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FR  Cafe girl w mom


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
Haven't posted in a while.


I was in the cafeteria with my friends, talking as usual, touching this girl who's a big tease, (posted about her before h
I offered my friends, who have zero game to go meet some college chicks.
My friends
Declined, so I went about my day, almost forgetting to go out and meet a girl.

The field

I was kinda anxious
Standing in line for tim Hortons
With my mom and "twin" brother
I saw a girl with her backpack open
Holding some wood
Me:"excuse me mam"

A guy standing near her got her attention for me
I told her her bag was open.

As the line died down we talked
My mom made a reference to the girls name
Saying there was a girl who wassupex symbol of her time

I made a joke about her having super 72 and trying to stick everybody s

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Hey Inferno,

You need some more detail in your posts, dawg. If you're looking for tips, we need something to work with. I'm sure the interaction had more to it than this! What was the vibe? Any social nuances? Examine these interactions like you would a research paper.

May you pick up all the bitches,

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
solid field report. the perfect seduction.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
This is a more detailed fr because my phone was having some issues

Setting:Tim Hortons

Time: 4:30

Companions: mom and lil bro

The day was like most days I have in high school, I talked to friends and went to class. Chased after this tease. I feel like a robot sometimes doing the same things over and over.

I was safe inside the school, shielded from the cold Michigan winter. The college kids like to gather in Tim Hortons , to warm up, study and eat doughnuts.

I anxiously stood in line with my lil brother, who wast drifting about the shop like a balllon. There was a girl in front of me who had a hole in her backpack. So in a soft voice I said excuse me(had it been a girl at my school i would have zipped her bag for her, and introduced myself ,but her being white and not knowing me would have probably made her think I was trying to steal something.)
The guy in front of her gestured her to look at me

I said hello, I told her that her backpack had a whole in it I tried to zip it for her but it she said it won't zip
We bantered  a little and asked if that was where the wood she was holding was supposed to go. My mom jumped in and said something about the girl's name the same name of a sex symbol back in her days.

About akward silence 2 minutes later I deep dived her.

I asked about her major, was it a wood major? She said no, and said that it was in graphic design. I asked her what year she was, she said she was a freshman.  We talked about my friends who go to her college, and my friend who dose graphic design.

We were about to leave, so I made a remark on how she had super 72 and was trying to stick everyone's feet to the floor(she had super 72 , didn't know what it was, so I had to explain what super 72 was, and told a joke about my friend who glued his shoe together with super 72)  I left and told her  about my internship with the department head , I said that I'll never see her agin.


I wish I could have grabbed her number

(i was too anxious, not warmed up enough)

I wish I could have used a more sexy vibe ,and used some sex talk.

(i was with my mom, so i  was surprised she bought up a sexual topic, and I dropped the ball , also because I didn't want to seem so aggressive with being a young black man. )

Anxiety was a real hindrance here, I was chasing a girl earlier that day, activating that dreaded scarcity mentality.

I was also hot sweating,  nervous and black.

No more excuses for me, Im going to tell my mom Im staying after tomorrow. Then I'll go meet some more college girls with my bros, or by myself. We have a lot of Asians in this college, so I hope I can snag a cute Asian sometime next week before my ACT, a lay for good luck. Thanks for the responses and I'll be sure to post more.