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FR  caught in the act.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 23, 2013
Hey gents, hope this week has been treating you well. Things have been looking up since the breakup... Ex and I are on "good terms" lol, whatever the hell that means. Anyway, I was at rehearsal today and needed a snack so I went to the cafe, whilst doing this I walked past this cute blonde ( not anything spectacular, but hey I am looking to fuck). I go and get my snacks and walk back, I see her jamming to her music so I imitate her and she looks up and then smiles. I keep walking but decide to open her, here is the exchange:

Me ( while walking back to my room): Hey, what's your name?
Her: My name is Natalie, what's yours?
Me: ( still walking) My name is shaun, where you live natalie?
Her: I live on the 7th floor of (X) building.
Me ( entering room): Cool, have a good one Natalie.
Her: Thanks!

After entering the room, I decided to go close the deal, so I leave with one of my snacks that I had been eating to make it seem like I had some trash to through away. Her is the continuous:

Me: Hey, you got a boyfriend?
Her: Me? No, I don'jgajkl;s; ( fumbling on words, obvious shock and nervousness)
Me: I didn't quite get that ( slight smile on my face)
Her: no, I don't have a boyfriend
Me: well cool, what's your number, that's right I am totally hitting on you ( still slight smile)
Her: Oh, ummm.. ( fumbling with folders). its...
Me: Damn, I forgot my phone. Well just write it on a piece of paper.

At this moment I turn around to go through away my trash, and who do I see.... that's right my ex. Completely caught me off guard, so I interacted with her briefly while natalie did her thing, here is that convo.
Me: Hey... (obvious shock in my voice)
Her: Hey! How you doing?
Me: Good, just at rehearsal
Her: uh huh, rehearsal.... ( her face turned red, any idea why ?)
Me: yeah, we are taking a 5 min break? You? what you up to?
Her: Just doing some computational chem in the lab
Me: cool, well I see you later.
Her: okay, bye.

That was awkward....lol Anyway, I go back, Natalie gives me her number and I go back to my room. Badaboom badabing. that's that.

Sent her opener:
Hey Natalie, this is r4l, Nice chatting with you:)

that's that gents, critique away.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take