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FR  Coffee shop approach - anxiety wall broken


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2014
Hello, young one here. I just recently joined to seek for help and after I have read few articles I thought I might give it a shot sooner or later.

So me and my best friend went out for a coffee last night and later we wanted to see a handball game. As we enter coffee shop we sat in the back part of it (mostly students and under the age of 20 sit there). We sat and talked for approx. 10 minutes when group of our age girls sat to table next to us. My buddy gave me a foot signal that one of them was looking at me. I just asked what clock and he said 2 o'clock. I looked and saw a gorgeous blonde. I gave her eye signal and smiled. Now the interesting part.

After I caught enough balls to stand up and talk to her I just thought of how hard it might be because she has 3 female friends sitting next to her and that I might get insta-cock-blocked. But why not, lets give it a shot. So as I am moving towards her my hands are shaking, I'm feeling temperature all over my face but something was telling me it will have happy end. And I sit. BAM! Approach anxiety wall beaten. Felt so good and it gave me ego boost in less than a second.

Me: "Hi!"
They: "Hello!"
Me: "Excuse me girls, you're all pretty but your friend here - I'm interested in her. So I'll just steal her for a moment if she agrees?"
Them: *all happy* "Go, go!"
*she stands up, smiles, and we move to basement of the bar, shop or whateverheck it is*
Me: "So, how come I don't know your name yet?"
Her: "Oh sorry *laughs*, I just never get approached by guys like that - I'm kinda confused."
Me: "Okay, umm, so is it positive or negative thing, miss unknown?"
Her: "Totally positive, I get good vibe from you *smiles* Monica, sorry *laughs in shy*"
Me: "My name is Dominic."
Her: "So, Dominic, what is the reason for this conversation?"
Me: "Well you attracted me with these beautiful eyes. "
Her: *smiles* "Thank you."
Me: "What makes you come here?"
Her: "My friends wanted to come, I don't like all this smoke and bad smell"
Me: "We're on the same page then. I actually prefer healthy life over smoking and drinks - true that it makes you look weird in front of today's society but ya know.."
Her: "So I guess you do gym and that kind of stuff?"
Me: "Well just running often and martial arts, thats it."
Her: "No way I do running too. Where do you run?" *here shes all happy like omgwtf this boy is awesome*
Me: "xxx xxx"
Her: "Oh thats away from my apartment."
Me: "Well I can run to your apartment it isn't problem."
Her: *smiles* "I'm sure you can" *I thought it might be a good move to move closer to her so I did*
Me. "So would your friends be mad if I exceed that moment I borrowed? " *with a smile and looking at her eyes*
Her: "Nah not really, they actually said you and your buddy were hot." *yay*
Me: "But do you think so?"
Her: "I like you, but would also like to know you better ..." *here she stops and stares into me and looks at my lips for a second so I gently come closer to her and perform a romantic kiss transition with moving backwards. two or three seconds later she tongues me. after a while we stop and shes like *cough*
Me: "What did I do wrong?"
Her: "Nothing actually, I'm amazed" *with a huge smile on her face*
Me: "So can I have your number? "
Her: "Sure"
Me: *Giving her the phone, she puts her number in..*
Me: "Well my moment passed, I'll get you back to your friends now."
Me: *kissed her and said bye*

Me and my buddy left immediately - I think it was a good move to do because she will now think of me and will be able to share the details with her buddies.
This worked but I know it could be better so I'd like to hear some advices from you guys.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hey Zalman!

Way to beat your AA and approach right off the bat. I like the way you and your friend communicate - similar to me and my best friends the way we signal each other.

She's into you from the get go it seems. She starts diving into you right away once you separate her (good move there).

What wow'd me here was the way you caught her kiss invitation. Good capitalisation here BUT if you could've maybe you should've isolated her for a lay. I'm sure your bud would've understood if they said he was hot too, he could've talked to them as well.

Hopefully you catch her while her emotions are still high. Try and text her for a meet soon and then finish off what you started... ;)

Welcome man! By the way, you said young, how old is that?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2014
Thanks for the reply!

I'm 18 actually, so is she. I got a date tomorrow night with her so I'll try to lay if I will feel comfortable doing so (maybe its just too much for beginner). This FR actually helped me get over girl I have a crush on and as I said I feel confident when passing near attractive women (even older counts).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

I'm really, really impressed how you grabbed hold of the signal your friend relayed to you, took it and ran with it for all you were worth.

HUGE kudos to you. I know I couldn't have done that when I was your age. Hell, I couldn't have done it when I was twice your age :)

Stellar job.
