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FR  College Approach


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 12, 2013
Just a usual day at college today. Got checked out by a couple girls, and approached one. I was going to make this one big Field Report, but decided to divide it.

This is the FR with the approach conversation.
My OR is here:

First Approach of the Day

Alright, so here is my approach. Granted, I don't feel it went too well, but I did it, and that's all that matters to me. There's a few moments I feel embarrassed about here, but I'm not going to hide them. I gotta stay true to the real conversation so I can get real feedback.

I saw her sitting on this couch in the hallway of my college.
I work in one of the departments at the school, but don't get phone reception in the office, so I had to step out to place a call. I saw these long, sexy legs coming out from behind a wall, so I walked past to glance at what she looked like.

Prancing Around Her
I got a drink at the water fountain, then turned back to be next to this post board thing kind of next to her, but out of her sight. I was still debating if I could approach her, but then decided "Fuck it... what do I have to lose?"

I walked down the hall past her to pretend like I was going to a teacher's office (out of her sight), then doubled back and just walked up to her and leaned up against the wall:

Me: Hey. I saw you sitting there and I just thought you were really cute. Is it ok if I talk to you? [I know... I'll go over this in a bit.]
Her: Yeah, it's cool. Thank you.
Me: I'm Tramp.
Her: I'm [name].
Me: Cool to meet you. So what are you doing inside in the dark corner all creepy-like when it's so beautiful outside?
Her: (laughs) oh well I had to do some reading, and I was gonna do it here, but then I just had to take out my smartphone.
Me: Yup, you could just forget about reading then (smile)
Her: Exactly!
Me: What are you reading, a dictionary? (gesture to the book)
Her: A giant book on accounting.
Me: So... a dictionary of accounting.
Her: (laughs) yup!
Me: Why accounting, exactly?
Her: Well, I just love accounting.
Me: Uh huh... so why accounting exactly?
Her: I just like it. I like math.
Me: Oh cool. Well, if you genuinely like it, I can't rip on it. Not gonna lie, I usually rip on that profession, it just seems like not a lot of people genuinely enjoy it. But if you do, I'll just scrap that whole list of bullshit.
Her: (laughs) Thanks! What are you studying?
Me: Artsy Communications stuff. [my voice got kind of muffled here, I didn't enunciate properly]
Her: Sorry, what?
Me: Graphic design, web design, and other stuff. Communications degree.
Her: Oh cool. What do you plan on doing with that?
Me: Webdesign. Haha seems we're both nerds.
Her: Totally!
Me: Yeah. I'm really just wanting to have that Don Draper lifestyle.
Her: Who?
Me: Don Draper, that guy on Mad Men?
Her: Oh, I've never seen it! [All those TV websites/mags saying what a popular show it is... last time I listen to them]
Me: Well, it's this show bout a bunch of advertising guys, who basically screw off and drink too much while kicking ass in advertising. But Don is the best of the best in advertising. Very powerful guy.
Her: Ohhh, I see then.
Me: Yup, that's the life for me.
[At this point, my memory is kind of foggy about the conversation. I just remember not knowing where to go with the conversation, so I remembered this badass math magic trick, decided to take the conversation there.]
Me: You like math, right?
Her: I love it!
Me: Maybe you'll dig this.
Her: What do you need me to do, 2 + 2?
Me: Definitely. Haha I don't know, I haven't done this trick in a while, but it's this cool magic trick, you can show all your friends. Can I sit down? [her bag was in the way]
Her: (moves stuff) sure.
Me: (take out iPhone and hit the calculator app) alright, so we start off with a blank calculator right?
Her: Yup.
Me: Alright, I gotta ask a few questions. Uh, how old are you?
Her: uhmm... 20
Me: (skeptical look) was that a pause?
Her: I had to think about it for a second okay!
Me: It's okay if you're 12, I totally get it...
Her: (laughs) I'm not, I'm 20!
Me: Ok, so we put "20" in the calculator.
Her: Ok
Me: Ok, how much money per year do you plan on making in 10 years?
Her: I guess, a million per year would be good [perfect for the trick]
Me: Alright cool. How many guys have you dated?
Her: 1.
Me: Alright. How many have you kissed?
Her: 1.
Me: Really? Same guy?
Her: Yup.
Me: Alright. So we hit enter on the calc and we get this. [I kind of fucked it up since I needed odd numbers to make the number more believable. Basically, the way I set it up, no matter what numbers I put in, the number that comes up after hitting the = sign is my phone number. But in order to make that believable, you gotta use odd numbers. Hers was just ones ending in 0's.]
Her: Wait, did you put in enough numbers to make it that big?
Me: [trying to make her ignore the mistake] Yeah, remember you had me put in a million? You're the math whiz, you gotta tell me (smile)
Her: Oh ok.
Me: Alright, now what does the number look like?
Her: Like, 2 billion and something.
Me: Alright, just chunk the number into 3 digits. So look at the first 3 numbers, then the next 3 numbers...
Her: Ah, I don't get it!
Me: (skeptical look) What does a phone number look like?
Her: Oh! I get it now.
Me: Usually you tell them that these numbers magically multiply together to equal something have to do with your next soul mate or whatever bullshit you can come up with. Then, your phone number comes up...
Her: And then they call it! Nice!
Me: Haha not bad.
Her: I knew you just typed your number in, you didn't even multiply them together.
Me: There's a secret way you set the trick up (smile)
Her: Oh got it.
Me: Yeah, you can impress your friends. Cool way to get to know somebody too. You've only been with a guy?
Her: Yup!
Me: Does that mean you're single now?
Her: Oh, I'm still with him!
Me: Oh. How long have you guys been going out?
Her: 5 years now
Me: Nice. Well, you can at least tell him that you're still getting all the guys these days. You had one incredibly sexy guy come up and tell you how incredibly sexy you are. It all works out.
Her: (laughs) Why thank you.
Me: And hey, we know each other. We can say hi now. Making friends.
Her: I totally don't remember your name, what is it again?
Me: Thank God, I was gonna have to bullshit it next time I saw you too. [complete honesty here, I forgot her name]
Her: I'm [name]
Me: I'm Tramp.

We talked a bit more after that, but I had to leave for work and she had to get to class (I believe she brought up having to leave first.) That's basically how it went. Kinda lengthy, but more detail, the better.

My interaction notes:

- I approached, and I did it at my college.
- When I did approach, I held eye contact while complimenting her, which is a big step for me. I usually look away, but today I held my ground and maintained eye contact.
- My vibe was calm and chill, which as I've noted before, seems to serve me best in daygame so far.
- Even though I kept blanking on where to take the conversation, I stuck it out. Each time I didn't know what I wanted to say, I stuck it out.

Cons/Needs improvement
- Don't ask if it's okay to talk to her. Just talk to her.
- Don't ask so many questions in a row. The conversation I wrote is what I can accurately remember, but I do remember asking a bunch of filler questions near the beginning of the interaction.
- Don't ask questions out of panic/nervousness. Every time I feel like I don't know what to do, I ask filler questions, which are just irrelevant/redundant/boring/unimportant/etc. It's ok for now, but needs improvement in the future.
- Stay off the magic tricks. I used to do magic tricks for friends, and I was getting good at impressing them, but I just feel its gimmicky if I'm using it for dating.
- Deep dive more.
- Don't be afraid to be more sexual. Test the boundaries of how sexual I can make the conversation.
- Ask her if she's single.

I'm incredibly proud I listened to Anatman's advice and tore down my limiting mindset of "I can't approach girls at college." I used to believe I can't approach girls at my college because I feared damaging my reputation. But today I ripped that belief apart. Even though this girl had a boyfriend, we left on good terms, so it won't be awkward to run into her again. So I'm happy I'm chipping away limiting beliefs. Even if this belief about not approaching girls in college remains with me for awhile, I know I have the power to wear it down til its gone.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Dec 7, 2012
Looks good man, I'm in a similar situation at my uni. The good thing I see here is that you're self correcting errors on your own, and that's always been huge in helping me out, so I'm sure getting better will just become more of a process for you