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Chase/Franco Field Report example?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
After looking though most of the field reports and learning tons from them, I was wondering if maybe Chase or Franco could put one up (or one that they had recorded earlier). I learn a lot from these, and I'd love to see one that you guys have done.

(If this is in the wrong board topic I apologize, I honestly wasn't sure where to put it!)


Mar 16, 2013
I second that last post, as many people learn best by example. It would also be interesting to have a video section of people at work.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
I third this suggestion.

In the meantime, Manwhore posts tons of FR's online. That guy is top notch. You can find some on RSDnation forums or his site manwhore.org


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
I think it's a bit of a private matter for them. A lot of members here including me don't write about our reports mainly because some of us don't kiss and tell.

I'd love to read a report from Chase or Franco as well, but It would make sense if they wouldn't want to expose the women they had sex with.

Think about it this way; would you like it if someone had sex with your family members and posted pictures of it online or made detailed reports on how they got them. Not a nice thought, unless if you had her consent for it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Altimeter said:
I think it's a bit of a private matter for them. A lot of members here including me don't write about our reports mainly because some of us don't kiss and tell.

I'd love to read a report from Chase or Franco as well, but It would make sense if they wouldn't want to expose the women they had sex with.

Think about it this way; would you like it if someone had sex with your family members and posted pictures of it online or made detailed reports on how they got them. Not a nice thought, unless if you had her consent for it.

Not even a legit argument. We aren't asking for names, pictures or locational details. Specifics to the process are what help us share and understand reference points.

Don't worry guys I don't mind telling my FR's. I'll try to showcase technical aspects.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
cccrunner said:
After looking though most of the field reports and learning tons from them, I was wondering if maybe Chase or Franco could put one up (or one that they had recorded earlier). I learn a lot from these, and I'd love to see one that you guys have done.

I would love to read some of their field reports, too. Chase has put some of his own field reports through his articles in the blog. Although it's vague, there's some excerpts he wrote in some of his older articles. It's really an inside scoop if you read his articles. Even his response to questions in the comment section in the blog, are really great. They worth reading you know.

However, I think from a business point of a view, i don't think you would want yourself to reveal, all technical aspects, of your field report, unless it's a purchase program of course. :) To me, his articles are already "wow".



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey guys,

After looking though most of the field reports and learning tons from them, I was wondering if maybe Chase or Franco could put one up (or one that they had recorded earlier). I learn a lot from these, and I'd love to see one that you guys have done.

I don't post my own Field Reports for personal reasons, but to be honest, there are a lot of good Field/Lay Reports posted by other members on the board that are as good (and some even better) than my own. I try to focus more on answering specific questions because I feel that I can be more helpful in that regard.

What I might do is "suggest" some of the better Field/Lay Reports posted by other members on the board. I've already stickied a great day-game Lay Report by charming which can be viewed here:

LR: HB8 Brunette and banana play

I'm also very busy like Chase is at the moment, but if I get some time to read through some more Field/Lay Reports (-- I tend to spend less time on that board), then I'll sticky the ones that seem to have great content and examples worth reading.

- Franco


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
At the end of "How to make girls chase", Chase writes two FR/LR's at the appendix of the book that demonstrate some of the learning material. I found them pretty interesting reads.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I have some old lay reports still floating around the Internet under my old handle on mASF, which you can probably find if you're willing to comb through the archives enough to locate them. And like PD notes, I have a couple (with plenty of notes) in the back of the eBook. Other than that though, I've had to scale these back - I used to have a few articles that were effectively lay reports on the site, but took the more recent of these down after I had some personal issues with a former friend and business partner who decided he wanted to get money out of me and that trying to blackmail me / threaten my relationships / etc. was a good way of going about that.

These days, I find it more prudent to not go into more explicit personal details for sanity's sake. It's my own fault for having unstable people around me, but those are the people you'll tend to interact with to a certain extent, especially when you start meeting more of the higher level people in PUA. You get some really emotional, vindictive prima donnas at that stage, unfortunately...



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Chase said:
These days, I find it more prudent to not go into more explicit personal details for sanity's sake. It's my own fault for having unstable people around me, but those are the people you'll tend to interact with to a certain extent, especially when you start meeting more of the higher level people in PUA. You get some really emotional, vindictive prima donnas at that stage, unfortunately...

I find this is also true in the dancing arena, that same really emotional, vindictive prima donnas who want to remain in the spotlight, and unstable when others have it as well. Everywhere, there must be some grp of people like this, i have seen this somewhat, though they often are very small groups, (not concrete evidence here). Chase, it will be like superbly cool to bring out an article on this.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Anybody else ever have an issue with being 'outed' in real-life from information posted on a board like this?

In the interest of helping other guys and learning I've been pretty open in my LR's but I'd never kiss-and-tell under my real name, simply because it's disrespectful to the woman. Whereas here it may be appropriate to talk about women as numbers and targets, in real life, I'd never sleep with someone I didn't genuinely like and have interest in. Just not my style.

Curious if anyone has had a bad experience?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Landlord said:
Anybody else ever have an issue with being 'outed' in real-life from information posted on a board like this?

In the interest of helping other guys and learning I've been pretty open in my LR's but I'd never kiss-and-tell under my real name, simply because it's disrespectful to the woman. Whereas here it may be appropriate to talk about women as numbers and targets, in real life, I'd never sleep with someone I didn't genuinely like and have interest in. Just not my style.

Curious if anyone has had a bad experience?

I wouldn't say only here. I used to write quotes that really makes you think on Facebook, because i found out a lot about women, and i was going out, and i got 'outed' by some guy friends who could not get a date to save their lifes, and at the back of me, add girls from my facebook.

Backbiting can be any form, anywhere. :)



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Landlord said:
Anybody else ever have an issue with being 'outed' in real-life from information posted on a board like this?

I've heard a few tales, but almost exclusively from guys who left their Internet browsers open and a nosy girl went through their histories and got upset.

I think in my situation it's a little bit trickier, because I'm running a website with my face on it where I'm obviously "the" guy here, and I had a nasty person in my life who had too many private details about me and was reaching for anything he could to try and hurt me. I can deal with people "outing" me if necessary - I've had girls go through my computer when I was silly enough to leave it unlocked and in the open, and had them flip out after reading GC articles saved on my hard disk - I just wanted to circle the wagons and minimize any potential messes to clean up.

As for the belligerent here, when he kept escalating threats I made it clear that a) he'd committed felony blackmail against me, which carried a several thousand-dollar fine and a several-year prison sentence, not to mention a permanent felony conviction on his criminal record, and b) if he wanted to go around slinging dirt to try and extort money out of me, I could deal with whatever dirt he had to sling, but he probably couldn't deal with the dirt *I* had on *him* to sling - his attacks would've caused a mild upset for me, but mine would've meant permanent damage to his ability to run cons and scams. Needless to say, he backed down.

There's the old saying "it's better to be loved than feared." I find that in fact you need to communicate with people in the language they respond to (and usually you can figure out what language this is by looking at the language they use - do they use love as their primary means of communication and persuasion, or fear?). Most people will respond to love, but some simply do not - some only really respond to fear. Those people you want to avoid - but when they get in your muzzle and won't leave you alone, you use fear and force to bully them back the way they're used to bullying others... it's the only thing they truly understand and respect (sadly).
