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Can I trust her?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
I met this chick in a club, on Friday two weeks ago. I approached her in a busy crowd near a bar. We connected physicially immediately. We had a drink together, danced, talked.

When we talked I made a huge mistake which I regret. I told her that I'm looking for a long term relationship and that I want to have kids. During that night we danced more, and talked. I think she put a big physical barrier that night, because she wouldn't let me kiss her (I tried few times), we would dance but she wouldn't allow herself to do anything sexual.

At some point she offered me to give her phone number and we parted ways. She returned to her friend. After some time I reapproached her, which she viewed very positively. She invited me for a drink. We grabbed a drink and talked more isolated. Just two of us. The conversation was okish. A mistake I made was that I tried to pull her after about 30-45 minutes of conversation. I don't think there was enough comfort. Also, with what I told her about serious relationship and having kids, this was a kind of shocker to her that I wanted to go home with her that night. Something weird happened that moment. I don't recall this very well, but I think she agreed to go home with me. She said, let's go and talk to her friend first. I interpreted this that she wants to say bye to her friend and go with me. I don't recall exactly what happened, but when we approached her friend, she was dancing. My girl talked to her friend, her friend came to me, smiled and kind of acted sexual towards me. I didn't do much just kind of stood and smiled back. Then, all of a sudden, my girl changed her mind, and said that I should go. When I tried to talk to her, she mentioned that I have such a big ego that I can't accept rejection. Finally, they both left the club.

I sent her a message next day (I didn't really expect to receive an answer but I wanted to try my more attainable approach). And she was a 9, so I said, why not, let's try.

I told her that the club wasn't a good place to get to know each other and that we should meet in some better place in the next few days.

She was surprisingly happy and responsive throught texts. We texted more (comfort texts) and set up a date. Long story short, we went on another 3 dates.

During these dates we held hands, walked together, and on the date nr 2 we kissed properly. After date 2 she didn't accept my invitation to my place to watch some movies. She said that she doesn't go to an apartment with a man who she doesn't know.

She plays a good girl card, and she seems to be seriously concerned about me being a player. She mentioned this at least 3 times, that she doesn't like guys who fuck around.

All this seems odd to me thought. The problem is that I don't really trust in her good girl frame. To me, it seems like a girl who I would be fucking the same night if I didn't play the LTR+kids card. Now I'm feeling like in a deep shit hole. She is always happy to go for dates with me, but she is pretty resistant to push things forward physically. She told me that she accepts that her friends end up with another guy every weekend, but she is not like that.

The biggest problem is that I don't trust her. During one of our dates she told me she was a liar when was a teenager becaue her mother was very strict about her partying, etc.

I don't know if it's my personal distrust or is it her, or it's me being in a new situation (dating slowly a very hot girl), but I'm pretty confused. Sometimes I think that she is dating me slowly and fucking some other dude or dudes in the mean time. Hmmm...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Well you made the mistake of presenting yourself as a Husband candidate so she’s going to treat you like one

Set a bad precedent and she will follow a script of selling purity. Because most women know that most guys don’t like their future wives acting slutty

If I were you I would try to reframe things and get her to see you value sexual women. Will be rough though because a lot bad frames have already been set and she’s indirectly trying to get you to commit before even having sex

But if you want this girl you’ll need to be persistent with reframing sex as being good. And also be willing to walk, because all your relationships started with passion and if she can’t deliver then maybe you’re better of as friends
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