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Chick gives clear signs but keeps her distance?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Hi guys, I went out last night with my wing woman Miss Tall. I seen these two girls on the dancefloor, HB blue and HB black (outfit colours). I liked HB black and I discovered Miss Tall knew HB blue when they greeted each other.

As soon as they greet each other and start talking HB black came straight over to me and tells me how she used to see me out every week at the other place (the place closed down) and gives me a tight hug. We talk a little (I don't think I've ever seen her before) in a bit of a loose hug, my hands on her waist, her hands on me.

She runs a hand down my side and searches for my hand, grabs my hand and squeezes it so I squeeze back, we're holding hands giving a little squeeze before she says enjoy your night and then runs back to her friend.

I think it's very odd, she seemed very interested but then ejected and I was completely lost for what to do next.

Later on we end up next to each other on the dancefloor, I took the hand of HB blue and then HB black and danced with both of them. They danced with me for a bit and then grabbed each other and just danced together before leaning on the wall. HB black kept looking at me but I was lost for what to try next. They left shortly after this, the night was almost over.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 30, 2020
my man you have serious attainability issues :D looking at your last post and then this one.

I've been there before and know how frustrating it can be. But you need to realise that when a woman puts herself out there for you, to act with indifference and not match her level of investment to a degree, is to reject her.

Both of those girls tried to get with you, but you acted with indifference, and did not take lead of the situation at all.

That needs to change. When she grabs your hand and squeezes it, you don't just squeeze back as a reaction, you grab her ass and squeeze it. Let her know you want her, because she is letting you know she wants you.

Obviously don't go too far but imo that is what you need to work on. Start leading the women that show you they are 'ready' towards sex.

Just my 2 cents.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Thanks @Darius I was actually thinking this last night should I have grabbed her ass and shown sexual intent rather than just holding her waist but I thought that would have been to full on and uncalibrated.

To do it straight from the hand grab I had no time literally she squeezed my hand keeping tight hold of it so I didn't want to let go of her hand as if I didn't want to touch her and then she immediately tells me to enjoy my night and leaves. It happened in a second.

The follow up later on the dancefloor I had maybe 15 - 20 seconds before her and her friend just grabbed each other. This one was possibly a tough sell while trying to include both girls. I'm clearly not good enough to do that!

Is it worth approaching this girl again? Or have I fucked it and best letting her come back?
