- Joined
- Mar 2, 2013
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- 865
When I was using texting as a means to meetup with girls for dates a few months back, I didn't have too much luck. The interactions would feel great, and then chicks would just stop answering texts. I wanted to get your guys' opinion on how I should change my texting. Here are a few examples:
Girl 1: Jess -
Her 11:28 - This is my number x Jess
Me 11:37 - Saved. Glad you ran into me earlier today
Her 11:41 - Yeh me too
we Gould grap a coffee or drink before you go (This was before I was leaving out of the country)
Her 11:44 - Should*
Me 11:45 - I like your thinking
what's your schedule like this week?
Her 12:23 - Thursday I'm free after Uni? Which is at like 330
Me 12:58 - Rock on...say, sail and anchor on south tce at 4?
Her 1:00 - Yeh sure just remind me in a few days so busy ATM
Me 1:22 - Lol, np, I'll send ya something on Thursday, Jess.
Her 1:23 - Haha just don't want to go forgetting the good parts of my week ahah xx
(3 days later)
Me 12:26 - 4 pm @ sail and anchor
Her 1:38 - So sorry babe gonna have to reschedule free all day tomoz but boss has me on a. 5 pm shift tday she just texted me free tomorrow ??
Me 2:01 - No worries Jess, but I can't do tomorrow. What's your schedule like over next week?
That was the end of that. I think I was asking for too much investment with the last text, but would like to get y'all's thoughts on it.
Girl 2: Renae -
Me 12:24 - Hey Renae, it's Nick...save my number.
Her 12:24 - Yes, all saved
(1 day later)
Me 2:26 - Hope you aren't vandalizing any mailboxes
. Let's grab some food soon, what's your sched like next week?
Her 4:18 - nope, not at all! That sounds good. I'm not to busy next week, and my breaks are all around 11.30
Me 4:55 - Rock on, meet me at the Subway near high street...say Monday at 11:30?
That was the end of this one. Not sure what the deal is here. Maybe I was too gamey with the text on the second day?
Chick 3: Sara - was trying a new tactic here
Me 3:22 - Hey its Nick...save my number (sent during our in person conversation)
Me 5:34 - Cool to meet you
- Nick (sent as an icebreaker after the convo)
Her 11:54 - Nice to meet you too
(2 days later)
Me 11:25 - Hope that Thursday was killer, Sara! I ended up visiting a party scene yesterday...Aussies here are nuts lol. Let's grab that lunch we talked about sometime this week, when's good for you schedule-wise?
End of this. Perhaps the message 2 days later was too long?
All feedback appreciated, and I can give more info if needed.
Girl 1: Jess -
Her 11:28 - This is my number x Jess
Me 11:37 - Saved. Glad you ran into me earlier today
Her 11:41 - Yeh me too
Her 11:44 - Should*
Me 11:45 - I like your thinking
Her 12:23 - Thursday I'm free after Uni? Which is at like 330
Me 12:58 - Rock on...say, sail and anchor on south tce at 4?
Her 1:00 - Yeh sure just remind me in a few days so busy ATM
Me 1:22 - Lol, np, I'll send ya something on Thursday, Jess.
Her 1:23 - Haha just don't want to go forgetting the good parts of my week ahah xx
(3 days later)
Me 12:26 - 4 pm @ sail and anchor
Her 1:38 - So sorry babe gonna have to reschedule free all day tomoz but boss has me on a. 5 pm shift tday she just texted me free tomorrow ??
Me 2:01 - No worries Jess, but I can't do tomorrow. What's your schedule like over next week?
That was the end of that. I think I was asking for too much investment with the last text, but would like to get y'all's thoughts on it.
Girl 2: Renae -
Me 12:24 - Hey Renae, it's Nick...save my number.
Her 12:24 - Yes, all saved
(1 day later)
Me 2:26 - Hope you aren't vandalizing any mailboxes
Her 4:18 - nope, not at all! That sounds good. I'm not to busy next week, and my breaks are all around 11.30
Me 4:55 - Rock on, meet me at the Subway near high street...say Monday at 11:30?
That was the end of this one. Not sure what the deal is here. Maybe I was too gamey with the text on the second day?
Chick 3: Sara - was trying a new tactic here
Me 3:22 - Hey its Nick...save my number (sent during our in person conversation)
Me 5:34 - Cool to meet you
Her 11:54 - Nice to meet you too
(2 days later)
Me 11:25 - Hope that Thursday was killer, Sara! I ended up visiting a party scene yesterday...Aussies here are nuts lol. Let's grab that lunch we talked about sometime this week, when's good for you schedule-wise?
End of this. Perhaps the message 2 days later was too long?
All feedback appreciated, and I can give more info if needed.