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FR  Community College and University Library 6/18


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Community College

Girl 1: sitting down in the library is a slim cutie reading. I approach and she is taken aback. She says that I'm making her nervous by just coming up to her, so that's a sign to me to back off a bit. But I still make conversation. She is reading some psychology mags and says that although her major is business, she would really like to do graphic design. I tried to do some more deep diving like Chase does but nothing good came out of my mouth. Talking a little too fast as well. I do succeed in moving her, though (rather clumsily, I actually trip over my tongue) and walk with her to her class. I do a yes ladder (my best yet!) but she shows me her "promise ring" that reminds that she will marry some chap when she graduates and that she's been in a relationship with him for years. I've always wondered how people so young can get into such serious relationships. Anyway, nothing doing.

To improve on: slow down, expect less, tease more (somehow :/ )

U. Library

Girl 2: standing at a computer (we have kiosks) is a tanned Asian in a nice dress. BUT I AM WAY TOO QUIET ON THE APPROACH! And subsequent dialogue as well. She never really engages and neither do I.

To improve on: LOUDER

Summary: On the approach: do or die! Be loud, be sexual. And slow down.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Girl 3: sitting down in basement of library, I approach. She is warm and responsive, definitely not dismissive. She says that she is actually talking to her fiance at the very moment who is helping her with her homework. I realize that this is probably the death knell of my seduction attempt so I say something stupid: "Are you telling him about some guy in the library who's hitting on you?" I make some more conversation then leave. I do try to make some sexy face though, and remember to look at her lips.

To improve on: closer, sexier, less expecting ("will this be the one?" thoughts), don't deprecate yourself in any way
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013

Girl 4: I'm working out and I see this wonderfully toned and tanned girl hitting the weights. Knowing that interrupting her when she is working out wouldn't lead to anything, I continue with my own exercises. When I'm done with my workout, I see her swinging her hips away down the corridor. Mercifully, she is walking slowly so I am able to catch up to her. Tap her on the arm (should practice underside of the elbow from now on) and tell her that she's "absolutely adorable". She takes this very well and we're able to get into easy conversation. I ask her if she wants to sit, she tells me that she has to go but we keep talking.

She tells me that she is a computer engineering major, I tell her about my failed attempts to take coding classes. She tells me she's from california and I ask her "what kind of wild things did you get up to there, cali girl?" She says nothing really. I realize that at this point, I should have tried to ask her to sit down again. Persistence is key. But I use a yes ladder instead (even better than before!) but she says she has a boyfriend. I say no problem, we can still meet up for frozen yogurt. She says her boyfriend probably wouldn't like it. "He doesn't let you have friends?" "No, I have friends" "Then let's be friends" "Okay" "Well, friend, let's have a frozen yogurt sometime" This gambit doesn't work. No number but it's nice to have things go smoothly for once.

To improve on: tap on underside of elbow for preopening, persist with the moving (gotta move them more) perhaps I could have just walked with her?, sexier vibe, less friendly


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
FR: University Library 6/19

Girl 1: damn this was a short encounter. She was flattered but she said she was busy. I persisted but she again reiterated that she was busy. Approached weakly and closed eyes.

To improve on: louder, less apologetic on the approach, sexier