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OR  College Day


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 12, 2013
Just a usual day at college today. Got checked out by a couple girls, and approached one. I was going to make this one big field report, but decided to divide it to save people time. This is the OR. My FR with my approach conversation will be in a different post.


I find myself getting more sexually charged up when I see girls at the college now. I'm still too nervous to approach, but I know, I just fucking know, that's going to disappear soon. The only thing stopping me from approaching these girls is the fear of social embarrassment at the school (damage to reputation) but I can now call that fear for what it is... complete bullshit. We'll get to that.

Anyways, I saw some girls in the hallway on the way to my class, and just got a flash of metal images of me just hardcore fucking them in the hallway. Naturally, this makes me sound like a complete dbag... but I'm not. I'm just coming to accept my sexual lust for these beautiful girls. Now I just need to learn to express it more openly.


This was interesting. I had to get an overload course form from this teacher, and I had this cute friend (Alex, from my April 2nd post) who was trying to get in the class too. While I was talking to the teacher, she sits down in the front of the class, looks at me excitedly, and asks "Oh, you got in?" with a huge grin on her face.

I couldn't really talk to her because I was supposed to be listening to the teacher, but I silently mouthed the words "I'm getting in right now. Did you get in?"

And she flashes me a big smile and a nod.

I don't know this girl well enough to know what she's like by default, but she seemed crazy excited for me to be there, and since we had a fun conversation last time we talked, I feel she was flirty towards me. Only way to know for sure is to get her number and get her out with me.

Getting checked out

This is my favorite part of the day. I'm guessing my confidence is coming back to me, and my personality is starting to develop that "aura" or whatever the hell you wanna call it, where girls start getting drawn to you.

On my way out of the class Alex was in, I was walking in the courtyard and this cute babe stared me down, which went great with her cheeky smile. I looked down to check my phone, looked back up, and there's a babe checking me out. I should have opened her right there, but I didn't and I regret it. Oh well though, if I run into her again, I know what to do.

I'm getting more confident in my eye contact too. I haven't been/don't plan on working on my body language and eye contact fundamentals until I get comfortable approaching girls. This way I don't have extra shit I need to worry about and get all nervous. But today, I saw this sexy brunette walking:
I saw her, turned away (it didn't register that I saw a sexy girl walking alone), so I looked back and gazed at her. She saw me and met my eyes. I slowly smiled my sexy smile, and then she started to smile, and I turned away.

Let me know if I did something wrong here with my eye contact, so I can have it for future reference!

Unfortunately, like the last girl, I didn't approach her out of nervousness. Oh well though, if I run into her again, I know what to do.

Late Afternoon

This is after school, work, and after my first approach. I walked around my neighborhood because it was sunny out, and I wanted to approach any girls that would be out. Unfortunately, I chickened out twice. I was walking, and this sexy skater girl and her guy friend (I could tell he wasn't her boyfriend) were walking, and she turned her head my way a few times. I don't know if she was looking at me, or just looking back to see the mowed lawns of the houses behind me, but either way, I didn't talk to her.

A sexy yoga-pants babe walked by on the sidewalk across from me near this park, and I wanted to call her over (or walk to her) but I didn't. Some guy at the park tried calling to her, he yelled "Hey, do you want to play some ball?" She just ignored him, and kept walking. I let her go after seeing that.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake