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FR  Caribou Coffee Job Fair


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
There was a job fair in my area for a job at Caribou, so I went there, signed my name and took a seat. As I sat there wondering how I would pull off a pick up and how I would lead the conversation, I ended up missing an opportunity with a cute blonde ordering a drink with her mom.. Despite not thinking of anything constructive, I vowed I wouldn't let another opportunity like that slip by.
A girl that looked relatively my age came by and sat at a table in front of the couch where I was sitting, so I picked myself up and walked over there to see if I could pull something off.
"Hi! Are you here for the job fair too?"
"Um, yeah!"
"Awesome. I thought you were cute and wanted to say hello. What's your name?"
And the conversation began. Through talking, I found out she was already working for her mom, but wanted more hours to make more money, and so came to Caribou. After all the high school jobs are over, she plans to become a nurse. She is the first girl I've met that grew up on a farm, and she is into choir, music, theatre, and like me, exploring in Minneapolis, which is 45 minutes away from both of us.
The conversation began to die out when she mentioned her boyfriend while we were talking about music. The boyfriend doesn't matter to me, but I think talking about him reminded her that she shouldn't be talking to a random guy who finds her attractive. I ended up asking for a number a bit later, but she offered to put my number in her phone instead. I'll take that as a polite no.
Despite the unlikeliness of a date, I think this was good practice opening and leading in conversation. Better luck next time
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
You did well.

Remember how unnormal it is to be approached by a stranger who doesn't hide his romantic interest - that's why you would also be wise to act normal, to not scare her away / make her more uncomfortable. When she sees you're a normal dude and one with the confidence to chat her up directly, she'll relax around you... and be a bit excited as well. This is the kind of comfort conversation you want to go for after a direct approach in most cases.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Thanks bro! I'll keep that in mind for the rest of my approaches. I'll also look for posts from you
Good success to you!