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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
So I got a number last Saturday night from a girl I'm pretty sure goes to church, meaning she's religious.

I didn't get a chance to deep dive too much with her as she was with her sister and I had three other friends with me. But I did start the initial conversation and got her number.

I'm wondering if religious girls are worth the effort or better to stay away. Thoughts?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Being from and currently living in the south, I can tell you right now it doesn't matter.

Many people (not all) are "conservative" religious (as in, no sex) because of their social circle (don't want to be an "outcast" -- different from their friends -- or be labeled a "slut"), have never had someone test them sexually because most people just think "no reason trying," or a variety of other reasons.

The most important thing is to be a Secret Lover. You don't want to mingle with her friends too much, and you don't want her to mingle with your friends too much -- in fact, not at all if you can. When you "friend mingle," the more she worries about her friends knowing and getting called a "slut" or you telling your friends about an "awesome lay" and that potentially spreading.

Note: If you have sex and form a relationship, then of course you can mingle friends. It's just bad initially, depending on what you desire.

Also, this goes in line with the above, but try to only do one-on-one meet ups and make her know you're a gentlemen. By a gentlemen, I mean that you don't brag to your friends about girls -- that you don't "kiss and tell." That you are a little private and reserved about what happens in your life.

In high school, my best friend dated a girl for a year. She was very conservative, and the only thing she allowed was making out after him persisting relentlessly. She broke up with him, and afterwards, I found out that she gave a popular guy from our school a titjob just weeks after the breakup. To this day, I never told my best friend. He's married now, so I don't see any reason to anyway.

However, after saying all this, some girls are conservative. You will need to meet her in person though to truly find out.

I say go for it! Good luck man.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012

Yeah that makes total sense. I'm thinking I should pick her up at her place then instead of meeting her at the bar, that's gentlemanly right?!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Cam87 said:

Yeah that makes total sense. I'm thinking I should pick her up at her place then instead of meeting her at the bar, that's gentlemanly right?!

Well, if you read GC blogs, then that goes against the law of least effort -- if it's out of your way.

What I meant by being a gentlemen is that in conversation you want to come off as a guy that doesn't just lay women left and right and brag to their friends, neighbors, etc. about it.

Personally, I think it's fine to pick up a girl because then you know for a fact that you'll be going back to her place that night. However, Chase or Franco may disagree; I can't remember reading anything on this.

You want to be the "bad boy" gentlemen, if that makes any sense ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Yeah that is the dilemma and totally know what you meant about being a gentleman in conversation. Might make sense to pick her up since it's not out of the way. Then I get to check her place out for a second and might have something to comment on later to go back with her.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hi Cam,

If you just met this girl, it will definitely be a bit forward of you to ask if you can pick her up. Most girls need to know that they have the option of leaving at any point during the date if they feel like things are going awry. If you offer to pick her up, she might just go cold on you out of fearing what your motives might be (even if you know your own intention is to be a gentlemen)!

I would always recommend just offering to meet her there. The only real exception to this rule is if you've known her (or maybe her friends) for a lengthy period of time.

Just some insight.

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Totally makes sense and I'll probably do that from now on.

I actually already offered to pick her up yesterday though... And she was onboard. Feels like a good sign.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Cam,

That's a good sign! Make sure you move things forward quickly and capitalize on the situation. If the logistics of her place won't seem to work (i.e. her parents are home), then don't hesitate to escalate in your car after the date. I'm a big fan of this method now. ;)

Good luck!

- Franco