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cant gain weight without carbs


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Hi guys.I have been lifting weights since late February and I am seeing improvement s so far I have gained around 10pounds. Now I read about how not to eat a lot of carbs and mainly eat it after my workout.ever since I started this I have not gained any weight I'm still at 184 pounds.now should I eat carbs at least once a day.and also I have been eating a lot of oatmeal and organic half and half and I still don't gain weight.and does whole wheat flour as carbs count as carbs?many thanks :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I was in the supliments game a while back. Not an expert by any means but this is what I learned.

Protein builds muscle. If you are lifting then you are breaking down muscle and the growth comes from their recovery. Muscle is protein and feeding your body prtoein in recovery helps build muscle.
Carbs work faster.... so if you are very skinny, lots of carbs help to bulk you up but too many carbs also are the cause of people being over weight, not exactly eating too much fat.

If you eat more carbs in a controlled way in conjunction with your working out, the carbs give you more energy for working out and if you are burning them can also help with building muscle like protein.
But it's the "left over" carbs which turn to fat. This is good for some people who are very lean and just want some raw weight to their frame but obviously needs to be done in a controlled way so your not letting it all turn to fat.

Thats a quick overview, there's actually quite a lot of info online but read a lot, you'll hear conflicting views so research well.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Do Uncle Ben and the quaker oats dude look like the enemys? unc benny? no man you need all the friends you can get.

Theres many kinds of body building diets and phases.
Bulking http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bbinfo.php?page=massgaindiets
Cutting http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/nic2.htm
Clean Bulking http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/top-10-rules-successful-clean-bulking.html
Carb cycleing. http://www.rippednaturally.com/zig-zag-diet.html

EAT ANY THING YOU CAN WHILE BULKING!! but try to keep it clean. Lean meats, veggies. Carbs that are 100% whole grain. I am a big fan of carb cycling and I am currently on this diet now for a 3rd time. I bulk for 10 months then I carb cycle for 3 and the fat shreds off while maintaining all my muscle.

Take your base calorie limit (amount of calories you burn in a day including activity.) there are calculators online. Take that number and increase your caloric intake by 500-700 everyday. and watch yourself gain weight.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Many thanks guys what I'm going to do is just load up on organic meat ,peanuts,and avocados and related stuff add a few tweaks to my workout and get more sleep.what im concernes/confused about is the insulin spikes that occurs when one eats carbs.thats what confuses me.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Insulin spikes is what causes the body to store fat.


Dont worry about it when bulking.......... you will gain some fat when you are building muscle....It WILL HAPPEN IF YOU WANT THE BEST RESULTS!!! THATS WHAT BULKING AND CUTTING PHASES ARE FOR!!!

Only worry about it when you are cutting or carb cycling to get shredded. I dont go into detail because this is Broscience. 50%fact. 50% Magic.100% Results