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Cold Approach Beginners: Where To / Not To Mass Approach


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Every now and then I see guys who as total or relative beginners manage to get security called on themselves for mass approaching in certain types of venues. Sometimes this results in these guys being banned from these places. Often it results in a lot of shame for the guy and sometimes abandonment by him of cold approach altogether.

I have made many thousands of approaches on women, including in all these places where guys have run into trouble, and I have never had security talk to me and certainly not been banned. It's important to understand that different venues have different rules, different expectations among the people who are there, and you need to understand these and respect them.

To help out guys just starting out, let me list out some different kinds of venues and the basic rules on approaching there.


  • Spam Approach: a guy just going up approaching every girl he sees, not even worrying about how it goes or how it looks. If you're doing 7+ approaches an hour, no matter how smooth you are, you are spam approaching.

  • Mass Approach: a guy going out to do a lot of approaching. Think 6-10+ approaches in an outing. These may be spread out across 2, 3, 4 hours or more.

  • Sniper Game: strategically approaching women one-off, opportunistically. i.e., you are out and about, not really planning to approach, when you see an extremely cute girl who looks like just your type. So you wait for an opening or create one, then go in. You're not doing a bunch of approaching; you are only approaching on occasion, when an opportunity presents itself. That could be an approach invitation, a girl who looks like just your type, or who catches your eye for some other reason, or a girl who is just oozing "wants to meet a guy" somehow even if no obvious approach invitations.

  • Social Circle Game: socializing over time with the same people. Getting to know girls gradually over multiple in-person interactions. You should also be talking to guys, too, to not look like you are just an anti-social horn-dog, unless it is some kind of weird social circle where you are the only guy present (unlikely).


You should NEVER mass approach women in these venues. Sniper/opportunistic game and social circle game only.

  • Gyms. If you're chatting up more than one new girl every two gym visits, you are probably approaching too much. If you only ever chat up girls, and never guys, you are also going to start attracting the wrong kind of attention (i.e., from people who know what you are doing).

  • Pools. Sniper game only. They're not going to take kindly to some guy who hovers around every girl in a bikini in the place trying to shoot his shot. Make it just an occasional convo with a cute girl in swimwear though and you'll do fine. Think 2-3 approaches over a 2-3 hour visit, and have some buddies with you so you look like a sociable guy and not a weirdo trawling the pool for tail, and you'll be okay.

  • Small shops. Don't walk into Victoria's Secret and approach every girl looking at bras and panties. Don't walk into a tiny sporting goods store and chat up every chick looking at sports gear. Don't go to Starbucks and hit on every girl sipping on her macchiato. You will wear out your welcome very quick.

  • Social circle. Everybody knows who you are and everyone is watching. Be social, talk to new people, girls AND guys. Don't be bouncing around hounding after girl after girl having two-minute conversations and ignoring the guys. It looks really weird, and you will end up dis-invited and/or socially outcast.

  • Seated events. Movie theaters, sports stadiums, comedy shows, classes, demonstrations, etc. If people are sitting, you should not be going around up and down the aisles squeezing through the rows trying to approach random women. Only do this if you really want to get booted out by security for some reason.

You can absolutely use sniper game in any of these venues, so long as it is occasional. For gyms and small shops, I would advise keeping your approaches to no more than 1 per visit every 2 to 3 visits. The exception is if you are the really social guy who talks to everyone. If you chat up everyone, guys and girls alike, and people really like you and respond well to you, then you can be Mr. Chatty and bend or break this rule. Otherwise, use moderation.


The following places can allow some degree of mass approaching, but you need to be careful not to overdo it.

  • Malls. You might think the mall is big and spacious and no one is paying attention, but they are. Malls have mall cops who roam the halls, and they have security guards in a backroom watching cameras that cover the whole place. If you're only approaching a handful of girls every now and again, they are not going to care. If you're spam approaching, you stand a good chance of a security encounter / ban from the mall. Keep it to 3-4 approaches per hour, a couple of hours per session max, ideally no more than once every 1-1.5 weeks, and you should be fine.

  • College campuses. The epicenter of hyper-feminist "heterosexual male attention is harassment!" weirdness. If you start spam approaching here, some feminist is going to get uncomfortable and report you. Your approaches should be chill, natural, and not overly frequent. Again, like the mall, 3-4 approaches per hour, spread apart across the campus, a couple hours of approaching per week max, is about the most I would recommend. Also, if you really like college chicks, check the cafés, shopping streets, and bars just off of campus. High volume of college chicks, more relaxed atmosphere, the hyper-feminist chicks don't view it as their backyard they have to police, no campus security some triggered chick can sick on you, and it's more normal that you're there if you're not a college student, too.

  • Small bars. You can do some degree of mass approaching in a bar, but you probably should not be doing more than 3-7 approaches per hour maximum, depending on the size of the bar and how visible your approaches are to the rest of the staff and patrons there. I would recommend no more than two nights per week at any given small bar you want to mass approach at, and preferably only once a week. Also, if you plan to be there often, get there early, get to know the staff when it isn't busy, be likable and friendly, and tip well.

  • Small shopping streets. Little small shopping streets and alleys can be GREAT places to meet lone wolves out for a little shopping trip. They're slower paced, quiet, and you will have the girl's full attention. Just keep in mind the shopkeepers will be paying attention if you are there a lot and make it your usual haunt. You can also run into awkward situations if the same girls shop there regularly and you are also there regularly... always hitting on lots of girls. Good rule of thumb is 2-3 approaches per small shopping street per visit, once every two weeks or so. Find a bunch of small shopping streets and you'll be set. If you find yourself on the same street all the time, then take some time to patronize the businesses and befriend the shopkeepers, that way you are at worst "that eccentric but pleasant guy who likes to chat up the girls."

Again, you can mass approach at these places, but it needs to be in moderation. No 20 approaches/hour on the college campus like one guy recently said he did (and then got interrupted by campus security while he was having a nice conversation with girl #20). Aim to look like just a chill, relaxed, sociable guy who has a REASON for being there besides "I'm just a horn-dog just hittin' on babes", don't go buckwild approaching a new girl every 3 minutes, and you will be okay.


These are the venues you can mass approach in with relative abandon:

  • Large bars and nightclubs. It's big, it's crowded, no one's really paying much attention to you, unless you are there ALL the time and REALLY stand out.

  • Parks. There's no campus security or nanny policing of parks (generally). So go ahead, knock yourself out. Want to go approach 7 or 8 girls in an hour? You can. Just try to approach them spread out enough that they aren't all seeing you approach the others, and you're golden.

  • House parties. It's a house party. Everyone's talking to everybody else. You can approach whoever you want. Just remember to treat it like at least semi-social circle, and talk to guys too, that way the hosts don't think you're weird and ask you to leave. So long as you're talking to guys AND girls, you can do a lot of approaching.

  • Vacation resorts. Everyone's anonymous and no one knows each other. So long as you're not so egregious that you catch the eyes of the resort security, you can go around chatting various girls up without worry. Doubly so if you're also a guest.


Got an itch to approach 25 girls/hour that you just HAVE to scratch?

Want to just spam openers on girls then move on to the next girl to open?

You're in luck; there are places where you can totally spam approach to your heart's content, with little fear of running into big scary men who tell you to leave.

  • Beaches & boardwalks. Assuming a large enough and popular enough beach/boardwalk, you can walk up and down the beach/boardwalk approaching as you go and meet LOTS of girls. No one's going to care you're doing that unless you run afoul of some sort of anal-retentive lifeguard or something (highly unlikely. If so, just come back another day).

  • Major shopping streets. It's very crowded, it's full of hotties, and no one's paying attention to what you are doing at all. You can approach a dozens of girls an hour looking for a hit if you want here, and no one is likely to realize you are doing it unless you're there every day... perhaps not even then.

  • Large dance clubs. This place is so big, so loud, so dark, and so chaotic that no one has any idea what anyone else is doing. Just don't freak some girl out by feeling her up when she isn't ready for that and you'll be fine. Depending on who you ask, spam approaching may even be mandatory in a place like this, just to identify a girl who is feeling you (it's pretty hard to get her attention any other way).

  • Fairs / festivals. It's big, crowded, and anonymous, with a high turnover rate, and the low-wage employees there don't care who is talking to whom. Easy place to make loads of approaches.

And that's it.

Follow this list and you can avoid ending up in sticky/uncomfortable situations, and make your approaching with the peace of mind of knowing you aren't being the socially awkward guy at risk of getting the boot.

Instead, be the cool guy who calibrates the frequency of his approaching to the venue, and meet girls worry-free.

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Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
It's kinda funny that guys need to be told: "never spam approach in your gym". It's a great example of the old rule that some degree of AA is not a psychological flaw but natural calibration... you shouldn't even be able to spam approach in your gym. Your common sense should talk you out of that idea by giving you massive AA when you only think about doing that. 😅 But, autism rates are way up since when I learned game so I see how this has to be said.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 26, 2022
Nicely classified, what do the veterans of the board and @Chase have to say about the seasonal aspect of game? I feel I'm less productive in winters in this aspect, the day game hours end at 4 PM (in Europe). It's chilly and gloomy but maybe that's just me. Nov-Feb is like night game only season for me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Nicely classified, what do the veterans of the board and @Chase have to say about the seasonal aspect of game? I feel I'm less productive in winters in this aspect, the day game hours end at 4 PM (in Europe). It's chilly and gloomy but maybe that's just me. Nov-Feb is like night game only season for me.
I'm by now means a veteran but I'm definitely feeling a Christmas Funk over here. Since a few days before Christmas, there seem to be about 95% less attractive chicks where I live. The few cute ones I do see seem to be mostly minors, which I'm not interested in, and girls hanging out with their families and such. Hopefully this is over soon... after new year's maybe?
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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Finding a few good places to spam approach was huge for my AA honestly. As well as being able to get a basic skeleton going for conversations and openers

Brutal times though... don't miss it lol


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2023
The difference imo is free and captive environments. Direct and indirect also work better in free and captive environments respectively.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Nicely classified, what do the veterans of the board and @Chase have to say about the seasonal aspect of game? I feel I'm less productive in winters in this aspect, the day game hours end at 4 PM (in Europe). It's chilly and gloomy but maybe that's just me. Nov-Feb is like night game only season for me.
it is called boyfriend season from thanksgiving to valentines..... But there are ways aroud the "boyfriend season" there are guys to get actually get laid more exploiting women vulnerability, playing stupid and doing a mild bait and switch game ( i do this).... but yes in general harder.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Finding a few good places to spam approach was huge for my AA honestly. As well as being able to get a basic skeleton going for conversations and openers

Brutal times though... don't miss it loly
yes spam approaching is more of a stage exactly for that to get rid of aa, couple of months or to re kill aa, guys should no be spam approaching to be honest.. this by skills:

Now what does the progression look like:

1.- At the beginning you will spam approach to get rid of approach anxiety. ( a normal dude should handle this in a month)

2.-then you will continue cold approach but a bit more selective due to identifying body language trends based on experience.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Nicely classified, what do the veterans of the board and @Chase have to say about the seasonal aspect of game? I feel I'm less productive in winters in this aspect, the day game hours end at 4 PM (in Europe). It's chilly and gloomy but maybe that's just me. Nov-Feb is like night game only season for me.

In the states, Hot girl Summer ends on Memorial Day. Cuffing season unofficially starts with the beginning of school, and officially starts with the first cold day.

Two spots of whoredom during Halloween's and New Years Eve.

But Chicks want to be bundled up before Thanksgiving, and it should last until Valentine's Day.

The up cycle starts after V Day, and whorish ways return for St Patrick's Day. By the first somewhat glimpse of warm weather, heels and mini skirts return. When it comes to showing flesh, there is never a false spring.

And the cycle repeats itself. Spring and summer for frolicking, and fall and winter for hibernating. Just like the natural kingdom, in the northern hemisphere.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
To follow up - not every good looking woman is gonna be with the man of her dreams during the cool/cold months.

For my day game martyrs, they're still gonna go to work and school, and still be "open" to meeting a cool guy. I'd turn my attention less to the public squares, and more to indoor avenues - shopping areas in particular. You can't spam approach, but you can definitely snipe. And it almost always help to have a shopping bag in your hand, rather than post up scanning the herd for prey like a sociopath uncalibrated guy.

With that in mind, this is a time to flex your social circle game - but social circle game means that you're NEVER hitting on chicks that you know, but the friends of your female friends. If you're trying to bag a chick in your circle...that's more intermediate game imo. (bagging is easy, managing the social circle is 100x tougher with a lot more fall out)

So having little events - whatever sports game, hay ride, haunted house, pumpkin carving, "Friends-Giving", etc.

NYE is tonight (when I am writing this).

January is very dead generally speaking, but because it's dead - it's a good time to throw something.

February will still have plenty of singles. And it might actually be tough the week of V-day because girls get in "moods" because it's a special time and they have no guy.

On a personal, when I was really in them streets heavy - the clubs and bars are the same. You might wear a Santa Hat or an ugly sweater, but there's just less people around.

The cold weather is also a good time to work out heavy to build muscle, or if you have a lot of weight to lose - start losing weight as soon as you put the holiday fork down.

For my US salesman, Feb-April, people are getting their income tax checks, so the season will pick up....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2024
i say check out the locale. make sure theres no other pua there. i know this one park where there are lots of pua, yet theres still guys who go there to do approaches, because this park has a lot of attractive single females. needless to say, females there are super defensive, and the vast majority of guys just never get anything out of it. gym is actually a really good place, not for "hi, how are you? can i date you", but for hi the first time, and then how are you the next time, and where you from the time after that. build on something. the good thing about gyms is, you have many chances. obviously, if you say hi, and she looks disgusted, then you wont have to say how are you next time. the reason why so many men fail is because theyre trying to do everything all in 5 minutes, something that would normally take weeks to achieve. if you approach on the street, then you only get a few seconds to get it right. alot of times, even if you are slow by 5 seconds, the chance is blown. ive known men that have taken months to seduce classmates. ive also found that given the right climate, sporting events can be very good. i said given the right climate, as in if a female is smiling at you, then why not, but not blindly approaching random attractive females who don't even acknowledge you. i had a real good experience at a reds game. a cute blond female was really loving me.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Nicely classified, what do the veterans of the board and @Chase have to say about the seasonal aspect of game? I feel I'm less productive in winters in this aspect, the day game hours end at 4 PM (in Europe). It's chilly and gloomy but maybe that's just me. Nov-Feb is like night game only season for me.
Indoor malls?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 2, 2019
I got kicked out of a mall last year for approaching. It had a lot of security, and I did several approaches in really visible spots. So I can second the "have some awareness in malls" recommendation. They can feel more anonymous than they are. Was lame because it was easily the best daygame spot in that city

One city I lived in had an area that consisted of an interchange between two main public transportation lines with many major shopping streets and huge malls in a big city. I could go and spam approach all day long in that area - it was amazing


Aug 11, 2024
Yea, I'd agree with maximizing approaches at the beach. It's almost the best environment to approach, plus you get to see how in-shape (or out of shape) girls are immediately. If the approach goes bad, nobody else can hear anything and it just looks like you're chatting with a friend.


Aug 14, 2024
I am new here, so I apologize if this doesn’t belong here. If it doesn’t, could you redirect me?

I need help with a specific situation with a girl I met today at a hostel we are staying at. I broke the ice and had no issues establishing rapport. We’ve been talking for a good 20 mins before I panicked and made an excuse and left. It is only the afternoon and we said we would drink from a bottle tonight. How do I make it clear that I am interested in her as a woman and escalate things to do the deed? I feel like I can’t get through a platonic wall