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Common errors


May 1, 2023
Prerelationship errors:
Lack of social skills:

Posrelationship errors:
Lack of critical thinking skills:

Lack of humbleness

Lack of sales skills(framing):

Negative mindsets:

Unresolved mental health issues:



Double standards and congnitive dissonance:

People that dont take advice, Lack of screening on women and SIMPS:

The biggest mistake of all, believing tht a woman will fill the void:

You dont need to be perfect to get girls, but you need to improve, same as sucess in life, most people dont want to improve or cant allow themselves, things arent hard just need the effort
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 7, 2023
While you may have a point on some of these issues, this post has a bias towards being problem-focused as opposed to solution-focused, in my opinion. I prefer Chase's fixer mindset.

Now that you've identified the sticking points, how about writing a post on how to solve these sticking points as well:
- How to develop a good vibe (Maxwell Maltz)
- The importance of common values in a partner (Chase's coming article)
- How to understand that one has to give to receive (Jim Rohn)
- How to set the right frames (NLP/Chase)
- How to adopt the achiever's mindset of ownership and ambition, and leave the victim mindset (Willinck, T. Robbins, etc)
- How to resolve mental issues (Macavity's mega-post)
- How to adopt a growth mindset and leave arrogance behind (Dweck)
- How to be whole without a woman (Self-love)
- Etc.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
While you may have a point on some of these issues, this post has a bias towards being problem-focused as opposed to solution-focused, in my opinion. I prefer Chase's fixer mindset.

Now that you've identified the sticking points, how about writing a post on how to solve these sticking points as well:
- How to develop a good vibe (Maxwell Maltz)
- The importance of common values in a partner (Chase's coming article)
- How to understand that one has to give to receive (Jim Rohn)
- How to set the right frames (NLP)
- How to adopt the achiever's mindset of ownership and ambition, and leave the victim mindset (Willinck, T. Robbins, etc)
- How to resolve mental issues (Macavity's mega-post)
- How to adopt a growth mindset and leave arrogance behind (Dweck)
- How to be whole without a woman (Self-love)
- Etc.
yeah no practical water is wet....


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
I get what you mean but why did you wait 10 years before making your first post? And why does it have to be about all the problems

To be honest you're not wrong but also you don't need to be a perfect human to do good with women. Like @TestY said I think it's better to give practical solutions rather than call men that aren't good with women incompetent without giving clear directions to improve


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 1, 2023
Great post man. I think there is a lot of content on how to be successful and celebrating successes themselves in the pick-up community overall. Especially when RSD was a huge success back in the day. There isn't that much content addressing the horrors and trials and tribulations of pick-up and women in general.

As of recent all I can say is that in life we can only be grateful for the incremental gains we obtain daily. Whether in our skills towards women, obtaining money, the health of our bodies and any other endeavors. Women are a powerful force in a mans life. I always like to say and think that "the right women can 10x your life for the better, while the wrong women can do the opposite." Yes it is exciting at first, especially the longing for companionship and the sex. But we must create boundaries and decide strongly what we want and what we are willing to accept and not accept.

"The biggest mistake of all, believing tht a woman will fill the void: your hapiness your responsability, woman can be a good addition to your life, but never the answer"
This is something we all have struggled with at one point or another. Great care and attention must be given to this point.

Like all other challenges in life, one must become strong within to take things head on, or forever play it safe from their comfort zone and merely get by. Acquiring more knowledge and gaining more wisdom itself is an endless endeavor on its own. One can only continue and keep climbing while remembering the experiences and hard earned lessons that came with them.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


May 1, 2023
While you may have a point on some of these issues, this post has a bias towards being problem-focused as opposed to solution-focused, in my opinion. I prefer Chase's fixer mindset.
Agree, your comment was valuable and totally on point and i added it to the main post

@Skills as someone that follows your forum i feel happy to have your opinion
@King Thank you for your comment
@TomInHo I guess the problem can be summarized in people "lack of critical thinking skills" here and in life, that cause problems in the learning process but also the lack of motivation to work for the things you want, my aim at the post was provide beginers with these tools, thats why it can sound a bit rough but is tough love


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
I really failed to understand the concept behind your original post.
What was your goal with it?
Just to point the problems average men face today?

If you really are in this life for 10+ years, I'm sure you have a lot more value to add with your writing.
(And it doesn't have to be all condensed in a single post).
Just my 2 cents.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
@TomInHo I guess the problem can be summarized in people "lack of critical thinking skills" here and in life, that cause problems in the learning process but also the lack of motivation to work for the things you want, my aim at the post was provide beginers with these tools, thats why it can sound a bit rough but is tough love

Bro come on. Beginners have it rough enough, I really don't think telling them "YOU SUCK" is a great strategy to motivate them to improve. It's similar to fat shaming, because yes most fat people know that they should lose the weight but shaming them on their weight has been shown to not be effective in behavioral changes and actually sometimes reinforces bad habits

But I will break down your points one by one because maybe I was too concise with my initial post

Prerelationship errors:
Lack of social skills: generally due to videogames, or other addictions, there is a breach due to bias in what teachers here say and what students understand due to the lack of social understanding, also they have a another bias in how much negative impact videogames had in their life, i can see an ugly man dating a hot girl (happens all the time) but not a guy without social skills, the reason why is because women value social status and social intelligence a lot more than looks

This is true that video games can stunt your social growth, but I also know players that play video games all day and still slay with women. I personally don't play them anymore but it's ridiculous to tell a man that playing games is the reason why he bad with women

He can play games and also work on seduction at the same time, it's not either or

Posrelationship errors:
Lack of critical thinking skills: (bias) most men here think that the only thing that matter is beauty (in women and men) thats bullshit, any women that knows how to make up can jump from a 3 to 8, hair extensions, contact lenses, padded bras or underpants, fakeeyelashes, invisible tape that can make the nose smaller, women that are 8, 9, and 10s are everywhere, someone that support you unconditionally doesnt


Honestly, who gives a fuck? If the guy is happy with the girl he is fucking why does it matter if she enhanced herself to look that way

Also if the man only values looks it's not my place to tell him what he should value. Everyone has different things that are important to them and all value systems have pros and cons

this applies also for ours perception of beauty, men here think that being hot is the only thing that matter, i put an example, in an online player vs player videogame is strengh the only factor that can predict who wins? games follow a "damage formula" composed of attack speed, critical and other factors, thats why the concept of "damage per second" was born, and even then DPS is not the only predictor of who wins, a player can have a underpowered character and smoke the other player, experience is also key, even then, does the player with the best gear, character and more experience wins? no, the pro player can be in a depressive state and lost to the novice

This is just posturing. Projecting your values unto others

Lack of humbleness, imagine that you have a nerd friend and you want him to have success with women, you advice him to workout and he says nah too hard, ok then you suggest him to get in a comedy school and train to be funny, he responds he dont have money, ok then you suggesting to be more charming, taking multiple free classes on social skills but again he doesnt want to do that, some people here and in life in general have the "anime protagonist syndrome" in anime there is this cliche of a loser guy that happens to him that a girl falls literally from the sky on top of him, is sad to me to inform you that many men here are as delusional as women, Im tired of see when i coach in person so many below average guys with morbid obesity that demands nothing but the 10/10 women, is not bad to want nice things but you must work hard for them, you can have as much prosperity in life as you are willing to believe and to WORK for, the package of life dont come with a guaranted girlfriend and house, you must win things with effort, humbleness is to know that you are not entitled to things "just for existing", dont be a Karen, guys that send boring ass texts to their girl and post here in the forum upset because she doesnt reply, well you arent entitled to get responses if your messages are boring as hell.

Firstly, advice not asked for is advice ill received. If my nerd friend doesn't really care that much about getting women, I'm not going to force him to change. He will have to come to me first then I will give him advice

But also the advice will be geared towards what he wants. Because it is very possible that he may not want a blonde bombshell and may want a nerd as a girlfriend as well

Because I have a few friends that are straight up nerds and with some small tweaks to their approach they were able to land girlfriends that matched their lifestyles. They didn't need to transform themselves into the stereotypical "Alpha Douche" to get what they wanted

But of course if the friend in question says he wants to land models and socialites and widen his sexual appeal for real, then he will obviously need to make some big changes.

And if he is really serious about it then he will do the work and if he is not he'll do nothing. Either way it's not my job to save him, ain't no captain save a bro here, but rather give insights and let him do whatever he wants

Lack of sales skills(framing): seduction and life is not a game of absolute numbers, if you are an 8 you are not perceived as an 8 to all girls (attainability and FTC) FTC of female state control is a set of characteristics inherent to her that lower or raise your atractiveness value in her eyes

Not sure what FTC is but anyways....

I work in sales but funny enough I was still getting girls before I ever got solid sales training. I admit that after I did sales my results improved slightly but I also worked with salesmen that were horrible with women

It's a very good skill to have but honestly just dealing with a lot of women you kind of just pick up the important elements of it naturally

Negative mindsets: victim mindset, she is the trophy mindset, this due to many guys wanting to get a magic pick line that drop panties regardless of their value as men, instead of find the perfect hot girlfriend why not be the perfect boyfriend that can get any girl?, dont search for the perfect spouse be the perfect husband yourself

Again with this perfectionism nonsense.... you don't need to be perfect and slightly above average in a few categories is more than good enough

Unresolved mental health issues: certain things if unnatended will push people away

Lol on this one

There are guys that are great with women that have serious mental issues. Again there is this myth that you have to be this solid dude, that's great in all areas to fuck bitches. This is simply not true at all

In fact some of those guys are able to draw girls in because of their imperfections. It's true that women like a man that's a rock but some women are also obsessed with a man that's perfectly imperfect. In their mind they are like "OMG he would be so perfect if it only wasn't for this" Then they go on and invest a ton into that man because hope they can "Fix" him

It's like white night syndrome for women

Addictions: as someone that had this type of issue, you cant reach your true potential without getting rid of this

Yeah a solid no on this again

Drugs and Alcohol may not be good for you but a ton of party girls will gladly ride your dick just to get a line of blow off you. In some ways having addictions can actually lead to more opportunities for sex

Not that I'm saying people should become druggies but this has nothing to do with women really

Arrogance: arrogance isnt equal to confidence, remember feminists that said that they are strong and independient? strong people dont say those things, their sense of worth is not tied to external validation, when a feminist say she is "a goddess" what people hear is "i have low selfsteem issues", true confidence is know that you are flawed as a human being and more than use that as an excuse for shitty behaviour look forward to improve yourself

I think what you are trying to refer to here is resistance to change.

Look man.... if a dude doesn't want to change that's his problem. Eventually he will get frustrated with his lack of results and maybe become more open

And if he doesn't want to change that's on him. No amount of telling him you're stubborn, arrogant or hard headed will motivate him to change because people have to come to that point on their own

All you can do is help those that want to be helped and ignore the rest until they're ready

Double standards and congnitive dissonance: want it or not, we as men are leaders, and a leader should be better than this followers, you can demand things in a follower that you yourself arent

The world ain't fair G. You can lead and have tons of double standards

So if I want my woman to cook for me it means I have to be a better cook than her? I see where you're going with the logic but there's nuance

People that dont take advice, Lack of screening on women and SIMPS: this is associated to the lack of humbleness, they are wise to their own eyes, and think they no need advice , look you can fuck your life if you associate with the wrong people (man or women) in many countries if a woman feels like destroying your life claiming sexual assault she can, even without evidence!! SA can be as simply as saying something that a feminist dint like, and that SA record will doom your work life forever because SA is perceibed for people as rape, if we here advice "the mental sanity of a woman is inversely proportional to the tattos in her body" and you still marry the tattoed chick, thinking "my princess" and then she fucks your life killing or doing harm to your children, divorcing you and stealing half your things, well not sympathy to you, you bring that to your life, tired of people that dont take accountability in their life, also remember that children obtain the characteristics of their parents, and generally the father (you) is working I have seen a lot of good guys with narcissits wife and daughter plotting against him!

It's getting redundant at this point

The biggest mistake of all, believing tht a woman will fill the void: your happiness your responsability, woman can be a good addition to your life, but never the answer

I honestly don't feel a lot of men really think like this. I mean yeah sure it is possible to get a bout of one-itis a few times, but after some experience a lot of men grow out of it.

There is no singular thing in life that can give one fulfillment, but rather having multiple aspects of your life functioning well is what makes one feel dope AF

And if a guy has a horrible dating/women life, I see no problem with him becoming a little obsessed with it for a while. Because he may go through a lot of pain and make silly mistakes, but he will most likely come out of it stronger from the lessoned learned in the process

Because one thing I will say is that it's okay to fucking suck with women. And if there is anything I have noticed from being on the forum is that too many guys are too hard on themselves and are afraid to suck more

Embrace the suck Gs, because if you keep going.... you will eventually fuck

How to solve the common pitfalls here:
- How to develop a good vibe (Maxwell Maltz)
- The importance of common values in a partner (Chase's coming article)
- How to understand that one has to give to receive (Jim Rohn)
- How to set the right frames (NLP)
- How to adopt the achiever's mindset of ownership and ambition, and leave the victim mindset (Willinck, T. Robbins, etc)
- How to resolve mental issues (Macavity's mega-post)
- How to adopt a growth mindset and leave arrogance behind (Dweck)
- How to be whole without a woman (Self-love)

Step to sucess (pre relationship phase):
1) Improve to be the best version of yourself, particullary focus on looksmaxing, gym, non verbal communication, mental health and social skills, if possible take cine perfomance classes and record yourself
2) Read chase book or his post called "where to start", Focus specially in all the articles that talk about fundamentals because thats the only thing that you will need to have some degree of sucess, additional read about calibration and deep dive thats the core of what you need, understand that pick up is like basquetball game, depending of your aproach it can be easy or hard, in the sense of how far you are from the bassketball basket and how much time you have to shoot, if you aproach a girl in a social circle is like a 2 point shoot with 5 minutes to prepare if you cold aproach a girl in a random street is like a halfcourt shoot with 30 seconds, in a party with her friends is like a shoot with defenders, depends in how solid are your fundamentals. A lot of times i have coached guys that tried advanced tactics without mastering their fundmentals
3) Find a avenue where your prefered girls gather and aproach a lot, at intermediate level the number of aproaches is more important than skill
4) Screen without comunicating judgement to a girl, in that way she will be like an openbook
You dont need to be perfect to get girls, but you need to improve, same as sucess in life, most people dont want to improve or cant allow themselves, things arent hard just need the effort

Finally, something that could be useful but then you had to literally copy @TestY to do it

I'm going to be honest, you give me the vibe of a guy that reads a lot but doesn't have tons of real world experience to come up with your own insights

I could be wrong but it comes across like strong KJ

EDIT: Also just noticed that you deleted all the juicy content in the OP, but at least people can read this post to see what you initially wrote and can make sense of the conversations generated in this thread
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