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Closing deal on 2nd date after first ended with LMR?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2020
(first two paragraphs are backstory and can be skipped)
I met this girl at a party around 4th of July weekend, unfortunately was not able to pull her that night as her friend she came with got too drunk and ended up passing out...

She seemed pretty into me so I got her number and invited her to a party the next day (usually not a good idea ik, but I knew she was leaving the following day for a week so figured it was better than nothing), she declined in a friendly day and texted me a few times while she was away (asking for restaurant/bar recs since I used to live in the city she was visiting and talking about her time in the city).

This monday I got her to hang, and we went for a walk in the park then back to my place. I showed her my room and we started making out a bit on my bed, but before I even attempted to escalate (actually I think I was taking off her shirt) she stopped me and started basically saying she didn't needed to get to know me better yadda yadda yadda. I persisted a bit but seeing that it wasn't going anywhere we went to the main room and snuggled and watched a show. I was planning on trying again afterward, but before I could even try, she started talking, wanting to give an explanation of why she wasn't going to hook up (I could tell she felt kind of bad) which wasn't really coherent. I definitely could have handled it better (afterwards I read Hectors LMR article which had concepts that would've helped a bunch and I plan on using in future).

We texted a bit on saturday (minimal texting) and she called me later that night asking me to go to a concert with her, which I politely declined as I had an old friend in town visiting. I did ask her schedule and planned a date for tomorrow (monday) night.

My dilemma now is that I'm not sure how to run the date to close the deal. Do I just treat things as a first date and try to do a better job with LMR and setting a sexual frame? Should I try to make the date somewhere I can escalate in public? Any advice would be appreciated.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
if you already met her in public the first time and she came over to your place, she should come straight to your place the second time. no more dating. you need to be dick in pussy oriented. Now, there are exceptions, but usually if i set the second meet at my place and she objects i tell her "Look, we already met in public and got comfortable with eachother, so i would like to be with you where we can sit and relax and talk deeper about things and get to know eachother on a deeper level". She would love for you to just go on another pussy date where you can have meaningless chatter, fuck that, you need to be in a place where you can get her wet and stick it inside her. Here's how i handled a girl like this after the first date:

Her: Hey, there's a hole in my schedule and i can meet tomorrow afternoon. If the weather is nice, then perhaps we can rent a pedalo :)rolleyes: XD)in the park
Me: Are you doing something on friday or?
Me: Would prefer just to be at your or my place and chill
Her: Going to CPH saturday very early
Her: So it's in order for it to not be too late
Me: Hmm how early?
Her: How early i travel on saturday?
Me: Yes
Her: Leaving home a little before 7 am
Her: Regardless, i would prefer doing something active. But otherwise perhaps we can see eachother next week
Me: Ahh shouldnt be a problem
Me: I can pick you up at 5 pm and we can go for a quick walk around (my area/place) and then have dinner at mine
Her: Hello Phoenix i think it is too early to go home to eachother. Let us meet eachother some time out and see what happens from there. What do you say about that?
Me: Ah okay, i understand what you are saying, on the other hand we met in public before and got a feel for eachother and you got to see where i live, so i don't think there should be anything uncomfortable about chilling at at mine/yours :) If you cannot do tomorrow, perhaps we can take a look at it next week.
Her: Okay, i can see that we probably don't share the same view, but we can look at it again after the weekend

She ended up bringing tea over to my place next week :)
You must think of it as... picking up where you picked off. With girls. If you take her on a date, go to your place, make out, failed escalation... Then you have to pick up where you left off, which is at a seduction location. You might wanna step off... a bit. Like not instantly going for the kill again, because you will need to set some sexual frames first and make her horny. But you don't wanna start off all the way back at the first date. Nono.

It's like a video game. When you die in a boss fight, you load the save file before the boss fight and try again. You don't load the first save file from the start of the game :)
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2020
Thank you @Phoenix, this is a super helpful and specific. Really loved the text examples and how you handled that situation. Looking forward to trying it out!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take