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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Totally didn't expect myself to be posting a field report today, in the middle of the week... With Stats homework piling up. This started out as a trip to Walmart to get water, and I ended up approaching both of the cute girls I saw there.

One of the things I noticed in my summer round of field reports is that I always remained "nice" and unoffensive... Two words that are synonymous with uninteresting. Seriously, if the girl wanted that, she could get it from her dad or an employee... So I think I'm testing the waters now to see how offensive and asshole-ish I can be around these girls and still get away with it.

These are quick, and I'm trying to emulate this "I don't give a damn if you're offended" vibe that comes to me so easily at school where I know everyone.

I can honestly say I should have reacted to these girls faster the moment I saw them, but anyway, on with the reports.

"Walmart Brittney:"
She was walking behind me for a good while once I was finished filling up water, and so, I wanted her to get ahead of me. I walked slower and slower, trying to frustrate her into trying to go around me... But she didn't. She seemed to keep up with my abnormally slow pace the whole time. At some point, she cut into one of the sections to take a look at candles, and that's when I sprung into action.
Me: "Are you single?"
Her: "Um... I'm kind of seeing someone right now..."
Me: "Kinda?"
Her: "Why?"
Me: "Well... Why do you think? Haha, can you think of any other reason a guy would ask you that?"
Her: "Hahaha but... I don't know you!"
Me: "Well shit, that's the point. Haha what's your name?"
Her: "Brittney."
Me: "I'm AP. Nice to meet you, pretty girl from Walmart :) ...Brittney, from walmart actually."
Her: "Hahaha, so... Do you want my number?"
Me: "Sure! *whip out phone* Let's see... here you go :)"
Her: *types in number and hands it back*
Me: "Sweet. Now what's a good nickname for you...?"
Her: "Um.. I don't know! Hahaha!"
Me: "Well tell me something interesting about you then... What do you like to do for fun?"
Her: "I don't know... I'm going to school right now at *college*"
Me: "Hmm...."
Her: "Don't put me in as Walmart Brittney!"
Me: "Haha, don't put you in as Walmart Brittney?"
Her: *shakes head*
Me: "Okay. That's what I'm gonna do then... W-A-L-M-A-R-T B-R-I-T-T-N-E-Y...."
Her: "Oh god... Hahaha"

Since I didn't get very far with the conversation, I tried to stick it out some more, but she wouldn't give me any ground, and so eventually, she said she was going to have class soon and bid me goodbye. I'm not expecting this one to text back. I could tell she was nervous, and that's probably because she picked up that I was nervous... That needs to be fixed for sure.


This one I saw intermittently as I was filling up water. She was the first one I saw, but because she looked older, she ended up being the last one I approached. It took a while to get it through my head that I shouldn't care what I'd look like if I asked a girl who happened to be older if she was single or not. But eventually, it happened. First time I spoke was when I was filling up water and she passed me by. It was just a simple "What's up?"

She smiled at me, but went on her way again. Later, as I was paying for my water, after I had hit on the first girl, I was in a good mood. I said, "Hello again" with this big smile on my face as she smiled back and said hi. As I saw her haul a case of water out of her cart, I commented, "You know, you can just get one of these things... *point at my five gallon jug* Ain't it obvious how much fun I have lugging this thing around?"

She laughed, but didn't say anything, and I figured it was a lost cause.

As I accidentally tried to give the cashier money before she was all set up, I commented that I was in a really good mood because it was the first time I had gotten a full nights sleep, to which the girl commented "You must be in a really good mood! You're making mine better!"

Go time. I hurried to get my water paid for, and caught up with the girl, who seemed to slow down a bit when she got outside.

Me: "Can I ask you something?"
Her: "Sure, what is it?"
Me: "Are you single?"
Her: "Haha, yes :)"
Me: "I thought you were really cute, and I wanted to come by to say hello... I said hello like three times... But you know what I mean."
Her: "Haha, I heard you say hello once."

She began to walk in the other direction, so I popped the question there while I had the chance

Me: "Can I have your number?"
Her: "Sure, take it here!"
Me: "Cool." *hand her my phone* "So why haven't you been getting enough sleep?"
Her: "Work... Haha"
Me: "What do you like doing outside of work? I can tell by your cart you probably don't have a whole lot of free time though :)"
Her: "I honestly don't haha. Um... I don't know! I'm trying to move up in work! *random details about her career*"
Me: "Do you breathe?"
Her: "Haha, sometimes! ....Whoops... Ugh... How do I get back to the dialer thing?"
Me: "Yeah my phone's jank... It's because I have no money.... There!"
Her: "Oh, this thing is nail sensitive!" (She had some pointy nails, and I wish I would have said something about stabbing my phone to death)
Me: "Awesome! Well, it's cold as shit outside, so I'll talk to you later."
Her: "Okay, bye! :)"
Me: "Wait!"
Her: "What?"
Me: "What's your name?"
Her: "Janaya!"

That's another thing I need to work on... I shouldn't ask for the name so late, and even when I don't, I need to get better at remembering them.

So this marks my first two number closes of daygame this time around. I feel like these went far smoother than anything I did during the summer, but they also highlight two weak spots that I have... Even though I'm used to the "I don't care if you're offended" vibe from school, for some reason, during daygame, I can't do that as easily. I need to work on making my stones more unshakable, and caring less about what the other person might think. My slightly nervous feelings are being caught by the girls I approach, and I can tell because they're uneasy as well... So, this time around, I need to truly shake that nervous, on-edge feeling that I always get. There's no way I can make the girl feel at ease if I'm not at ease as well.

I just keep finding more and more to work on :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Like your attitude AP. I wouldn't be too worried about the nervousness it'll fade away if you keep approaching all the time by itself, but you're correct in thinking that the girl can't be at ease until you're at ease. AKA Charisma ;).

I like how you're taking the Sasha Daygame approach to thrashing you're ego into the ground and becoming socially free. I'm all about that and I usually try and do at least one socially free thing every time I go out. Have you ever done the look through the window of a shop and stare at someone with a retarded look on your face? It's hard to keep from breaking eye contact with that one but it's also extremely funny to see the people squirm in their seats from the social pressure.
Please post any funny social freedom stories you accumulate I'd love to hear them.

Also like the asshole stage you're trying to go through. I think I've been procrastinating that one for too long now :/. Perhaps you'll inspire me to get my assholery on.
You fucking prick! ;)

keep it up buddy.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I'll definitely post a few Mr. Rob... My last round of them I probably can't mention on the internet lmao, but anything less mischievous will for sure get posted... Just for you, I'm making it a rule for me as well that I need to do one socially free thing every time I go out, ya fucking jackass ;)

And Casanova, I personally like yours way better. When I get to the point where I'm really smooth at this, I'm thinking I might go under an alias, and Casanova Jr. would have been a great one if I had thought of it.

The end goal all depends. For each individual interaction, my end goal is both the number close and making sure she wasn't a number flake... For the entire outings though, my end goals are a differ a bit each time. For a while, my main goal will be to see how little I can care about what these girls think of me, and how much asshole-ishness I can get away with.

As for the complaints, oh yes I get them... And they entertain the hell out of me. You've got these girls who have been primed and conditioned to act basically like men... They're stiff and put on this mask of professionalism because it's what they've been trained to do, but when something's not going their way, the mask doesn't hold up. They go from totally overdoing the "act like a man" and "be professional" kind of thing, to dropping the whole act completely and making pouty faces, crossing their arms and puffing out their cheeks, jumping up and down, and giving you little hits on the arm... Personally, I think this is incredibly cute.... The funny thing is, the girls that give me that kind of reaction are generally the ones that stay in the interaction with me longer.