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OR  club, an almost fight, & my new favorite club "line"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
I list this as an OR because I didn't go out with the intention of picking up a woman (as I have a pseudo- thing going on with a girl, so I had no intention of getting a girl's number). However, I did approach a lot of women and talk with them, and I almost got into a fight. And because of this, I'm not drinking alcohol for many months haha.

Prior to the club, my 2 friends and I went to a brewery (most breweries have bars and acoustic music on Fridays). We pretty much pre-gamed here, even though we didn't really plan it and weren't really planning on going to a club this night either.

First interaction, I went over to play skee ball (free). Me and this girl (not interested) were playing next to each other. An attractive woman opened up the girl next to me because she was playing so well. The girl playing didn't really respond, so I took the opportunity and commented on how I had taught her jokingly. I got into some deep-diving about what she was doing in her life (graduate now attending medical school). She was attractive, but with the beer in my system, I just didn't feel like I could match her level of intelligence to keep her entertained.

Last interaction here, I asked one of my friends who the most attractive woman was in the brewery. He picked out a girl, but said that she had bad posture. He was pretty toasty, so he went over there and literally said, "You know that you'd be the most attractive girl in this room if you held back your shoulders." Facepalm. For some reason, this worked, and they invited me and my friend over. It was 2 girls and a guy. The non-approached girl was married to the guy, but I deep dived them anyway. Ultimately, the girls were just boring. I got bored and conversation was dying, so I asked about religion (they were all Catholic) and asked, "Have you ever questioned your religion?" Facepalm on me haha. Later, my friends and I laughed about it. Of course, they just said "no"... ah, just so boring...

We left and went to a club (haven't been to a club in forever). My one friend kept buying us Vegas bombs, just crazy. And, I pretty much found the easiest opener in the world in a club where everyone is touching (place was packed). I would just say, "Hey, if you're going to touch me like that, at least ask for my name!" I pretty much just kept playing off that idea the entire night with different variations, or I'd say it about my friend, "Hey, he's not just a piece of manmeat! Do your rub every hot guy's butt like that?" Surprisingly, I never got a cold, harsh rejection, which is common in clubs in my experience, and I opened a lot of women with it.

Some interactions:

1.) 2 girls & 1 guy. Both girls were sisters and singing major graduates, and one knew Russian, so it was easy to bring my Russian friend over into the conversation and get the 3 of us conversing with the 3 of them. Again, 1 girl & 1 guy were married, but I had created conversation so well (going into everything about music, which I find really easy), near the end of the night, the married girl dragged me over to her sister and said that we'd be a perfect match. Her sister was dating some long-distance guy in Nevada and kept refusing, but the sister kept persisting and insisting that we date. Haha. I put my arm around her and asked about her long-distance boyfriend a bit, and then I gracefully said good luck and left. Again, I didn't go out for the intention of being with a woman.

2.) I opened up 2 girls with tacky xmas shirts on. I asked them if they were waiting for Santa or something lame like that. They were both law graduates. We talked for a while. I asked them why law (do you love puzzles?). Somehow we got on the subject of scary movies and the Shining. The conversation was natural and just kept spiraling in odd places. I could tell that the blonde was really into me. I forgot to get my friends into the conversation (not a good wingman). Near the end of the night, I saw the blonde at the bar, and she was really animated with me and holding eye contact with me.

3.) A drunk guy approached me and said that we should get women together. A little strange. Anyway, I said that was fine, and we approached a table of 3 girls. Man, this just went terribly. He asked some terrible questions, like "Why are you here?", and created some awkward pauses. I knew this was going to be a FU, so I talked to the girl closest to me and just said, "Do you know where I can find a club? I'm looking for a club." She laughed and was enjoying it, but then the guy butted in and was like, "God, that was terrible. What is wrong with you?" I pretty much said "nice to meet you" and left at this point haha. There was no saving this.

4.) There was a girl exposing her cleavage in a Santa outfit. I went over and said some lame xmas joke again. I think I just walked up and was like, "This is what I would like for Christmas" and listed off some stuff. She was enjoying it and laughing. She then said that her boyfriend was around somewhere, and she pointed him out. He was also wearing a Santa outfit and was just going crazy talking to everyone. I talked with her a little bit more and then left.

Almost a Fight
At some point in the night, at the bar while waiting for a drink, I had opened some married girl with just a direct opener on her looks. She said thanks and said that she was married. We talked for a bit, and I just wished her luck on her marriage. Then I got my drink and walked away. That was it.

So at the very end of the night, I was just standing with my friends at the bar waiting for them to cash out. (This was a long time after talking with the married chick above.) This guy comes over and says that I had flirted with his wife at the bar (I assume the one above, since that's the only wife at the bar I talked with). He opens me sideways and just stays sideways (his body/face is never directly facing me, just kind of weird). I just tell him, "Yeah, I flirted with quite a few married women. Whenever I find out that a woman is married, I just walk away." He then just keeps saying it over and over, and I just keep replying, "Yeah, man. When I found out she was married, I just wished her luck and walked away." He then finally says, "Well, hey, you don't need to keep apologizing." (I had never apologized or had said "sorry.") So again, I just repeat what I said before, and now it's starting to get annoying. And he goes, "You don't need to be flirting with my wife or people's wives." I had had a lot to drink, and at this point, it is just getting stupid. So I just yell at the guy, "Look, you are one pussy ass bitch" and get pretty close to him. His voice gets a lot quieter/softer and says, "I can take you." (I think we exchanged some more harsh words; my memory is hazy here.) He's still just sideways to me, just strange. His friend comes over and pulls him out of the bar at this point. The whole thing was just pretty strange. I had never kissed or gotten the number from any married women, and I was always very polite with them and wished them luck on their marriage. No one had any reason to feel threatened. Just weird.

Anyway, I ended that night by throwing up (not in the club thankfully, but in the parking lot). I drank way, way too much. I'm going to go 100% sober for a few months :p Usually, I just drink in moderation, but when I almost get into fights with people, that's not good and a sign that I'm drinking way too much.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take