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FR  Church Girl Challenge --??


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 18, 2014
I know church girls can be indifferent and highly resistant to the process so I expect resistance.

I meet this blonde at church she's cute and very talkative and I can tell she likes me. So I ask for her number she's hesistant but eventually gives it to me.

I text her and say we should grab a cup of coffee this week

and she says

"I shouldn't have gave you my number.. I think we should just talk at church I'm sorry"

I try to use chase frame and to, continue to push for a meet up she cease to comply.

2 weeks I miss church due to a trip to chicago, I ask her to grab notes for she agrees with a smiley face.( not like I take notes any way lol trying to get her to invest)
Any way I text her about the notes no response
She usually greets me with a pretty sexual hug or at least that what I turn it into.

So today I sat next too a few pretty girls to try to ramp up some jealousy.
(I finally got my fundementals down girls literally go nuts Around me do anything to touch me literally like every girl i see sexual eye contact)

After Church I go to say goodbye and she's talking to 2 people .. I break the circle its her mom and her sister who I never met before. So i say i wonder how long it will take me to be accepted by them (DMC) Her sister lights up when she sees me and ask about my cupcake in my hand I direct her too where they are .... she and her sister leave I chat up her mom I really didn't kno what to say her I keep it light. Should I have deep dive in this ocassion ?

Long story short they leave I try to hug her when I leave she says she doesn't do hugs and says handshake I say no..irl .....I
Any type of suggestions ?


I feel like I'm chasing

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Re: F.R Church Girl Challenge --??

solidfundumentals said:
After Church I go to say goodbye and she's talking to 2 people .. I break the circle its her mom and her sister who I never met before. So i say i wonder how long it will take me to be accepted by them (DMC) Her sister lights up when she sees me and ask about my cupcake in my hand I direct her too where they are .... she and her sister leave I chat up her mom I really didn't kno what to say her I keep it light. Should I have deep dive in this ocassion ?

Getting maternal support with a super religious girl is a great idea...

But I would definitely next this girl. Unless you can ensure she won't drain too much attention and will just be a slow long-term project, then I think it's worth letting this girl be sexually awakened by someone else who will invest the months that it will take to lower her walls. My only solution is to meet her at a party and talk to her when she's drunk to awaken her true desires, but I doubt she parties.
solidfundamentals said:
Long story short they leave I try to hug her when I leave she says she doesn't do hugs and says handshake I say no..irl .....I
Any type of suggestions ?


I feel like I'm chasing

I don't know, man, this sounds like more work than it's worth. Unless she just didn't hug you to save face in a church setting, then her lack of physical intimacy is a terrible sign.

I say pursue greener pastures.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 18, 2014
Re: F.R Church Girl Challenge --??

First off thanks for the feedback, I plan to chase green pastures after I next this girl for her sister jk