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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2013
On the first night of college, I had sex.

1 day later, everyone finds out and myself and the girl are being chastised.

It's extremely, brutal, everyone is talking about us.

For me I am receiving mostly props, from the dudes, but these motherfuckers are doing it in from of girls. I am certain they are doing it intentionally to blow up my spot with these chicks, but I don't know what to do or how to act.

The girl. I can only imagine her pain. I felt like crying at one point so I know she probably cried or is crying as I write this.

I feel extremely drained and cornered. I can't escalate with any other girls, because I have been exposed.

It fucking sucks.

I need help, I don't know what I need specifically, but I need something. Damn, this fucking sucks, I've never felt so helpless...


Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
If they do it in a public setting confidently and sternly ask them what the big deal is and flip it back onto them saying i thought have sex was a big thing in high school it should not be a big surprise now.

Have not been in this situation so not sure if this is the best advice but if you turn it on them in front of the girls they will probably just shut up cause they will not have a anything to say to that. it might also help you save face in front of the women.

Not sure how effective it will be now probably need to make a move as soon as they started but might as well give it a go


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2013
Mr. Oblivious said:
If they do it in a public setting confidently and sternly ask them what the big deal is and flip it back onto them saying i thought have sex was a big thing in high school it should not be a big surprise now.

I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice, I feel like I have some teeth now. So flip it on them and make it seem like they are immature for making it a big deal. Sex is sex, there is nothing special about it, that's the type of mindset I want to rock.

Thanks Oblivion, I'll let you know how it goes, It's a new day.

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Alcaeus said:
Mr. Oblivious said:
If they do it in a public setting confidently and sternly ask them what the big deal is and flip it back onto them saying i thought have sex was a big thing in high school it should not be a big surprise now.

I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice, I feel like I have some teeth now. So flip it on them and make it seem like they are immature for making it a big deal. Sex is sex, there is nothing special about it, that's the type of mindset I want to rock.

Thanks Oblivion, I'll let you know how it goes, It's a new day.

Make sure you say it in a calm but dominant tone. ( just has to look natural )

let me known how it goes
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2013
So things have cooled down. I kinda broke the ice for everyone in terms of sex.

The dudes and some girls appreciate the fact that I accomplished a 15 minute lay on the first day.

I have redoubled my efforts in terms of fundamentals and a noticeable spike of attraction has been the result. I increased the depth and volume of my voice tremendously so everything that comes out my voice just sounds so ironclad that (hot) chicks have openly turned their heads to look at me when I speak to my friends.

Not only that, I have focused on fine tuning my sexy walk and I have received compliments from dudes and chicks alike on how confidently I carry myself :)

Needless to say I have gotten over the hump, of a slight depression and now things are kinda smooth for me.

In regards to sex, haven't had any since that first night. I flirt openly with most girls, but I am struggling with escalating. Fucking Social Circle game, the shit is annoying.

These past couple days have made me appreciate COLD APPROACH sooooooooo much.

I have to switch from high energy/cool center of attention dude, to sexy when with friends and girls simultaneously. The shit is tedious and annoying but, I just need more practice.

Thanks again Oblivion

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
No problem good to see everything has cooled down

I have a question for you
I increased the depth and volume of my voice tremendously so everything that comes out my voice just sounds so ironclad that (hot) chicks have openly turned their heads to look at me when I speak to my friends.

How exactly did you increase the depth and volume of your voice iv been researching it and have been getting lots of mixed signals


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2013
Mr. Oblivious said:
How exactly did you increase the depth and volume of your voice iv been researching it and have been getting lots of mixed signals

The best answer I can give you is focus. When I am about to say something I do this low cough, to clear my throat. Then I raise my chest forward and and use the lowest point of my diaphragm and speak as (reasonably) loud as possible. That's the best way to get volume and depth.

Equally important is NOT to trail off. When you start big and strong, you should end big and strong. Even if you aren't sure what you say is true, it is important to end it confidently. (I struggled with this for the longest, but when a friend told me what I was doing wrong, people took me much more seriously.)

The purr, is a bit different. After experimenting for a month +, I can say that your vocal cords need to be sufficiently warmed up. If they are aren't your voice will crack. I've taken on a habit of talking to myself to prep my cords for when I want to say something.

The resonance is a mystery still. However, when my voice is warmed up, and I have that purr down pat, I fall in love with my voice; I can speak to myself in the mirror for hours when my parents aren't in.

The single biggest thing I can recommend is that you find someone with a voice you want your's to be like. For me it was a Bank of America Chairman, who when I first met, spoke with such volume and command when we introduced ourselves that my voice, turned into a that of a mouse because I was intimidated. He commanded a shareholder event without a mike, and it was beautiful. I still remember the event clearly.

Hope this helps, I've been focusing on this for a couple months now
