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FR  Chick at School


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Kind of a FR in progress (hopefully) and I'll probably post updates about this.

So one day I was heading up to a local rec center to meet a friend so we could work out. On my way up there, I saw a group of girls giggling and making a scene. As I was walking by, they asked me to take a picture with them for a treasure hunt. I obliged, then I kept walking. Later, I saw a girl from behind, pretty cute looking. Let's call her Miss A. She kept looking back at me and I took it as a sort of approach invitation.

I walked up to her as she was talking with some other girls.
Me:"So what are you guys doing at the park?"
Miss A:"We're doing a treasure hunt"
Me:"Oh nice, just wondering." My AA got the better of me here and I ejected WAY too soon.

So with that out of the way, at school, I was outside waiting for a ride with a friend. Miss A then came up to me and asked me:
"Hey! Do you remember me?"
Me:"Uh, not really, did we meet?"
Miss A:"Yeah, remember at the park?"
Me:"Oh yeah! What's your name? (This is the first time I actually got her name)
Her: "Miss A"
Mess up #1 Here I made some boring conversation and she left the set first. Usually I wouldn't see this as a big deal, but! I didn't get her number, and I felt like I was in a position of chasing now.

Next week I planned to approach her again (Today) and I locked eyes with her outside of school.
She initiated a hug between us(Good?) then...
Mess up #2 I initiated boring conversation AGAIN, asking about her classes, boring stuff. She then ended the interaction AGAIN.

So I do plan on talking to her again tomorrow, hopefully pulling this number. I want to try and deep dive her and put her back in the chasing position she was in originally when she approached me. I know I'll have to move very fast because my school is PACKED this year and she's a 7-8, compared to other girls at my school.

So if any of you have advice on how to proceed if I haven't completely screwed this up, that'd be great.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2013
Hey Jake,

Good to see you're progressing now, I hope you'll get over AA soon -- I know I've been dealing with it for months now!

I can definitely relate with you on boring conversations, they're a difficult plague for sure. From what I've seen so far, it's good to ask about her likes and get her talking about something she loves. She'll basically carry the conversation for you, so all you've gotta do is relate and ask a couple of questions. Employing chase frames are also a good way to liven the conversation a bit, or teasing her in a sexual way. I had this recent conversation with a girl, and she was talking about her dream to go to France one day. At this point you know to deep dive, but I just had to add my two cents in: "Yeah, I really want to go to France next summer!" "To find a French man, I'm sure!"

You're definitely right about moving fast! I put off asking out a girl for a few days and just settled for talking to her in class a bit. To my disappointment, the day I planned to ask she turned cold on me! Luckily she didn't hate me, but I fell for the trap of auto-rejection and friendzoning unfortunately :(

Suggest a date, and do it stat! That means the very next time you see her!

Hope you'll do well, keep it up!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Thanks for the reply, Alex!

I'll definitely try something. I'm slightly worried about my reputation, but I'm not getting much pre-selection at this point anyways. I think I'll have enough being a Senior anyways.
Thanks for the advice man!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2013
No problem, Jake, we high schoolers ought to stick together right?