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FR  Cheesy Pick up lines


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
So i have noticed this islander girl, who is pretty but her teeth are kind of messed up. It reminds me of the smelly girl story by chase. So i figured what the hell if anything it will be a funny story.

Me: you know you owe me five bucks for stealing my coffee.
Her: something something something.... i cant understand her language.
Me: lol i'm not trying to be mean but i have no idea what you said.
Her: (smiles) broncos or seahawks?
Me: Why are you a seahawks fan?
Her: (smiles) lets make a bet
Me: ok, grinning deviously. Broncos win......(pregnant pause) i get your phone number
Her (smiles even more) and if seahawks win?
Me: You get mine (Grinning while turning to walk away) See you tomorrow.

Always wanted to say that line! lol and i got to where she thought it was cute. Win/Win
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR Cheesy Pick up lines

Well, saw her today she told me to come here i owed her my phone number. so i walked over handed it to her and smiled. You win.

She looks at me and says i don't have a phone though. knowing that she uses other peoples phones i just looked at her and said, you will find a way to get a hold of me if you really want too and walked away.

Haven't heard from her.

It was at least something fun to try, as i was on the fence about sleeping with her.
