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Compliance is King


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
January 22nd, 2024
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

It’s a warm but cloudy evening, the sun beginning to set. I’m walking on the boardwalk of Ipanema beach, and in the distance I notice a girl, early 20s, walking towards me. She’s wearing short jean shorts and a white spaghetti top.

I stop on the edge of the boardwalk and look out at the ocean, waiting for her to pass behind me. When she passes, I wait about 10 seconds and then gradually catch up to her. From behind, I see that she fills out her shorts nicely, making me wonder what’s underneath. And as I pass by her, I notice that she’s “girl next door” cute, so I open her over my shoulder.

When I open, she doesn’t understand me because she speaks only Portuguese. I ask if she understands Spanish, which overlaps with Portuguese, and she says “mais ou menos,” more or less.

In this first minute, I’m giving her strong eye contact with a small, friendly smile. She returns the steady eye contact… and, somehow, it feels almost as if I'm beginning to associate in her mind as a potential lover.

She tells me that she’s from another city in Brazil and that it’s her first time visiting Rio. Like me, she’s visiting solo. She landed last night, and she’ll be staying for another couple of days.

As we approach a fork in the boardwalk, I suggest that we sit down somewhere. She says sure, so we find a spot on the edge of the boardwalk and sit side-by-side, overlooking the ocean.

The convo is light, casual. We talk about where we’d travel if we could go anywhere in the world, our favorite TV shows, and what dating is like in Brazil. But the language barrier is significant, and with effort we understand only about 50% of each other.

In the first few minutes of us sitting down, I see brief sparkles of attraction in her eyes, but they disappear almost as soon as I notice them. And as we continue talking, I no longer see them. It also feels like I’m doing the legwork to keep the convo going: she’s friendly, but she responds with brief answers and doesn’t ask me much back. She doesn’t seem invested in the convo, much less immersed.

After about 20 minutes of this, I feel like the interaction probably isn’t going anywhere. It also feels that sitting here and talking isn’t helping the seduction. So I decide to go for a bounce: the compliance test will give me feedback about how she actually feels, and it’ll at least make things more dynamic. I ask her if she wants to walk along the shore for a bit, and she says sure. I’m a little surprised that she says yes, but it’s also not a huge compliance.

We walk down from the boardwalk to the beach, and we stroll along the edge of the ocean, dipping our feet in the water. The same dynamic continues, with me keeping the conversation going – mixing observations with questions – so that we’re not walking in silence. Her lack of talkativeness doesn’t seem to come from any sort of shyness or awkwardness, either – she seems perfectly confident. She just seems disinterested, more in her own world.

We walk like this for about 10 minutes before reaching the end of Ipanema. At this point, I’d typically try to bounce to another spot, but it doesn’t feel right in this situation – there’s no conversation or vibe between us to justify it. Instead, I tell her that I’ll walk with her towards the Copacabana neighborhood, since that’s where we’re both staying and where she was initially headed when we met. The underlying message is that we’ll be going our separate ways, soon.

As we’re walking, she comments how it’s funny that she’s walking in this new city with someone she just met. She shows me some messages on her phone, saying that her cousin has been asking about her and that she’s sharing her location. She says all of this lightheartedly, but obviously it reflects some safety concern. And it makes sense: she’s traveling alone in Rio, which doesn’t have a safe reputation, and now she’s following a man she doesn’t know.

Around this point, we pass a little playground. On previous dates, I’ve found that randomly stumbling upon playgrounds (especially ones with swingsets) is great for adding fun and building kino. So as we’re passing it, I playfully tell her that she should go on the swing. She gives a firm no. I can’t help but laugh to myself internally – her not playing along pretty much sums up the dynamic so far.

After a few more minutes, we begin to approach a bikeshare station. I tell her that she can easily bike back home from here, or she can continue walking down the boardwalk to get to her AirBnB. She thanks me and says that she’ll just walk back, then puts out her hand to shake mine. We say our goodbyes, and she starts to turn away.

Based on all of the signs, she wants to go separate ways. But I know that compliance tells the ultimate truth, and the only way to know for sure is by going for it. Plus, I’ve trained myself to always put the option of escalation on the table. It’s my job as a man, and, “win or lose,” it’s a win because I’ve done everything in my power to keep the interaction going.

So, as she’s turning away, I tell her that I’m about to get some açaí dessert, and I invite her to join.

She shrugs and says sure, to my surprise.

Her compliance despite her seeming disinterest makes this unlike any seduction I’ve experienced. Maybe she’s just bored and has nothing better to do, I think to myself as I try to make sense of it.

The açaí spot is only a few blocks away. As we’re walking there, I notice that she has a few goosebumps, and I get a little kino going as I point them out. She says that she feels chilly. It’s warm outside to me, but Brazilians are a different breed.

Also at this point, the safety concern she had expressed earlier is in the back of my mind. To acknowledge it, I jokingly tell her that I promise not to kidnap her as long as she promises not to kidnap me. We pinky promise on it.

When we get to the açaí place, there’s a line of four people in front of us and only one person working. After a couple minutes, the line hasn’t moved at all. We’re standing there in silence – at this point, I’ve basically given up on trying to make small talk – and there’s no way this awkwardness will survive another 10 minutes of us waiting. So I ask her if she’s down to get ice cream instead, and she says sure.

The ice cream spot is right around the corner, and there’s no line there. As we wait for our cups of ice cream, something interesting happens. We’re standing close together as we talk about ice cream flavors, and – for the first time since we initially sat down – there are sexual sparks between us. The vibe is brief, but it’s there. And when the ice cream comes, the girl insists on paying.

We sit down at a table, sitting across from each other. The sexual vibe vanishes, and, once again, it feels like I’m pulling teeth. I ask her about her love languages, and she gives a one or two sentence response about it being quality time. We talk a bit about our families, and I tell her about what it’s like to live in New York. Nothing powerful verbally, but it’s hard to get any sort of conversational foothold with her because nothing seems to be hitting at all. We keep eating our ice cream, largely in silence. The whole thing feels awkward, but internally I’m amused by the oddness of the situation and because I feel like there’s nothing else I can do – I’ve tried my best.

I finish up my ice cream, but she still has some left. Before she finishes, though, she says “Vamos?”, which means “Let’s go?” Usually not a great sign when a girl initiates the bounce from a spot, but I’ve already accepted that this seduction isn’t going anywhere.

We head out and begin walking in the direction of Copacabana again. I teasingly accuse her of being a CIA agent because she’s clearly a “mujer de muchas palabras,” a woman of many words. She laughs and cryptically says, “Well, what is there to talk about?”

At this point, we’ve been together for about 90 minutes, max. There’s no point in trying to bounce her to another spot because sitting and talking feels more painful than helpful. The only move left at this point is to go for the pull.

Based on the lack of IOIs – in addition to the safety concern that she had expressed – I’m almost positive that she’ll say no. In terms of the Three Keys, there’s some sexual arousal that I’ve seen glimpses of, but it's noncommittal. As far as emotional stimulation, there seems to be almost none. I usually find it harder to know where I’m at with the social frame – it can’t be seen like sexual and emotional stimulation can – but one sign is how much a girl is investing in the conversation. Here, that’s almost nothing. The only positive indicators of social frame are her repeated compliances and the time we’ve spent together.

Despite the low odds, I have to go for it.

So, as we begin to pass the bikeshare station again, I throw a Hail Mary that’d make Aaron Rodgers himself proud:

“I think I’m gonna head back to my place… but I’m only 10 minutes from here and have a good bottle of wine, if you wanna listen to some music and chill some more.”

She nods and says sure.

I can barely believe it. Part of me even thinks that she might’ve misunderstood me due to the language barrier.

We walk along the boardwalk in the direction of my apartment and keep some small talk going. We eventually reach the point in the boardwalk where we need to cross the street to go deeper into the Copacabana neighborhood, where my apartment is. As we’re crossing the street, she asks me where we’re going for the drink – apparently she didn’t understand me the first time. So I tell her again that I have wine at my apartment. She says okay.

After about 10 minutes, we get to my apartment building. I wonder whether she’ll actually go inside – I’m still in some disbelief – but she follows me inside without any issue.

When we walk inside my apartment, I offer her beer or wine, and she takes the beer. We sit on the couch, and I put Masego's music videos on my laptop in front of us. The girl sits about an arm’s length away, a friendly distance.

My plan is to take things slow based on the vibe and because the pull has been relatively quick. The fact that we’re alone together helps the sexual key, which I’ll let my subcommunication deepen. In the meantime, I want to make her comfortable by taking things slow while at least trying to stimulate her.

After the first Masego song, I tell her that I want to hear some of the Brazilian music that she likes. She puts on a recorded live performance by an artist named Armandinho. It’s relaxed, good-vibe music that’s surprisingly good.

We start talking about live music, and I tell her about my experience listening to live jazz in NYC (an emotional stimulator that I describe in my Leopard Leggings report). She’s fixated on me as I tell her the story, more so than at any point in our convo so far. Around this time, I also notice that her body language begins to open up as she turns her body to face mine.

We keep talking while watching the music videos, and, for the first time since standing at the ice cream spot, there’s a sexual energy between us again. And for the first time that day, I begin to get into a sexual state as I begin to realize that I’ll probably fuck this girl.

After about 20 minutes, I go to put my arm around her, and she moves in slightly closer towards me – but not by much. Still, it’s a good sign because it’s the first time that I’ve made my sexual intent overt, and she’s going along with it.

I keep casually talking to fractionate from the physical escalation and to continue building comfort.

After about 15 more minutes of this, I once again feel like the conversation – which continues to have fits and starts – isn’t helping anything. And once again, I feel like the only option left is to escalate and see what happens. Even though the vibe doesn’t seem quite right for it, I remind myself that this is exactly how I felt the last two times that I successfully escalated with this girl. So I take the leap and go for it: after a moment of us looking at each other, I lift her chin with my finger, and gently pull her in for a kiss.

A small smile lights up her face… then she leans in, and we make out. I tease her with the kissing, pulling away first.

We go back to watching the music videos and talking. At this point, I know that it’s on: she’s turned on, comfortable, and going along with each of the escalations. From here, I know it’s just a matter of rinse and repeat, gradually escalating in between periods of fluff talk so as not to escalate too quickly and trigger ASD.

Eventually, we start making out again, and things get hot and heavy. I kiss her by her ears, her neck, her shoulders… and gradually work my way down to her breasts. She pulls back a little at this point and says that she has sand in her bikini top (which she was wearing as a bra) because she had been in the ocean earlier. She pulls down her top and starts brushing away the sand from around her nipples. I start to kiss them, then palm her breasts and lightly squeeze her nipples. Her arms fill with goosebumps for the second time that day.

Things continue like this… fractionating between increasing escalation and light, playful talk… until I find myself kissing her stomach, working my way down to her waistline. She gives me a look at this point and says something about taking a shower. So I stand up, take her hand, and walk her to my bathroom. We take off our clothes, hop in the shower, and keep making out.

Once we’re clean, we hop out and I lead her to my bed, both of us still naked. I get on top of her as we’re kissing. And as we get closer and closer to the magic moment, she finally, finally starts to make more conversation:

“Wait, before we do this... what’s your name?”
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019

My takeaways​

  • There clearly wasn’t a ton of active seduction here in terms of the verbals. Part of that was due to the language barrier, and part of it was due to my convo just not hitting with the girl. I’m sure there was a way to get through to her… I just wasn’t finding it. The main thing that I did – besides the fundamentals that I’ve internalized – was to not get in my own way and to persistently escalate.

Part of the reason I wanted to write this report is because it shows that a pickup doesn’t have to look perfect to lead to a lay. It can even be quite messy. I’ve learned this lesson in the past, but this is the most extreme example I have of a lay that has none of the classic IOIs. I tend to be a perfectionist, and, especially in my first few years of gaming, I’d get in my head if the girl didn’t seem interested. I still do, sometimes. My goal is to take my game to the point that I’m consistently sweeping Bambi-eyed hotties off their feet… but, in the meantime, this reinforces to me that it doesn’t always have to look that way.​

Along with my last four LRs, this one reflects how lays can exist along a spectrum of IOIs. This is on one end of that spectrum… followed by Leopard Leggings, who didn’t show a ton of IOIs but who was more engaged conversationally and emotionally… then Welcome to Brazil, who was somewhere in the middle… to On the Road, who gave some strong IOIs… to Blame it on the Alcohol, who was very immersed.​

  • This also reinforces to me how compliance is the ultimate IOI. Even though this girl didn’t show much outward interest, she went along with each escalation. Flip-side, I’ve had plenty of girls (as all of us have) that seemed totally into me – sometimes, they’d even verbalize it! – but who wouldn’t let me escalate or who wouldn’t come out on another date. Classic IOIs are generally good indications, but compliance is more reliable. That said, there are also micro-expressions – I mention one of them in Welcome to Brazil – that do seem to be consistently reliable…

  • Another interesting part of this pickup is the social frame. In SMMA, Gun mentions that the ultimate social frame is taking responsibility for the sex happening. I felt like this was very true here. Even though she wasn’t giving me much, I kept gently but persistently escalating things towards sex. The physical escalation back at my apartment was a good example of that. Once the vibe is good enough, I oftentimes will escalate at my apartment by telling the girl to sit on my lap… but with this particular girl, I felt like doing that would put too much on her. Even though it didn’t feel as smooth, being the clear initiator (by pulling her chin in for a kiss) seemed to be the way to go with her. A similar thing happened during another pull a few months before, where the girl wouldn’t sit on my lap but was down for sex after I pulled her in for a kiss.

  • I’m also curious about this girl’s headspace more generally. It’s interesting that she was vacationing alone. It’s possible she was taking a break from some situationship (seems to be a common reason why women travel alone), which might explain her seeming lack of interest in getting to know each other on a deeper level. But she also wasn’t giving off hook-up vibes. She was totally ready to go on her own way when we reached the bikeshare station the first time.

Another clue: in the first few minutes of us having sex, she was rubbing her clit and seemed to orgasm. But about 15 minutes into the sex, when we were switching positions, she got up to use the bathroom. When she came back, she had put all her clothes on! She was a lot more talkative and bubbly at this point… but I didn’t really understand what she was saying because of the language barrier and because she was speaking quickly. I think she might’ve said something about hanging out the next day, but I’m not sure. And when I tried to get back to sex… she’d just smile and say that she had to go.​

I didn’t hit her up the next day because unless I really like a girl, I usually don’t. She accidentally left her headphones at my apartment, though, so I did text her on the day that she was leaving to give them back to her. We met up briefly, but the whole bubbly and talkative version of herself that had appeared after the sex was gone, and she was back to being reserved. I invited her to grab lunch, but she said that she had already eaten, so I didn’t push the hang out any more. Maybe because I didn’t hit her up the previous day? I don’t know.​

  • A couple notes about the sexual key. When I felt myself getting into sexual state in my apartment, I had the strong feeling that if I could just get into this state on command, my game would be so powerful. I’ve had this challenge for a while now. I’m able to get into a sexual state, but I haven’t found a way to feel it on command. I find it easier to get into sexual state if I feel like the girl’s into me – and with this girl, I didn’t reach that point until we were sitting on my couch. This limits me, though, because getting into that state helps create the attraction in the first place!

The last thing about the sexual key is the initial eye contact when we met. It felt similar to the initial eye contact in “Welcome to Brazil” – a warm dominance. It can be a bit uncomfortable to win that initial eye contact battle, but it’s super important. As I was doing it, I almost felt like I had a sixth sense of creating masculine and lover associations in her mind…​

  • I also wonder whether I could’ve pulled even sooner. Like I mentioned in the report, the conversation at the ice cream place didn’t seem to deepen the seduction at all… so maybe she would’ve gone with the pull even before then.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Another banger from Bloom! Really enjoyed reading this one. I love how you give creative names to all your lays, and you always end it on a funny note. Sounds like you had a great summer in Rio. I'm excited that I'll be there in a couple of months time.

This also reinforces to me how compliance is the ultimate IOI. Even though this girl didn’t show much outward interest, she went along with each escalation. Flip-side, I’ve had plenty of girls (as all of us have) that seemed totally into me – sometimes, they’d even verbalize it! – but who wouldn’t let me escalate or who wouldn’t come out on another date. Classic IOIs are generally good indications, but compliance is more reliable. That said, there are also micro-expressions – I mention one of them in Welcome to Brazil – that do seem to be consistently reliable…

This is true. A big variable we can't see is what else is going on in a girl's life, and I think that influences her psychological state. I've had success with girls I never expected to pull, and experienced LMR with girls who I thought I'd run perfect game on. Compliance is the only way to know for sure, so as Gunwitch says, just keep moving the seduction forward (something I need to constantly remind myself to do).

Another clue: in the first few minutes of us having sex, she was rubbing her clit and seemed to orgasm. But about 15 minutes into the sex, when we were switching positions, she got up to use the bathroom. When she came back, she had put all her clothes on! She was a lot more talkative and bubbly at this point… but I didn’t really understand what she was saying because of the language barrier and because she was speaking quickly. I think she might’ve said something about hanging out the next day, but I’m not sure. And when I tried to get back to sex… she’d just smile and say that she had to go.​

Wait, you mean she just got up in the middle of sex and put her clothes back on before you could finish!? That's weird as fuck. If I had to guess, I'd say there's probably something else in her life/headspace that she's dealing with, and it came back into her mind after SHE climaxed which killed the sexual arousal for her. Would have been courteous of her to at least help YOU finish though... 😅

A couple notes about the sexual key. When I felt myself getting into sexual state in my apartment, I had the strong feeling that if I could just get into this state on command, my game would be so powerful. I’ve had this challenge for a while now. I’m able to get into a sexual state, but I haven’t found a way to feel it on command. I find it easier to get into sexual state if I feel like the girl’s into me – and with this girl, I didn’t reach that point until we were sitting on my couch. This limits me, though, because getting into that state helps create the attraction in the first place!​

The last thing about the sexual key is the initial eye contact when we met. It felt similar to the initial eye contact in “Welcome to Brazil” – a warm dominance. It can be a bit uncomfortable to win that initial eye contact battle, but it’s super important. As I was doing it, I almost felt like I had a sixth sense of creating masculine and lover associations in her mind…​

Have you tried running any of Teevster's sex talk gambits? For me, they're a great hack for getting into sexual state (even though they're meant to arouse her, I find they actually arouse me too!). Though I can see the language barrier being an issue with this. Also, I find you need a fair bit of both the Social and Emotional keys in place before launching into them, otherwise she may not feel comfortable opening up yet. For your case, perhaps you could have tried something like the 8 Orgasms Routine after she was back at yours?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Impressive leading and persistence!

I'd have given up much sooner. The next time I am tempted to eject, I will remember this LR :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
A lot of the Brazilian girls are use to more physical aggressiveness, sometimes they don't give you any iois or any indication of interest but in private they will comply, something women I found with Brazilian...

That is how I discovered the 3 bounce date would get awkward and at that point I would bounce them back in the game...

I told a dude that went to Argentina and had issues due to language that in loud environment and with language barriers more of a subcommunication physical 60yoc style game vs all this technical game is more powerful


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 15, 2020
We walk like this for about 10 minutes before reaching the end of Ipanema. At this point, I’d typically try to bounce to another spot, but it doesn’t feel right in this situation – there’s no conversation or vibe between us to justify it. Instead, I tell her that I’ll walk with her towards the Copacabana neighborhood, since that’s where we’re both staying and where she was initially headed when we met. The underlying message is that we’ll be going our separate ways, soon.
@Bloom how do you sense the vibe. I am a nerdy motherfucker still a beginner in game. I see that you are talking about a social vibe here
After about 15 more minutes of this, I once again feel like the conversation – which continues to have fits and starts – isn’t helping anything. And once again, I feel like the only option left is to escalate and see what happens. Even though the vibe doesn’t seem quite right for it, I remind myself that this is exactly how I felt the last two times that I successfully escalated with this girl. So I take the leap and go for it: after a moment of us looking at each other, I lift her chin with my finger, and gently pull her in for a kiss.
Here you are talking about sexual vibe I believe. How do you sense the vibe? I always have trouble understanding some of the esoteric or abstract concepts in game.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
Another banger from Bloom! Really enjoyed reading this one. I love how you give creative names to all your lays, and you always end it on a funny note. Sounds like you had a great summer in Rio. I'm excited that I'll be there in a couple of months time.
Thanks, and you'll have a great time there. Game aside, it's a fun and beautiful city to be in.

Would have been courteous of her to at least help YOU finish though... 😅
I know right, after all I had to put up with! 😂

Have you tried running any of Teevster's sex talk gambits? For me, they're a great hack for getting into sexual state (even though they're meant to arouse her, I find they actually arouse me too!). Though I can see the language barrier being an issue with this. Also, I find you need a fair bit of both the Social and Emotional keys in place before launching into them, otherwise she may not feel comfortable opening up yet. For your case, perhaps you could have tried something like the 8 Orgasms Routine after she was back at yours?
That's an interesting idea.

I have noticed that I can sometimes get myself into sexual state just by doing the SECT stuff -- speaking slower, having good eye contact, closeness, touch. A.k.a., all of the stuff that'd I use to turn her on sometimes turns me on. It sounds like the sexual verbals work in a similar way for you.

Sexual verbals aren't a part of my game right now, but that's the next piece of my game I want to work. So I'll def be paying attention to whether they help with the sexual state.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
A lot of the Brazilian girls are use to more physical aggressiveness, sometimes they don't give you any iois or any indication of interest but in private they will comply, something women I found with Brazilian...

That is how I discovered the 3 bounce date would get awkward and at that point I would bounce them back in the game...

I told a dude that went to Argentina and had issues due to language that in loud environment and with language barriers more of a subcommunication physical 60yoc style game vs all this technical game is more powerful
Yeah, the culture could definitely be part of it. I was in Argentina for a while and my friend there always says something similar, that the physical escalation is really important. It's something that I'm not used to because I'm usually hands-off until I pull.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 30, 2019
@Bloom how do you sense the vibe. I am a nerdy motherfucker still a beginner in game. I see that you are talking about a social vibe here
At that point on the beach, I was referring more to a rapport. Like in some conversations, the convo flows easily and naturally, and it seems like the other person is enjoying it. At that point, that wasn't really there with this girl.
Here you are talking about sexual vibe I believe. How do you sense the vibe? I always have trouble understanding some of the esoteric or abstract concepts in game.
Yeah, that comes through experience. I've been doing this stuff for around 9 years now... and after enough interactions, you develop an intuition for it. The only way to really understand the "abstract" concepts is to go out and get real-world experiences that you can connect them to.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 15, 2020
At that point on the beach, I was referring more to a rapport. Like in some conversations, the convo flows easily and naturally, and it seems like the other person is enjoying it. At that point, that wasn't really there with this girl.

Yeah, that comes through experience. I've been doing this stuff for around 9 years now... and after enough interactions, you develop an intuition for it. The only way to really understand the "abstract" concepts is to go out and get real-world experiences that you can connect them to.
Thanks Senor! I think I understand the social vibe. I will keep going out to better understand the sexual vibe. Great report explaining the process and reinforcing that seduction doesn't have to be perfect!

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
I’ve had some odd experiences with Latin American women (in Latin America) where they do their best to give you as little signals as possible.

I suspect this may have been due to the language barrier with my broken Spanish (at the time) and their broken English being distracting.

There was some girls that gave me almost no signals other than coming with me for food or walking around with me or back to my place. But I assumed that could also mean they were trying to rob me or ask me for money.

All of those Latin women that didn’t give me signals were interested, and had no other agenda.

One girl in Colombia, I genuinely had no idea she was interested until after I took her clothes off and she calmly guided me inside her.

Latin women have this reputation for being these passionate women that are expressive - I didn’t find that when I was there. They were certainly very sexual and very easily aroused - but they definately wouldn’t give you any indications of how aroused they were, unfortunately.