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FR  Competing over a girl with a real jerk

Bradley Smoothy

Dec 5, 2013
The reason I made this post is to see if anyone could help me on competing over a girl with a real jerk (not a “genuine man”, or your typical guy with edge and attitude, but a guy who absolutely dominates a girl and treats her like shes worthless). So recently I slept with this girl on the second date that I used to work and go to the same college as, shes very kind and down to earth and has all the qualities that I would like in a short term relationship. So im shooting for something a bit more serious with her but im not TOO attached to the outcome.

I moved very fast with this girl and deep dived her pretty well. Basically this girl has only had two ultra nice guy boyfriends in the past who she admitted she wasnt actually that attracted to, but just recently a guy who is in her friends group with way more edge and attitude came back to her place and forced himself on her multiple times which she tried to deny but eventually gave in to (dont know if she was telling the complete truth). She was telling me that since then he has treated her like shit and showed me a some text messages to back it up (I can tell you that they are over the top even for bad boy standards). She tells me she thinks she might be crazy because even though she hates him as a person she obeys when he tells her to come over (and have sex). Obviously I remained unsympathetic about this whole thing and moved the conversation in a more productive direction. I tried to ride the line and be strong and bit dominating like this guy, but also being understanding and relatable without being too much of a nice guy. The next morning she made me apple cider pancakes (which i ate a 6 of because im an absolute savage!) She commented multiple times on how I was good in bed and that she finds my muscles and my smile sexy. And she seemed very attached the me next morning insisting she walk me all the way to the train even in really cold weather. So I assume I did well with this girl. Ive continued interacting with her since then, and its going well. But I can tell she is still into this guy and is sucked in the emotional roller coaster hes putting her through and the challenge he is providing her, all while thinking about me less and less. The attention and quality of responce im getting from her is fading.

Im not hating on this guy, obviously his extreme bad boy attitude works for him. The only reason im even dealing with this situation is because I like her a lot as a person, and it would be really fun to out compete this guy. So I ask, is there any guys with more experience on this? How can I get her thinking about me more to me instead of this guy and get her out of this emotional roller coaster shes stuck in with this guy? Or is simply moving on the only good option?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Bradley Smoothy

Dec 5, 2013
Re: Competing over a girl with a real jerk

i realize now that i should have focused more on the details of the interaction and the escalation and titled it properly. Im new to the forums and cant seem to find a way to delete or edit posts. anybody know how i can take this off the forum?