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Calling her by her name


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 20, 2013
If you know a girls name but you have never interacted with her, the first time you talk to her do you use her name or pretend you don't know it?
OR if you think she thinks you might know her name do you use it then (applies to girl you have never spoken to) ???


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

devlish said:
If you know a girls name but you have never interacted with her, the first time you talk to her do you use her name or pretend you don't know it?
OR if you think she thinks you might know her name do you use it then (applies to girl you have never spoken to) ???

Really depends. If you in a classroom environment or work environment, it's normal for people to know your name without your notice or consent. IF it's otherwise, if your goal is to be just a friend, just interact with her and call her name. If your goal is to get to know her, then i would suggest not calling her name.

Because she might ask you where you get her name. and then she's in control. :)

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