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Chase's article on why dating without sex doesn't work


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Hello all. I would like to turn your attention to an article published by Chase just recently.

https://www.girlschase.com/content/dati ... 0%99t-work

The subject is why dating without sex doesn't work in the real world. I truly enjoyed this article and I think that this is one of the best articles ever published on the site. This is because it manages to do a meta-analysis of relationships and because it manages to do so without seeming extraordinarily biased. Chase brings in evolutionary psychology, religion, and real life examples about why saying "no" to premarital sex only shoots you in the foot in the long run.

My take-aways from this article:

- People discourage certain behaviors such as "no sex before marriage" because they are insecure about their own fundamental beliefs.
- It can be hard to break free of religious and societal indoctrination. Just the fact that Chase had to do some digging in the Bible to disprove that the common religious view on premarital sex is wrong shows how deeply it is ingrained into our society without little basis whatsoever.
- Most people are not experts on things. Everyone has advice but it it often bad advice or wrong advice.
- There is no such thing as romance for the sake of romance itself, romance serves a greater purpose which is the consummation of a relationship.
- Society has never been puritanical. Premarital sex is not a new occurrence, it has always existed in the world. This just shows that the human sex drive is much stronger than any type of religious indoctrination.
- Marriage is not an end result, nor does it guarantee any type of finality.
- MOST IMPORTANT: Moving fast with girls is essential. This article shows what we have all known for ages as undeniable truth. Many women dream of getting caught up in a whirlwind romance. If a man moves slow with zero to low sexual intention, he will be seen as a weak man unfit for reproduction.

This article managed to solidify several ideas I had in my head for many years to come. I too have a similar background as Chase, going to religious-based schools all my life with the exception of my middle school. When I was around 13-14, my church had a youth camp over the summer in which we had sexual education. It focused on the dangers of premarital sex and we were shown a video of an abortion and how STDs are so prevalent in America. It made me angry looking at it because I knew that this was only one side of the story. Millions of people have premarital sex every day and they weren't struck by lightening. We were then encouraged to sign up for a "purity pledge" in which we would get purity rings. I declined and at that time my "friends" in the church and the church authorities were giving me flack about not joining in the pledge. I knew it wasn't a pledge I would keep, so I didn't do it. Within 2 years time, about 75% of those who took the pledge were having sex with impunity with boyfriends, girlfriends, or just anybody. I then knew for a fact that the human sex drive is the most powerful force we have as a species.

This article just really hit home and resonated with me and I just feel its a great justification of everything we do in the seduction community.

I encourage you all to check it out.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
I also found that article to be very helpful. I, like Chase and Rationalis, grew up in a very religious environment where abstinence was greatly emphasized. I was homeschooled my entire life except for a semester at a military school in 7th grade (I was interested in joining the millitary when I was younger. That experience cured me of that desire). Even now, I attend a very conservative Christian college which goes beyond encouraging abstinence, but actively tries to enforce it (If you are caught being sexual in any way, you have to see the school psycologist, or risk expulsion). Thus, in order to practice this stuff, I have to work around the school rules. We have those abstinence talks multiple times a semester, and I've always wanted to critique them when the setting has allowed me to, but until I read this article, I never really had the ammunition to attack the core assumptions behind the lectures, but rather would have either targeted the examples given, or the religious beliefs themselves (neither of which is an effective tactic). I'm very grateful to Chase for helping me pinpoint what I need to focus on next time this topic comes up at school.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

Chase article is very insightful, but i believe he himself would not recommend you guys to really try to break all society norms by force. Religions has come and actually maintain stability all this years. I come from a religious background too myself, school and extra classes, with relatives. More like a combo of influence to me.

Although i am not so religious today, I also understood that maybe religion has helps maintains stability and such.

I would recommend what Chase actually written in the comment side of the article. "I'd say, question your beliefs and be careful whom you listen to, but understand where the other side is coming from too, and why its beliefs have survived as long as they have. If the belief system has been successful, it must be beneficial in some way."

Read more: https://www.girlschase.com/content/datin ... z2FTgMCX6V

We want to emulate the leaders of our past, (our own religions or don't have), who influence by love, warmthness, inviting, yet firm.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Personally i've never had a relationship that hasn't started out with sex, nor do I think I ever will. It one of the few things I seem to get right. Maybe because I'm non judgemental to start off with.

What Chase seems to be saying about why seems to be spot on.