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Chronicles of a PUA - My climb to success with women and dating.


Jun 14, 2017
Hi Everyone, my name is Trevor.

But you can call me TK or by my user name Peak.

My story started in 2011 when I first found Girls Chase at the age of 22. A this point in my life, I had never been on a date, kissed a girl, had a girlfriend and I had never had sex. I was living in a smaller town and I had been on my own since I was 16. The reason I include the bit about being on my own since I was 16 was because my life up to the age of 21 -22 was purely about survival, I did not have time for anything else and that included women and dating. But at this age I started to stabilize a little on that front and I started wondering why I had zero success with the opposite sex up to this point. I didn't even know what to say to a girl or why they didn't just seem to come into my life at all. I was desperate.

The breaking point was when a girl I worked with found out I had a crush on her and laughed in my face about it, as I was a pretty awkward fellow at this time in my life. That night, I collapsed on my broken futon that sank in the middle (best I could do at that point) and cried in utter anguish. "HOW AND WHY!?" I despaired. But then something occurred to me in my sorrow. "What if, what if someone else discovered the seemingly endless shroud of mystery surrounding the attraction of the opposite sex" I thought. I furiously rushed to my computer. I typed in "what attracts women to men?" and started scrolling through the results. As I was browsing the results, I came across a website called "Girls Chase." "Ha! As if it could be that easy." I thought. I started browsing the site. "Okay, let's see how you can make 'girls chase'." I thought smugly. But then after reading a few articles on super basic stuff like How women show attraction, how to get a girls number, and how to handle rejection. It all seemed to make logical sense and it was somewhat solid well written material. "Could this stuff really be ... TRUE?" I thought skeptically. After discovering the site that night I was intrigued. "If this stuff really is real material on dating, is getting girls chasing you an actual possibility? And if so could I learn the secrets?." I started reading more and more articles till I was hooked. I felt like I was learning at a million miles per hour with each successive article. I was onto something, maybe even something LIFE CHANGING. But I was also intimidated at the sheer volume of seemingly endless archives of material on the subject. "Is learning how to be attractive to women THIS COMPLEX." The intimidation on the subject started to fade more every day as it seemed like I was absorbing more and more positive information on the subject. I felt like maybe, just MAYBE this might be the ticket. And it was. But learning was only half the battle. I needed to start DOING something. I moved to the city in a couple months and I decided in order to find out if the things I had learned are true, I had to START APPROACHING.

Fast forward 6 months. My first approach was actually also my first date, kiss, and lay. I got terribly lucky. But that's the power of CHANCE in pickup that I would later discover was a key element. After a somewhat large overhaul of my style, sexiness, and armed with my newfound tools of knowledge, I approached for the first time. She was recently hired on as a clerk at the grocery store I was working at and she had a fit body, but her face was less then attractive. It took me 6 days to build up the courage to approach her and ask her out. When I finally did, I expected the worst, but she actually happily agreed to go on a date with me and we exchanged numbers in the process. I was stunned. My heart skipped a beat. "THIS STUFF ACTUALLY WORKED." I thought. I could not believe a girl actually agreed to go on a date with ME. I had the pickup skills of a 14 year old boy at 22 and I just got an ACTUAL DATE. I was thrilled, in fact, after this victory I became OBSESSED. I started reading 10 articles a day after that. I even stayed up late nights reading. I now had proof that THIS STUFF WORKS and I COULD NOT GET ENOUGH. We agreed to meet a week later for the date. The date went so well for me because SHE ended up doing most of the heavy lifting. She even was the one to suggest that we go back to MY PLACE after the date. I think it's important to note at this point that I later realized that the date was mostly on auto pilot because she was 30 and desperate. Although at that point, I was just happy to have any girl give me any attention other than a hand in the face. Once we got back to my place I became increasingly nervous. "What if she finds out I don't know how to have sex?!" I thought. But I did not falter, I faked not being nervous and just went blindly into the interaction. After all, YOU CAN'T LEARN WHAT YOU DON'T TRY. We sat on the couch after I offered her some water. I stared at her blankly. I had no idea what to do. She leaned out and kissed me realizing I was somewhat stunned. I pulled her into me and just like that, my first kiss with a girl. After kissing for about 10 minutes. She took off her shirt, and unbuttoned my pants. I was frozen, and I just laid back and let her do all the work. She took off her pants and then I took off mine. We moved to my room and she pushed me on the bed. She then proceeded to ride me or my first lay. After she finished herself while riding me, she went into the kitchen for some water and I laid there stunned. "Did I just have sex that easily?" I pondered. Yes I had. It all just seemed like a blur, but then there she was now laying next to me giving me googly eyes like I was Brad Pitt. We held each other and I was still shocked. ALL THIS because I approached a girl and asked her on a date. It felt like winning the confidence lottery. I was finally at peace with my own masculinity for once, but this feeling would not last. I needed more of this. I needed to LEARN MORE. DO MORE. Me and this girl continued to sleep together for about 3 months but then she cut me loose after she had her fill. After all, I was REALLY bad with girls at this point still and she just needed a sexual release.

Fast forward 6 more months. At this point in time, approximately 1 year and 5 months after I had my breaking point, everything was improving. I was growing in skill at a phenomenal rate. I had slept with 6 more women in those last 6 months from a mix of pickup in dive bars and online dating and maybe only one of them was not overweight or older and desperate (I targeted these types of girls because actual good looking girls still intimidated me at this point and these types of girls were more willing to play ball to enhance my learning.) At this point though, I hit a BIG ROADBLOCK with a very specific girl. The thing about this girl was that she wasn't terribly bad looking, and she had a decent personality, which was a huge upgrade to my typical lay at that time. I met this girl at a bar. She approached me just as I was in proximity trying to approach her. She asked me to sit with her friends and I agreed. We sat down and I started chatting with her. We talked for about 15 minutes and I realized I actually had to go meet someone somewhere. I excused myself and we swapped numbers. Three days later we went on our first date. It was a pretty basic date through and through, the difference is unlike my first lay, I had a few more dates under my belt and I was able to build a rickety enough process all the way to endgame, SLEEPING WITH HER. Although, I was highly unseasoned in almost every field still, I managed to get her back to my place. I took her on the one minute tour and she immediately before sitting down or doing much of anything suggested we NOW go back to her place to watch a movie. I agreed reluctantly. I was afraid it would mess things up if I didn't. We drove BACK to her place and she put on a flick. I was nervous, this girl was actually attractive to me for more then just practice. After about 30 minutes she yawned and exclaimed she was tired. I told her "well, let's go lay down then" and followed her to her room. There I kissed her and escalated. All her clothes came off surprisingly easy maybe after about 20 minutes. EXCEPT ONE GARMENT. It took me 40 MORE minutes just to get her panties off because of her resistance. But when I finally did, it was on. I was having sex with a girl on the first date that I actually was kind of attracted to both physically and mentally. THIS WAS WHAT KILLED MY PROGRESS. After we had sex that night we became enthralled with each other (I actually did have sex with one more woman during this time because I still had some leads) But after that one girl, me and my new girl had sex almost 10 times a week for 3 months and were obsessed with each other. AND THEN WE STARTED DATING.

FAST FORWARD 4 YEARS. My first long term relationship eventually fell apart, I only ever had jumped on Girls Chase maybe once every 3 months and it was to read articles about salvaging relationships and bettering them. I was now standing there, alone. back where I once was so many years ago wondering what's next? But this time I knew where to look ... Girls Chase. I had only that 1.5 years of experience under my belt of the pickup I did 4 years ago, a little bit more wisdom from maturing as a man, and the few tips my girlfriend pointed out about how to improve my attractiveness while we were dating (which wasn't much).

3 months later, I slowly got over my heartbreak. After that I decided it was time. Time to rejoin the ranks of pickup and salvage my old dreams of sleeping with very attractive women whenever I chose. I later realized I had settled for the first decent thing I found and because of this, was maybe even somewhat worse collectively then I used to be. I would NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN THIS TIME. THIS TIME WAS DIFFERENT. So here I am NOW, I'm 29 AND I'M READY TO MAKE THE REAL COMMITMENT. I've got he HEART and I've LEARNED some lessons. LET'S DO THIS GENTLEMEN. This is my story of my climb to success with women and dating. It started 7 years ago and this time, I'M GOING TO FINISH IT.


Jun 14, 2017
Alright, so that's my story, now on to the good stuff. I will, starting today, chronicle all of my interactions with women in this forum under FIELD REPORTS. At this current juncture in my routine I am going out every Friday night, Saturday night, and every Sunday during the evenings to Bars and Clubs and am approaching girls at random during the week whenever the opportunity arises. The way I kind of imagine I will have it set up is I will always post a summary of all my random encounters during the week, and then follow that up with what I call "Prime Time," which is that 3 day block where I hit the streets every day during the weekend.

In order to give a better visual perspective of my journey, I also wanted to break down what I feel are my current STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES. This will also give a more relatable experience to anyone who feels they are within that same skill level and are wanting to follow along.

Since there is a substantial amount of skills you can master regarding pick up and dating, I will keep this list pretty basic.

-I have a pretty good style and probably an even better SENSE of style. This get's a lot of girls checking me out and giving me a considerable amount of approach invitations.
-I learned how to get A SYSTEM down pretty quick. To me it's not usually hard to implement my system and I'm getting almost predictable results from it every time as long as I'm not slipping somewhere else.
-My approach anxiety is just about non-existent at this point.
-I for some reason still practiced elite eye contact, having a sexy voice, and having a sexy smile the entire time I was in my relationship am now very good at these things.
-I come across in a very non judgmental way that makes women open up very easily.
-I picked up Deep Diving like a natural, unfortunately though, I struggle heavily with almost all the other types of conversation (more on this below)
-I have a moderately good sexual and dominant aura

-I struggle heavily with opening naturally, repartee, rapport, banter, wit, flirting, and being playful.(my actual verbal social skills need a total overhaul)
-I lose focus on coming off sexy and get too friendly sometimes socially
-my facial expressions when in conversation are erratic and reveal my true inexperienced nature once I start talking
-I'm inexperienced in creating sexual tension past the point of the initial tension from the approach itself
-I start to crack around extremely PHYSICALLY attractive women and still get nervous talking to them
-I start to crack around extremely SOCIALLY attractive women and start to spill my beans
-I still struggle feeling defeated sometimes with a LACK OF RESULTS.

SUMMARY: What this all boils down to is that I get a lot of women checking me out and reacting VERY warmly initially thinking that I'm a stud because I APPEAR that way. Then my true inexperience comes out in the actual interaction (ESPECIALLY socially), and they run for the hills or go totally cold or aloof in sometimes mere minutes after meeting. This happens over and over and over again. I just don't have the mental agility or experience to keep up in conversation and keep women interested sexually or otherwise.


Jun 14, 2017
I'm going to skip last Sundays date for now and probably come back to it next week as this is kind of a busy weekend and where normally I'm able to go out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I could only go out last night. I'm just going to summarize here as I was basically blown out.

I was going hard. Hard as I could to make up for 2 less days this weekend. I must have approached 25 women, mostly by dance floor seduction as I was in the more clubby area of town. So probably like 15 with straight nonverbals and 10 with cold approach. I was basically either waved off or the interaction didn't get past 5 second with about 22 of them. The most frustrating part of this is I feel like because the interactions were almost non-existent I didn't LEARN ANYTHING. One of the first nights I had ever felt this way. Maybe the lesson was that CHANCE wasn't in my favor? Maybe it means that I somehow gave off a weird vibe or am worse at this then I realized? I even got short interactions from random dudes I talked to. I felt plagued. Either way, I felt like I couldn't progress in my skills. I know that my social skills are pretty terrible. I've never really had anyone in my life that has been extra friendly or wanting to talk to me or invest in me too much. I may consider seeking a social coach or PUA coach just to get me some solid groundwork in this area. I think if I could find one to just train me on basic social skills, it would be gangbusters for my progress. I guess for like the past 3 months it has just felt like I have progressed with physical things like a sexy walk, voice tone, and building muscle. But with my Social skills, it feels like I CANT EVEN REACH THE FIRST RUNGS OF THE LADDER and therefore CANNOT PROGRESS. Any feedback would be appreciated on how to get past this sticking point.

One last thing...if there was a way I could streamline the learning process on talking to people in a more natural fluid and engaging way through practice. I feel like my success would skyrocket, although I'm not sure just talking TO MORE PEOPLE is going to fix it at this point. I'm 29 now after all. Like I mentioned earlier, I think I need someone to coach me because I'm not identifying why I'M AWKWARD.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers