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FR  California girl.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 23, 2013
Time for another, must admit it feels good to challenge one's self and go out.

So this happened Last night ( Wednesday night). I had decided that in order for me to get to any sort of mastery, it will take time, so I made the plan to go out for an hour and a half. Our school has a weekly beer pong thing that goes on, so I just went there. I am an introvert with extrovert tendencies, so going out was not too bad. I arrive at the place interact with my good friend, and we post up, and just chat, nothing super interesting, just same old same old. Anyway, the night persists, and a girl who was in my freshman orientation group arrives: we will call her California girl.

She arrives with her friend and finds me and my buddy. We all post up and just chit chat. Throughout the interaction, she is talking about how she does not want a relationship, wants to just date guys and have fun ( she had previously just had a really bad breakup). My buddy ( in a relationship) and I start joking with her and teasing her about how she should just start approaching men b/c we are so easy to win over. Now during this whole conversation, I try and say as little as possible b/c I am not much of a talk talk talk person, so I would enter the conversation, then turn away to analyze the party, then turn back. It was during this process that I noticed that everytime we looked at each other, especially when I did not say anything, she would be staring at my lips. Well, I thought, might as well give it a shot. So we continue our little conversation, I tell my friend I am gonna leave soon and he announces it. California girl and her friend had to go get more beer, but she made a point to say that they would be back b4 I left. They leave, and then my buddy leaves, so I just post up, chill, and watch the party goers ( few interactions with them here and there). I see California girl coming back, she stops and talks to some guy. I watch her, and sure enough,she comes and finds me.

Not wanting to waste time, I ask her when she is free. She responds that she is pretty free all the time, and that this term is not too busy for her. I ask her if she is free friday to which she says no cuz she has a party ( actually knew this already,but had forgotten), I then just ask her for her number,and tell her that we should hang out sometime. I get her number, and then leave.

I send her a text but made a stupid mistake:
Spelled her name wrong.
Me: Hey Kalifonia girl ( to signify spelling name wrong, I know how to spell California, lol), This is R4L

No response to this one, so today I sent her a text in the afternoon

Me: Hey California girl ( spelled right), it was nice chatting w/ you last night! Let me know when you're free, we should grab some grub sometime.

Her: Yeah for sure, will do!

And scene. Thoughts, suggestions, etc. Thanks

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Should have kissed her, then took her to your place. Escalation window missed my friend.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 23, 2013
I do appreciate your response, nonetheless I have to disagree b/c the way the situation was warranted the way I handled our interaction. I number closed b/c I saw it as the most subtle and straight forward method for that circumstance. If she is interested, which she seems to be, things will move forward and I can assure you escalation windows shall be checked marked at each step. Thank you for the response! Bests



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
I do see where you are coming from, however I had one gorgeous flight attendant hitting on me telling me.net eyes were beautiful and we talked in the back.of the plane. I noticed she looked at my.lips and I made no move. I cannot get her to.go out with me and she doesn't get excited to see me anymore. Also Sofie in one of the posts I write. The only way we hooked up was because I had the balls to.just kiss her when she threw the signs.

So you are right I have missed escalation.windows to kiss a girl like one of the Mexican flight attendants I was seeing. However she was really really into me. So.I agree your not wrong.but it also depends on the woman sometimes the better looking the faster they can rule you out.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

I know nothing about night-game, but I do recognize this brush-off response for what it is:
runner4life said:
Me: Hey California girl ( spelled right), it was nice chatting w/ you last night! Let me know when you're free, we should grab some grub sometime.

Her: Yeah for sure, will do!
I suggest you read this thread by NarrowJ. He got almost the exact same text response from a girl and turned it around.
