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FR  challenging limiting belief


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 14, 2013
So the exams are coming up, but I've promised myself to meet at least one new girl whenever I go out to do something.

Also I want to focus more on white girls than asian girls, since almost all my results are with asian girls. At the same time I want to break some limiting belief I have - meeting girls on the street when it's raining.

After like a week of no results, I felt pretty down, then I realized that's because I'm not having fun - so I made a reminder to myself on my phone - "play is the outcome. don't take pickup too seriously". And also to focus on my voice ALL THE TIME. and well it made a big difference yesterday.

So what happened yesterday:
It was raining while I walked back from the gym. At first, I thought to myself - "damn I could not possibly pick up girls when it's raining" - but then I decided to break that limiting belief. I saw on youtube a guy pick up chicks even when it's snowing, so everything is possible.

After walking around for 20 minutes with my umbrella since not many people are out around the campus given the weather and the exams, then finally this chick with an umbrella walked past me. I instantly walked up next to her
Me: "Excuse me..."
The sidewalk was narrow and she shifted to one side, she thought I wanted to walk past her. But I turned my head around looking at her out of the corner of my eye.
Me: " Hi I just saw you around the corner....and you have... an amazing sense of style!"
I said this with slow and low voice while maintaining solid eye contact and sexy smile. (sometimes I looked down checking out a girl's body when I deliver my opener but not this time!)
We both smiled at each other for a second then she started laughing, which was cute.
Me: "I'm Smith" extending my hand
Her: " "I'm Abby"
I paused for a second and maintain the eye contact and the smile. You know that look when someone's attracted to you - their pupils dilating..etc She had that look.
Me: "So what are you up to today?" Still speaking slow and sexy
Her: "just going to the library to do some study....U?"
Me: "just heading to the gym"

We started walking.
Her: "Sorry what's your name again?"
Me: "Oh you forgot already!" with my mouth wide open acting incredulous
Her:" haha yea I'm pretty bad with names"
Shit I also forgot her name too lol
Me: "okay I forgot your name too...so I guess we're even ;)"
Her: "haha I'm abby"
Me: "I'm smith... so what are you studying?"
Her: "neuroscience and psychology"
Me: "wow interesting mix...I used to study neuroscience as well"
Her: "what do you study?"
Me: "oh it's nothing special... not as interesting as yours"
Her: "haha I'm sure it's something"
Me: "okay it's dentistry"
Her: "hey! that's pretty hard to get in"
I deep dive a little and she told me she might do medicine later on. The library was only one minute away but that was enough.
through out the interaction, I continued to be in the moment and not be bothered about what to say next and what this could lead to.
As we approached the library.
Me: "So you got the brain and you're cute...lets hang out sometime"
Her: "Oh but I already have a bf"
I looked to the side and smiled like I've heard this a thousand times (which I probably have)
Me: "oh crap... maybe I should've started with are you single"
Her: "haha but honestly though...you made my day =) Where do you live?"
Me: "just around here" point to a vague area
Her: "well yea we'll see each other around"
We said our goodbye.

Even though I didn't get her number, but this was the smoothest interaction I've had for the past week and I did this while it's raining. So overall it was a good experience. don't let your limiting belief stop you. and voice have a huge impact on your game. It doesn't really matter what you say.
Any feedback is welcomed.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Really smooth interaction for a bad weather environment. It can be hard to hear people when your head is underneath an umbrella and the rain pattering down.

Me: "So you got the brain and you're cute...lets hang out sometime"


Her: "haha but honestly though...you made my day =) Where do you live?"

I think that by asking a question, she wanted the conversation to go on - maybe to shittest you or wanted more compliments :p

I've used a chase frame like: "Oh... you don't seem to be in a rush. Are you using me for compliments?"

That's great she didn't try to leave you after revealing she had a boyfriend! Sounds like she found you appealing. I hate these moments where I look back and say, "What if I had persisted more?"

Lately with the BF response, I've been using a tactic of screening her relationship status and using the yes latter. For screening, I could ask:

-Are you two living together? - If yes she might be bored of the guy.

Then for the ladder:

-Are you glad you met me?
-Are you attracted to me?
-What's your schedule like? Lets meet up!

Overall cool FR. I'd like to try that out in the rain, but we have had a dry climate in CA!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 14, 2013
I hate these moments where I look back and say, "What if I had persisted more?"

Yea it was a surprise she didn't walk away right after the bf objection. Now i thought about it, I could've left with a parting shot and exchanged numbers.

Overall cool FR. I'd like to try that out in the rain, but we have had a dry climate in CA!

It's certainly worth a try! the weather wasn't stormy but rather a clam raining day, and it's something that seems to only happen in a movie. so it felt kinda romantic. Although I would still prefer sunny weather though!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers