each other, but in a fun flirty way.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
It's not about if the tech or approach works per se.

With enough volume and stubbornness anything will work eventually.

It's about

1. How effectively the person wields it
2. Time spent with the tech
3. The fundamentals and basic socialization that work as the springboard for everything.
4. Calibration of its use. (I wouldn't go heavy push pull or teasing with a already sold girl for example. Just lead)
5. Luck

Remember the 100 hour rule Sully?

Do you want to spend that time thinking or improving and journaling experiences?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
its called roleplaying

works great. as in GREAT.

i used to deliver we will never work out were too alike type things in nightgame. eg hun, we will never work out, we both have a confident strong stance on things, which means we we will argue all the time have a mazing makeup sex but we will never be able to accomplish anything.

worked like a charm spicing things up.

the we will never have sex sounds like swing cat style framing her as the chaser - taking the role of being a hot girl and expressing from that.

its also called breaking rapport


mix it in with positive appreciation or i love that, and other for rollercoaster dynamics and you have a strong spit game type sequencing that can spice up interactions a lot. i tend to mix being challenging, firm points and appreciating and i love that type things when i wanna punch energy in a girl and take her on a roller coaster.

the were so broken up when she does something random is like initial game generation obne along negs etc.

the degree if overtness and drama needs to be adjusted to the situation.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

You'd be surprised at the stuff that can work.

I spent a lot of time as a beginner seducer trying out a bunch of things I'd seen recommended that to me looked ridiculous... but they worked.

It seems like it'd be too obvious, telling girls stuff like, "All right, that's it, we're breaking up. No getting back together, no make up sex, that's it. We're done." She must know, right? It'd never work!

Except it is fun, and flirtatious, so it does.

She's laughing; she's having fun; and hey, this cute guy she's just met is seeding the idea of sex in her mind, but doing it in a cute and playful way! Wow! It's exciting! He might really mean it... he might not... but this is so much more fun than the usual boring stuff of a guy asking her boring questions, or a guy just drooling over her telling her he wants her.

As a beginner, this is the kind of stuff you want to experiment with.

Take it out, try it on 10 or 20 girls, and see if you can't blow your own mind a bit by discovering women react differently than you would've expected before you tried out the technique.


Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
The absolutely dumb stuff that women eat up… it will surprise you.

I use the “breakup” gambit a lot and women love it. Also use the “you clearly aren’t getting spanked enough” gambit I came up with and women just eat that stuff up.