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LR  Cocky Curvy Indian


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
I woke up Saturday morning annoyed after a long night of drinking. I'd spent the previous night at a going away party for a friend and the talent amongst the guests left a lot to be desired. The only chick who passed my standards that night proved too annoying for me to want to go for anything...

But last night was just one contributor of many for my grumpy mood. Too many nights amongst friends in a growing social circle where fun, not fucking was the primary aim. And while I love my friends, I hate not going too long without being on the prowl for some fresh tail. So that morning I vowed I'd rectify things. I vowed I'd pull that very night.

At first the night was not looking so hot. Built Britt had already said he wanted to be out no later than 1 (by the time we got going it was already past midnight) and my other roommate is too much of a nice guy to be useful in field. On top of that I only knew a couple decent venues in Murray Hill and would not have gone there if the night started on time. Why the delay? My other roommate insisted we grab drinks with her new boyfriend before we go to get to know him lol. She's a doll so I agreed but was only able to leave after a few drinks. Still I was determined, and we (Built Britt, myself, and my Nice Guy roommate) press on into the first venue.

It's a three level venue with an outdoor area on the top floor, but its packed and loud. My fit for the night? Simple but clean: a gray fitted tee shirt with white speckles all over it, tobacco brown chino pants, and my trusty white slip on Vans. I don't have the most flamboyant fashion sense and could definitely improve on that area, but what I lack in flash I make up for in picking unique colors and patterns that go well together and flatter my skin tone.

Anyway, not much happened here, besides getting warmed up for me. I open a few sets but none of the fish were really biting. Nothing but these short staccato interactions. But I was getting in rhythm. Looking at the other two I could see their resolve already staring to wane though. Fuck me neither of them opened up a set the whole night now that I think about it. Still it was time so for my friends' morale, and to capitalize on my momentum, I make the call to head to the next spot.

The Girl
This place Built Britt and I scouted out a few weeks ago. It's this long narrow bar/club with a bar that runs the length of one side with good amount of seating on the other. As soon as we walk in I spot this super curvy Indian chick with KILLER hips and an ass to die for. She was wearing tight black jean that accentuated, every curve with this red top and red lipstick. For the more mammary inclined, she also sported a pair of solid D cups. One look at her and I knew she was the one I'd be fucking tonight.

She was dancing right by the bar having a little more fun than one would in that spot in this borderline tryhard look-at-me kinda way lol. But she wasn't in party mode or anything, she was just trying to have fun it just came across as a little awkward. I promptly mozied up next to her with my roommate who was getting me a drink.

Generally, I like Indian women as they're fun to get into ball-busting rapport with and this girl was no different. It was clear from the jump that she thought she was hot shit and she was testing right off the opener (paraphrasing here):

Protean: Look at you dancing all crazy. Bet that's the reason your boyfriend doesn't like taking you out too often, huh? (smirk)
HBCurvyIndian: (Laughs, turns to face me, and smirks back) Was that your weird way of asking if I had a boyfriend?

Lol, I LOVE testy girls like this and man she was a handful. After getting my drink from my friend and going back and forth for a bit I move her to a across where to the seating side and continue to talk. She explained that she was there for a birthday party and lived all the way in Long Island. Fuck... Those aren't the best logistics. But when some guy she came with crashed the set a couple times and both times she dealt with things and came back to me I knew I was in a good spot. This cat was kinda giving me dirty looks and was even telling my friends that she shouldn't be talking to me, but I think he was just a jealous orbiter. Nothin' personal kid.

But yeah the seduction was still laborious as she was constantly trying to seize the meta frame. I won't lie she surprised me with this gambit (again paraphrased):

Protean: See that's where you're wrong these days I don't even want sex anymore...
HBCurvyIndian: (Exaggerated eyebrow raise) Really now?
Protean: Oh yes. Now GOOD sex on the other hand... I'll go out for that.
HBCurvyIndian: Oh please all I have to do is go up to any guy here and do this (prompts me closer then plants this French Kiss on me) and I can have him.
Protean: (Caught a little off guard but keep my cool) Is that all you got? Please. You haven't even bought me a drink! Let alone dinner!

I think I parried that slick shit she pulled well enough and from then on she was pretty much fully sold on me. It now became a battle of getting her to allow herself to ditch her friends and come home with me.

The Pull
I read on the old mASF forums about how sometimes you ask a girl to come home with you 7 or 8 times and she says no over and over, but on the 9th ask something changes and she says yes. I can definitely attest to that. When I could tell she was ready to go I told her my place was around the corner and that we should bounce but she said she had to find her friends and she got up to leave. Had to grab her hand and tell her to stay for 5 minute, stimulate her in another way for a bit then go for the ask again. Repeat half a dozen times and I finally get her outside and she tells me she's sharing her location with a friend haha.

ALMOST lost the lay due to Lyft fucking around. First guy no showed and the second guy was like a block away and expected me to walk all the way over to him instead of just coming down to where I was at -_- Luckily, a taxi dropped someone off right where I was at and I told her let's just hop in here canceling the rideshare.

Back at my place I faced pretty much zero LMR. Just a very fun, confident woman and I felt like a king hitting that ass from the back haha. Probably won't see her again, but I'll be on the look out for girls like her in the future. They make for some very fun lays that's for sure.

1. Persistence pays. Had I not been determined to pull that night I would have missed out on this lay. Will be pushing things forward past what I think is possible a lot more from now on

2. I'm not kissing girls at clubs and bars anymore. She gave me a key insight into how girls think about that. Once they kiss you they pretty much have you in they're eyes and that can kill your Attainability.

3. Tests are really not all that hard to pass. I've never really complained about girls tests (In fact, I love 'em!) but even when I was caught off guard with this girl I was all right just as long as I stayed calm. I'm going to experiment with seeing if I can induce girls to test me since I seem to be good at passing tests if I'm in state. For me there's this jump in attraction I can see with each test I pass so that could be something fun to play with.

Critiques? Questions? Comments? Let me hear them. I'm hungry to improve.

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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake