Chat Convo Writeup Dec 7
This one is good because there is a bit of conflict in it. And I get asked if I am autistic. Also, I get some validation on my recent insights about sexal frame and using creativity in approach-- something I have not started doing yet due to self-esteem hamstrungedness (that is a word) but see myself working up to now, finally. It's the grail...
User A: In order not to get a false IOI Yesterday at 5:04 PM
User B: You are probably a cerebral type, do not sirpress your gut Yesterday at 5:04 PM
User B: What is worse that can happen if you habe false IOI? Yesterday at 5:04 PM
User A: But either way the chicks I actually want to approach never seem to give me a IOI Yesterday at 5:04 PM
User A: I did read about forcing IOIs, though Yesterday at 5:05 PM
User B: You just hone your experience. Also getting IOIs does not mean you will get laid. Taken girls can give subconscious interest as well..or bad logisitics Yesterday at 5:05 PM
User B: Or how about attention whor3s who bait you with IOI. Those can be practiced as well Yesterday at 5:05 PM
User C: Yeah very subtle, after a while, you just feel it when it's "on". I like making eye contact when they want to take a peek to assert dominance lol Like Reactions:User B Yesterday at 5:05 PM
Yesterday at 5:07 PM
PrancingRabbit: Applies, @User A Yesterday at 5:07 PM
User B: @User C, you know what assets dominance as well right? Yesterday at 5:07 PM
User B: Carrying a.... (guys Im kidding, this is NOT an endorsement) Haha Reactions:User C Yesterday at 5:08 PM
PrancingRabbit: I came on thinking I might querry about some IOI I recieved today at a freelance gig Yesterday at 5:08 PM
PrancingRabbit: I will wait my turn though and check back in in a bit perhaps Yesterday at 5:08 PM
User B: Prancing just shoot, although I will tune out to watch a show Yesterday at 5:08 PM
User B: No need to be polite about it Yesterday at 5:09 PM
User B: There is no "turn" Yesterday at 5:09 PM
PrancingRabbit: Ok, ok Yesterday at 5:09 PM
PrancingRabbit: I'm teaching woodshop with another guy in a private school a few times a week Yesterday at 5:10 PM
PrancingRabbit: Today was my third time. The math teacher, cute young thirties (I'm 41) introduced herself to me and my co-teacher today Yesterday at 5:10 PM
PrancingRabbit: after class Yesterday at 5:10 PM
PrancingRabbit: Strong eye-contact, what would be the point of her coming up to us? No other teachers going out of their way to do that Yesterday at 5:11 PM
PrancingRabbit: Actually, many probably will Yesterday at 5:11 PM
PrancingRabbit: So it's premature-- and I realize that Yesterday at 5:12 PM
User A: I had plenty of those types of opportunities throughout college, but I threw away every single one
Yesterday at 5:12 PM
User A: Girls showing interest in me in some way. But I had no idea what to do / made excuses Yesterday at 5:12 PM
PrancingRabbit: Haha-- I can relate-- that's why I'm here lol Haha Reactions:User A Yesterday at 5:12 PM
PrancingRabbit: I just need to go back and write this up in my journals thread Yesterday at 5:12 PM
PrancingRabbit: I guess my statement of querry is that I want to ineract with her in a light, innocent way, one, and not ask her on a date, two, and take her somewhere and have sex with her, three Yesterday at 5:13 PM
PrancingRabbit: And my learning eDe so to speak is pulling off the interacting in such a way that it's leading to one but not the other (sex, not a date) Yesterday at 5:14 PM
PrancingRabbit: And also, being nervious thinking about talking to her anymore, as if there is something more than casual sex at stake Yesterday at 5:15 PM
PrancingRabbit: My frame is all fucked up Yesterday at 5:15 PM
PrancingRabbit: My habitual frame Yesterday at 5:15 PM
PrancingRabbit: Is to think about it as a performance Yesterday at 5:16 PM
PrancingRabbit: rather than something every-day... Yesterday at 5:16 PM
PrancingRabbit: sexuality makes things seem larger than life, it's a distortion Yesterday at 5:16 PM
PrancingRabbit: And I'm right there in the middle of the distortion, feeling I write! Yesterday at 5:17 PM
PrancingRabbit: But writing this out for you guys is helping me actually Yesterday at 5:17 PM
PrancingRabbit: thanks @User H and @User A et al. Yesterday at 5:17 PM
User D: prancing rabbit you are very logical Yesterday at 5:18 PM
User D: i noticed that about you Yesterday at 5:19 PM
PrancingRabbit: Yo User D. That sounds like a derogetory statement Yesterday at 5:20 PM
PrancingRabbit: You know what though Yesterday at 5:20 PM
PrancingRabbit: I think I get it from a parent Yesterday at 5:20 PM
User A: I'm the same way. I'm an engineer. I get in my head too much Yesterday at 5:20 PM
PrancingRabbit: And I think she uses it to dominate others, like a tyrant would Yesterday at 5:20 PM
PrancingRabbit: I'm doing something that requires a lot of reflection and I believe the head is one of the most powerful tools we have to reflect Yesterday at 5:21 PM
User D: actually, you are projecting when you say it sounds like a derogitroyey statement Yesterday at 5:21 PM
PrancingRabbit: Of course. I wanted to draw you out Yesterday at 5:21 PM
PrancingRabbit: And I was being fecisious Yesterday at 5:22 PM
PrancingRabbit: And not meaning to put you on defensive whatsoever Yesterday at 5:22 PM
User D: do you have aspbergers or autism Yesterday at 5:22 PM
PrancingRabbit: I think thinking has one of three orientations based on whether you are gut, emotion, or thought centered Yesterday at 5:22 PM
PrancingRabbit: haha Yesterday at 5:22 PM
PrancingRabbit: No Yesterday at 5:22 PM
User D: just wondering Yesterday at 5:23 PM
User D: because i do Yesterday at 5:23 PM
PrancingRabbit: I have a set of difficulties related to trauma in adolescence and early adulthood Yesterday at 5:24 PM
PrancingRabbit: Cognitive and social, leading to emotional Yesterday at 5:24 PM
PrancingRabbit: The thing about gut, emotion and thought centered is crucial when discussing thinking though Yesterday at 5:25 PM
PrancingRabbit: They are present, past and future oriented, respectively Yesterday at 5:25 PM
PrancingRabbit: I am emotion centered and get thinking about the past, or "stories" Yesterday at 5:25 PM
PrancingRabbit: I've been counteracting it since realizing this about a month ago. I hadn't learned the distinctions and additionally was mislabelling myself "thought centered" Yesterday at 5:26 PM
PrancingRabbit: I do mindfulness of thoughts, emotions and body sensations-- check in, note them Yesterday at 5:27 PM
User D: thats astute of you Yesterday at 5:27 PM
PrancingRabbit: Heart-rate is high level Yesterday at 5:27 PM
PrancingRabbit: I learned it from Cheri Huber Yesterday at 5:27 PM
PrancingRabbit: an author and priest Yesterday at 5:27 PM
PrancingRabbit: Thoughts interact with the other modalities and knowing the balance in the coctail is a powerful piece of knowleDe Yesterday at 5:28 PM
PrancingRabbit: I AM going to work through my approach anxiety... Yesterday at 5:28 PM
PrancingRabbit: Now that I know what a sexual frame is Yesterday at 5:28 PM
PrancingRabbit: And that is having a cascading affect through all parts of my life Yesterday at 5:29 PM
PrancingRabbit: But it has to sink in and that takes time Yesterday at 5:29 PM
User D: what is a sexual frame? Yesterday at 5:29 PM
PrancingRabbit: This is a sexual frame: Yesterday at 5:30 PM
PrancingRabbit: "You know, I’m wondering something about you. Since we began talking, honestly I’ve gotten this vibe from you, like you’re the open-minded and nonjuDemental type of person who sometimes connects really genuinely with other people at a deep level, like you’re someone who is able to step out of the frame of your own mind and understand how people are feeling. Have you ever noticed that about yourself or has anyone ever told you that before?” Yesterday at 5:31 PM
PrancingRabbit: "Okay cool, like that’s what I was kinda noticing about you… so now, I’m wondering something else too… since you’re this type of person who sometimes connects really genuinely with certain people, maybe of course with the type of person who really takes the effort to get to know you at a deep level… like for more than just your body or as if you’re just a sexual object like so many other guys do these days… with that type of person who you feel really understands you, have you ever noticed how sometimes a strong connection can develop really quickly because of how right it feels?" Yesterday at 5:32 PM
User D: i was asking you more like, what makes that a frame? Yesterday at 5:32 PM
PrancingRabbit: "Yeah, like have you ever noticed that if it’s the right kind of vibe, and you’re talking with each other, staring in each other’s eyes, hearing each other’s voice, and feeling each other’s presences, that sometimes that vibe just gets stronger and stronger and maybe even so strong that it feels like there’s this urge inside of your body, like you know that this person is different and someone you’re able to feel vulnerable with, someone you feel safe with, and someone who you can be your true self with without any juDement?" Yesterday at 5:32 PM
PrancingRabbit: "Right, and if there’s a feeling like this, now doesn’t it also make sense that sometimes that vibe can keep growing and growing between each other because of how right it feels? Like you feel good, you feel powerful, you may even feel completely comfortable in your own skin, and suddenly, you realize that this is also the type of person that isn’t like the other fuckboys at the bars who will grope you and treat you like a piece of meat, or even the type of guy who stands against the wall on his phone and never comes and talks to you no matter how many times you look over, no, this is the type of guy who you can tell will be completely focused on you because he sees what makes you special, what makes you you, and takes a real personal interest in understanding you beyond the surface level… I mean, that’s something my friend Jada always tells me those are all things she never can find in a guy but really likes, is that true with you too?" Yesterday at 5:32 PM
PrancingRabbit: It's flirting, the speach and facial expressions and body language. It's what follows or is implied by all of the above Yesterday at 5:33 PM
PrancingRabbit: That's what I think it is Yesterday at 5:33 PM
User D: Like Reactions:View Yesterday at 5:33 PM
PrancingRabbit: All that was shared with me here by another user a week ago Yesterday at 5:33 PM
PrancingRabbit: This was a good session for me Yesterday at 5:35 PM
PrancingRabbit: I'm going to go journal now Yesterday at 5:35 PM
User D: mmkaay Like Reactions:View Yesterday at 5:35 PM
PrancingRabbit: Hey, I actually think it would be worth it to correct my question statement above. Instead of saying "that sounds pejorative," which was kinda hostile, I could said something like "how do you mean?" or, "that sounds like a euphamism for 'you think too much.'" And in addition, maybe I could have given you an opportunity to share your follow-up remarks before launching into my thoughts on the meaning and implications of having a busy thought-life. Yesterday at 5:59 PM
PrancingRabbit: I do communicate impulsively-- that is a pattern connected to the issues I was referring to that developed in my mid-twenties and really does plag me in more than one aspect of life-- and I did so there, as a matter of fact. I've had too much on my "psychic plate" to address it fully and am trying that lately. Here is another opportunity to grow... Yesterday at 6:00 PM
User D: thats alright buddy Like Reactions:View Yesterday at 6:00 PM
PrancingRabbit: I also was anticipating a prozaic, facile interpretation of my psyche, on your part,
which is completely unfair. I'm really sorry about that, User D . Yesterday at 6:00 PM
User D: like you said, another opportunity to grow Like Reactions:View Yesterday at 6:00 PM
PrancingRabbit: Thanks Yesterday at 6:00 PM
User D: chicks really hate it when you leave them on read during screening without closing it off by
qualifying them Like Reactions:View Yesterday at 6:17 PM
User D: what i wanna know is, how long can you leave them on read for before they start to get cold Yesterday at 6:17 PM
User D: so far its shorter than 3 days Like Reactions:View Yesterday at 6:18 PM
User D: which is the typically the max time you can leave girls on read in general situations Yesterday at 6:19 PM
User E: fk that reminds me Yesterday at 7:20 PM
User E: i forgot to txt birthday girl (the one i told you about) when we talked about leave on read last time, when i said something skin to Yesterday at 7:20 PM
User E: "i can't wait to be punished by her for leaving her on read again" lol Haha Reactions:View Yesterday at 7:21 PM
Surveyor: The lead I traded Instas with yesterday bikes a lot, so I asked her if she was up for a long ride. She is but "I have a boyfriend, so long as you know that". Eh, it's all good. Yesterday at 7:39 PM
User F: oh those suck when they reveal that important info late in the game lol Haha Reactions:View Yesterday at 9:26 PM
PrancingRabbit: Am able to articulate two breakthroughs since returning to girls chase. Instead of writing in the journal I decided to share here since always same people on lol Yesterday at 9:54 PM
PrancingRabbit: One is this frame thing. Taking off my mask, breaking through her seal of formality and properness, such that she has permission to take hers off Yesterday at 9:55 PM
PrancingRabbit: The second is applying creativity to the matter of sexuality. While I haven't converted yet, I am at least having the right thoughts and connecting them to the right situations Yesterday at 9:56 PM
PrancingRabbit: When one loses one's ability to apply their creativity to sexuality, they are doomed, in seduction and in the bedroom, I believe Like Reactions:View Yesterday at 9:57 PM
PrancingRabbit: I couldn't before since I was too nerveous. Nervous like a small child in an adult situation Yesterday at 9:57 PM
PrancingRabbit: It's a breakthrough. I'm a pretty intelligent, creative person, but my sexuality has been cut off from that well-spring. And it's being fed into that part of my psyche finally. Yesterday at 10:00 PM
PrancingRabbit: If I can use my wit within the sexual frame...I can see things taking a real turn for the better. Yesterday at 10:01 PM
PrancingRabbit: This is pretty much the last frontier in my development, lads. I've accomplished a lot in my 41 years on this earth,. I guess I just wanted to save the best for last Yesterday at 10:01 PM
PrancingRabbit: And I realize that all that's needed is "good enough." I definitely have the aptitude to be "good enough." Yesterday at 10:02 PM
PrancingRabbit: Feels really good. Now I just need to practice alone and start getting some field practice (read: lays) in! Yo, I got this boys Yesterday at 10:02 PM
PrancingRabbit: Thanks for "listening." I think I needed to get that stuff out so the usual suspects can have a feel for who and what I am, cause who wants to ready (extremely) longwinded jjournal entries, which is all I've been writing? ...
I will try to be more open and patient and less long winded when I am here. And listen more ; ) Yesterday at 10:04 PM
PrancingRabbit: Check it- this 9th grader in my class chats up all the girls and asks me who my favorite porn star is today. I am new and they are just getting to know me. Sexuality at that stage is fully developed in some people. It absolutely blows my mind. Haha Reactions:View Yesterday at 10:08 PM
User G: So I have a girlfriend now, what do I do on this server? Today at 2:29 AM
User G: I think I’m gonna take this opportunity to work on my charisma and fundamentals Like Reactions:View
User G:
@PrancingRabbit its good that your having these breakthrough’s. I know I’ve said some pretty uncalibrated sexual shit before lol. Today at 2:38 AM
User G: Also I realized what I said before is pretty stupid, girls chase isn’t only about cold approach, it’s also about maintaining relationships so I can still find some value here Today at 2:40 AM
User H: how u find her ??