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FR  Change of Pace


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
This was a change of pace/ out of my comfort zone move because I normally don't do dinner dates, or really any dates in general. Its simply too easy to pick up a girl on the weekend. But I knew it wouldn't work with this girl. She struck me as very conservative, and I don't think she is experienced with guys. She doesn't usually go out, doesn't drink, and goes home one weekends. I really wasn't sure if I wanted her as a friend or lover. But she's funny, down to earth and has a southern accent (which I can't resist), so I gave it a shot. I met her earlier in the year, but didn't get her number. I saw her a couple weeks ago and got it and texted her about meeting up for dinner. The texting went well, I didn't go with anything elaborate, just bare bones stuff to set up a date.

I got there and she seemed excited so I thought it'd go well. I was able to build rapport early and find some similarities, but I was talking a lot more than she was. She finished her food way before I did, and didn't seem as interested when I was finishing mine. We had a lot of good things to talk about, but they were all platonic. I had trouble even finding a way to get a sexual frame, but I did use looks and nonverbal. She had seemed interest sometimes, but it was hard to tell because of the conversation. She told me that we should go running sometime, and I didn't know if this was a friendly thing or an interest thing. She did tease me that I'd have to keep up with her and I teased back, but that's about it. I walked her back to her room and we kind of hugged, but I didn't feel a good vibe about going for it.

I think most of the problem came from not setting the correct frame. I'm inexperienced at day game and it shows.I have a hard time getting up the courage to flirt when I'm not in a situation where I'm used to pickup. It was good to have a new experience, but for now I'll stick to night game until I get better at day game. Night game for me is easier because everyone there has a purpose.

In fact, I met a girl after who had texted me about p late at night a couple weekends ago (booty call) and invited her to a party this weekend. Back to what's natural ;)

At the least I got a new running buddy, got an abundance mentality in my head, and I was really just going to feel things out.

Things to work on:

1. Setting sexual frame, it seems like this is a must for day game

2. Not talking about myself. This is my new focus because this happened in the last FR too.

3. Dealing with conservative girls. I dated a girl who was conservative, but it seemed like she liked me from the start and it was easy. Over time, inexperienced girls get boring and I tend to break up with them. But it'd still be nice to see where things go and I'm not ruling out all conservative girls.

And she just texted me about going on a run. I'll put what happens there up after, while working on fixing the points I messed up on. Not sure what to make of it, but I'm guessing this is another escalation window.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake