Taken from my journal...
January 29
1. Cute brunette in hallway
Me: "hey"
Her: "hi"
She walks ahead of me, so I walk a bit faster to get back to her side.
Me: "are you single?"
Her: *laughs, like it’s not something that she gets asked every day* "no, I'm actually not."
Introductions; handshake.
Me: "so what are you up to today?"
Her: "just finished class, going to go meet up with friends now"
Me: struggling for what to say, so this is what I say: "You seem like the goody two shoe kinda girl"
Her: *laughs*
Me: I should've followed up with something like: "am I correct?" Instead I say: "hey, stop for a minute" and stand by a wall
Her: *stops and takes a few steps closer to me - I'm locked in now*
Her: "why?"
Me: "I want to talk to you"
Me: "so what do you do here in the city?"
Her: "Well, I live out in poco, so I drive here to school, and drive back every day"
Me: *should've said something like: "aha! so you are a goody two shoe!" Instead I said: "so you’re quite the traveller"
Her: "yep *pause* seriously, I have to go though”
Me: “two minutes won’t kill your friends”
Her: *complies*
Me: “what else do you do?”
Her: “I play soccer”
Me: “ahh, so you must have a really hard kick”
Her: “haha yep”
Me: “like kicking balls?”
Her: *smiles*
Me: “I better watch out” *I take a step back, then step forward again (push-pull)
Her: *laughs*
Me: “hey so what’s your schedule looking like? We should grab a coffee sometime”
Her: “I do have a boyfriend”
Me: “and what makes you think I’m trying to take his place?” *skeptical look*
Her: “I don’t know…”
Me: “so what’s your schedule like?”
Her: “well, I have a 2 hour break at this time on Mondays and Wednesdays, and no breaks on Tuesdays and Thursdays”
Me: “cool, why don’t you just add your number to my phone then” *take out my phone*
Her: “okay, but I’m just letting you know, I do have a boyfriend” *talking in a tone of voice that says: so don’t try anything!*
Me: “so K…”
Her: “E L S A”
Me: “Kelsa… like the cool version of Kelsey”
Her: “haha, I guess”
Me: *look at her like I want her number, while showing her my phone at the same time*
Her: “xxx-xxx-xxxx”
Me: “great!”
Me: “so how’d you get into playing soccer?”
Her: “just started when I was young, and it sort of just escalated from there”
Me: “mmm, escalate... I like that word” (damnit! Too obvious flirting again! Better said: “mmm… I like your choice of words, not trying to escaaaalaattteee with me….are you…?”)
Her: “haha ok. I gotta go now, c ya!”
I sent her an icebreaker and she responded within ten minutes. Don’t know how I’m going to deal with this girl though, since she’s only giving me two hours, and lives far away, so she might be hesitant to meet up with me out of school time.
2. Curly haired brunette in library
Catch this girl walking up the stairs of the library. She pauses at the top, and this is where I come from behind her and open her from the side: “shhhhh” (because there was a sign in front of us that had a smiley face on it with a zippered up mouth lol). She laughs and continues walking. I look at her and signal her to take off her earbuds. She smiles at me and keeps on walking. So I open up my mouth to say something, and this is when she takes them off.
Me: “I just wanted to let you know… *slow spreading smile* that I looveee your curly hair”
Her: “thanks”
Me: “stop for a second” *lean by this glass overlook*
Her: “I can’t, I’m looking for someone”
Me: “two minutes won’t kill them”
Her: “it’s already been two minutes”
Me: *ignore that shit* “I’m Darren by the way” *hold out my hand*
Her: *laughs and walks away*
3. Brunette in library
Me: *frontal side open* “Are you single?”
Her: *smiles* “no.”
Me: “I’m Darren”
Her: *name*
Now I take her hand, and I never let go unless the girl lets go. But this girl didn’t let go. So we just held hands and stared into each other’s eyes for a good like 15-20 seconds. Then she looked over and said: “hey George!” I look over as well, and there’s this guy standing there. Fuck! Spell-broken!
Me: “is this your… friend?” (should’ve said boyfriend, why didn’t I? Because I was sort of scared that he actually was lol)
Her: “Yeah”
Him: *to me* “hey, you were in one of my classes.”
Me: *looks over at him* “I just wanted to let her know” *looks back at her* “how pretty I thought she was” (this is what I should’ve done but instead I did something like this: *look over at him, then look back at her* “I just wanted to let her know, how pretty I thought she was”)
Me: “okay, c ya”
Walk away half laughing and half mad at myself for not asking if he was her bf.
It was funny since I saw this guy again later, and he complimented my on my confidence. That was when I asked him if he was her bf, and he said no. I was like “damnit. Because I would’ve probably kept talking to her.” He was like: “oh really? I think she has a boyfriend though.” I was like: “yeah, she does,” then I kept walking away lol.
4. Hottie brunette in library
There’s this girl sitting down studying. So I go up to her, she looks at me. I open direct as usual.
Her: “thanks”
Me: “I hope you don’t mind if I take a seat”
Her: “I’m actually just studying”
Me: “two minutes won’t kill ya” *sit down*
Introductions; handshake
I sit down and stare into her eyes for like 10 seconds. She laughs, looks down, and continues studying.
Me: “just being a goody two shoe, huh?” (trying to re-initiate her)
Her: “just trying to study”
Me: “key word: studying” *I do that thing with my index finger and my middle finger, sort of looks like bunny ears flapping, but it indicates sarcasm*
Her: “haha, what about you?”
Me: “same…trying to study. But you’re quite the distraction”
I actually can’t remember this entire conversation. So I’m just going to write down parts of it that stood out. I remember I used the bored look a couple times throughout this interaction since she tried to ignore me. Usually it doesn’t work because the girls aren’t testing me; they’re just not interested from the get-go. However, it did seem to work a bit this time. Other than that, strong eye contact throughout this entire conversation (well, in most of my conversations when the girl is stationary, but this interaction made extremely good use of it).
There was this point where we ran out of things to talk about. So we just stared into each other’s eyes for a long time lol. I love doing this.
Hahahaha, so fun! Game is so fun! Meeting girls is so fun! And this staring to create sexual tension to replace words is so fun! Anyways, I try to close at some point, and she gives me the boyfriend objection + the busy objection.
Okay, at this point, she looks past me, and I look behind me, and there’s this guy walking up to us.
Me: “is that your boyfriend?” (hahah good job)
Her: “haha no”
Anyways, they greet each other, and it seems obvious they’re gonna go do a group project.
Me: “she’s gonna get a coffee with me before *look at her* right?”
Hahahahaha. So funny. I laugh after this, and say: “nice meeting you!” and walk away.
5. Brunette at café
She’s sitting down doing work, so I go up to her, she looks at me, and I open direct. She says’ she’s doing work but I say “two minutes won’t kill ya,” and sit down nevertheless. Gonna just write excerpts from the conversation.
Me: “what is it that’s so important anyways?”
Start light bantering about her studies (she’s doing business so I say: “working on your persuasion skills, I see” blah blah fucking blah. Then she shows some interest in me and asks me what school I go to).
Me: “Langara”
Her: “oh, me too”
Me: “I better not see you stalking me”
Her: “I think it would be the other way around”
This took me by surprise, and I didn’t know how to respond, just held a blank expression for a few seconds. Now that I think about it, I should’ve put on a skeptical face. Anyways, she totally won the frame here.
We talk about what her assignment is about. She says that she chose to write about how society creates a fake perception of beauty.
Me: “wow… deep” (shouldn’t have said this, she gave me an opportunity here to agree with her and talk about how society distorts everything, especially regarding rules on sex - would have allowed me to qualify her on her intelligence and set up a us vs. them frame, but I don’t think about these things until after the interaction, when I realize I screwed up – this is why writing everything down is so good, it makes you put down in words, what you did wrong so that you will remember it forever and ever and ever, and learn from it).
Her: “anyways, I’ve got to get back to work”
I try to close here. She gives me boyfriend objection. I reply with the usual. Still no go.
Me: “you don’t like trouble?”
Her: “it’s just that I can’t do that to my boyfriend, sorry, I hope you understand”
6. Blonde by school
After I approached the café girl, I realized that I am going to be late for class. So I drive, park 5 blocks from school, and begin walking. I am holding my drink, and have my other hand in my pocket. So not a very sexy walk; not in a state to approach. A cute blonde walks right past me. I stop. Think about it. Fuck it.
Lightly jog up in front of her.
Me: “stop.”
She looks at me and takes off her earphones.
Me: “I just wanted to let you know *slow spreading smile*
Her: “what?”
Me: “that you are aaabsolutely gorgeous”
Her: “thanks”
Introductions; handshake
Gaze into her eyes for 5 seconds.
Me: “so what are you up to today?” *use my hands to ‘exaggerate’ this*
Her: “just going home from school”
Me: “cool. Langara?” *points*
Her: “yep”
Me: “I go there too. I better not see you following me around”
Her: “I won’t”
Me: “promise?”
Her: “yep”
Me: “so what do you do here in the city?”
Her: “well, I’m from Langley, but I live here during the week with my aunt and uncle”
Me: “that’s nice of them”
Her: “yeah, I don’t have to pay”
Me: “haha, straight to the point: ‘I don’t have to pay’”
Her: “haha”
Me: “what else do you do? Any sports, anything creative?”
Her: “well… I used to dance”
Me: “oh no way. What did you like about it?”
Her: “I don’t know…it was fun.”
Me: (“fun as in”… *should’ve added this phrase to the beginning of this sentence*) “you got to be the centre of attention; got to show off your agile movements; make boys stare…?”
Her: *awkward laugh*
Me: “Well, Hannah, you seem like a swell girl”
Her: “thanks!”
Me: “let’s say we grab a coffee sometime”
Her: “I actually have a boyfriend”
Me: “and what makes you think I’m trying to take his spot?”
Her: “I don’t know…”
Me: “What’s your schedule looking like?”
Her: “well… tomorrow I’m going back home”
Me: “okay, well just add your number to my phone”
Her: “okay”
I take out my phone and hand it to her, she enters her info down.
Me: “any plans for the rest of the day?”
Her: “gonna go out for dinner with my aunt, then gotta work on this library studies assignment” *starts talking about her library studies*
Me: “so you must really like books”
Her: “oh ya. That’s also something else I do. I like reading”
Me: “aaahhhhh, escaping to fantasies”
Her: “haha”
I should’ve related back to her here, but instead I kept pummeling her with questions. Fuck Fuck Fuck.
Me: “what books do you like? The ones with the handsome, mysterious men I’m guessing”
Her: *another awkward laugh*
Her: “I like teen dramas… fiction… cases that are presented, and solved.”
Me: “mm. mysteries”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “cool! Well, I’ll see you around!
Her: *sort of caught by surprise* “okay!”
Me: “bye”
Her: “bye”
Fuck! I should’ve deep dived reading more, but I was honestly just thinking about getting to class. I was still 10 minutes late, so I should’ve just kept talking to her and making the number pull more natural. But fuck! Also, waaaaayyyyy too many sexual remarks. I need to tampen down on those. I always feel the urge to toss those kinds of remarks out, even though I know I shouldn’t! It’s so weird! I know I shouldn’t do it but I still do! As a result, I could tell she was a bit weirded out.
7. Cute girl in class
I walk into class late, and there’s this girl in class who’s also in my psychology group in another class. The first time I tried talking to her, she seemed pretty shy, and not into me (or maybe just shy) so I stopped talking to her after that. But today, I was feeling pretty confident, so I took a seat beside her. At break I opened her with: “are you ready for the test tomorrow?”
Fuck! I know I shouldn’t talk about class in class. Instead, I should’ve said: “that’s nice of her (teacher)” because our teacher gave everyone a free 10$ tim horton’s gift card… I know, right?
Anyways, at least that got her talking. We light banter for a bit. She says she hates multiple choice, so I relate back to her (even though I love multiple choice lol). She asks me if I’ve started studying yet. I said no. I should’ve thrown the question back at her so that I could relate, because after that, she told me that she’s been studying for the past three days, making up her own questions and shit. So I sort of killed my relatability here.
Me: “so is this your first semester?”
Her: “um. No. I’m doing a second year course” (lol I’m so stupid, she looked young though, I swear!)
Me: “got me there”
Her: “yeah it’s my fourth and final semester”
Me: “me too, high five!”
We high five.
Me: *look ahead, pretend to be bored*
Her: *re-initiates me* “where are you planning to transfer to?”
Me: *thoughtful look without the hand on my chin* “mmmm, I applied to a bunch of universities”
Her: “well, where do you want to go?”
Me: “out of town would be nice. Change of scenery.” (implicitly stating im not bf material + not answering her question fully – not spilling the beans)
Her: “oh”
Me: “wbu?”
Her: “sfu”
Me: “you live around Burnaby?”
Her: “I live in Richmond, and you?”
Me: “I live in the Kitsilano area”
Me: *bored look*
Me: “so what do you do in Richmond?”
Her: *like it’s a stupid question* “what do you mean? I live in Richmond”
Me: “like do you do any sports? Anything creative?”
Her: “well I used to do gymnastics and play softball”
Me: “so you’re quite the athletic person”
Her: “haha sort of”
Me: “would you ever get back into doing those?”
Her: “hmm… well I’m too old for gymnastics now. Softball… in the summer I’ll probably get back into it, because all I’ll be doing is work.”
Me: *think about what to say* “so you must really be really good at batting”
Her: “haha not really…”
Me: “so what position do you play?”
Her: “just outfielder, nothing special”
Me: “I like how your humble”
Her: “haha”
Me: “I can tell that you’re the kind of person who, when they win an award, doesn’t brag about it”
Her: *shy laugh*
Me: “or maybe not….”
Her: *another shy laugh*
Me: *bored look again*
Her: *re-iniatiates me with a boring question about our research group* (why can’t she ask me what I do? *sob* *sob* lol jk)
Light banter about that for a bit until break is over. Made real good use of the bored look this convo and it worked wonders. Sucks that we only talked about “real shit” 1/3rd of the conversation. Although this girl is in two of my classes, so it is better to take things a bit slower. Gonna have to ask her out sooner or later though (before 5 classes). But I don’t know if I want to because she’s in my group and if she says no it would be so fucking awkward the rest of the semester.
January 30
1. Brunette girl sitting down on sofa
I go up to her. She looks at me and says: “heyy!” That’s when I know, that I’ve already approached her.
Me: “hey!” *take a seat beside her
Me: “whatsup?”
Her: “just obsessing over squamish music festival” *playing around on her phone, most likely reading about it*
Me: “cool”
Her: “yeah it’s in August”
Me: “ahhh, anything to take your mind off this horrendous…” *point outside the window to pouring rain*”weather…”
Her: “haha yep, still so far awayyy” (I should’ve responded: but you can dreeeaaaammmmm)
Me: *look straight head of me* - Okay, I keep saying that I do bored look, but what I’m doing is just smiling and looking straight ahead (since she’s at my side). But I just realized that you should still have half your face turned to the girl when you do this. You shouldn’t be too aloof.
Her: *re-initiates me* “do you have class?”
Me: “no, I just finished a test”
Her: “oh what test? How’d you do?”
Me: *used my hands to demonstrate: ‘meh’*
Her: “oh, happy medium, that’s good”
Me: *look forward again*
Her: *re-initiates me* “what are you doing now?” (oh no! She wants me to leave… I can sense it - *sob* *sob* …please get me a bucket) lol jk
Me: “I was just on my way home, but you’re quite the distraction”
Her: “hahaha. Oh my god. I don’t even know what to say to that.”
Me: “ummm…. Thanks?”
Her: “haha, okay… thanks?”
Me: *look forward again*
Her: *re-initiates me again* “do you have class tomorrow?”
Me: “no, why? Want to grab a coffee?” (hah – not a bad chase frame – but better stated: “no, why? Wanting to grab a coffee with me I see)
Her: “haha no. I have a boyfriend”
Me: “and what makes you think I want to take his spot?”
Her: “well… you asked me out for coffee… so I’m assuming…”
Me: “doesn’t mean I want to be your boyfriend. I just want to get to know you better”
Me: “just add your number to my phone”
Her: “I’ll take down your number”
Me: “Okay. It’s xxx-xxx-xxxx” (damnit! Went a bit needy here. Better to have been like: “I don’t give my number out just like that! You gotta work for it girl!)
Her: “what’s your name?”
Me: “Darren”
Her: “okay! Got it, Darren!”
Me: “and yours?”
Her: *her name* (I forgot her name already lol)
Me: “nice to meet you again” *shake hands lol*
Me: “so what do you like about Squamish music festival”
Her: “well, Bruno mars is going to be there *names more artists*”
Me: “sounds cheery” (like cheerful – but I think I should’ve said instead: “sounds like you’re going there because you really enjoy the artists)
Her: “well, yeah, it better be, it’s outdoor”
Her: *looks down at her phone again and says real quietly: “hmm… to do or not to do”*
Me: *look ahead again*
Her: “what are you doing now? Going home?”
Me: “yeah, what about you?”
Her: “I need to go to the mall! and get a knife engraved!”
Me: “for your boyfriend?” (better stated: “oooooo, for your boyfriend” – lightly teasing)
Her: “yeah, don’t tell him though”
Me: “I won’t. I like secrets *pause* This one will be between me and you”
Her: “hahaha. Oh. My. God.”
Me: *stand up* “which way are you going?”
Her: *points* “that way, but I’m not going yet”
Me: “okay, c ya”
Also, at one point of the conversation (I don’t know know exactly when, it’s actually surprising I can remember these interactions with such vivid detail in the first place, but I don’t know where to put this part), I asked what she did for work, since she mentioned it briefly.
Her: “oh I work at a restaurant in *somewhere* ….hostess”
Me: “oh, so you must be really good at putting on that friendly smile”
Her: “haha ohhh yes.”
Her: “hello! How are you today? Table for three?”
Me: “mmm, even got it memorized”
Her: “of course. Two years and going.”
Her: “do you have a job?”
Me: “no”
Her: “how do you support yourself then?”
Me: “mmmmmm….”
Her: “parents? I do that sometimes too”
Me: “well (not wanting to sound like a snob), I saved up money during the summer” – revealing some info about myself
Her: “oh”
Me: “yeah, I respect my independence. I bet you do too.”
Her: *smiles sorta awkwardly, sort of like saying: ‘I do have a boyfriend, you know’*
Pretty good interaction overall. Made real good use of putting the social pressure on her.
January 31
Went to the university today. The day started off horribly. I would say assertively to girls: “stop,” and this would get them to stop right there and then. But then after my opener, they would say they were busy or whatever and continue walking. No point in chasing those girls. They’re in a hurry and uninterested. After an hour, I was ready to give up. My confidence had completely dissipated from the previous days and I knew this was because I hadn't had any good conversations thus far. But I simply wasn't satisfied.“It’s not time to give up,” I told myself.
Right then, I saw a building that everyone was going into. I had no idea what this building was but this is what is so fascinating about going to a new environment to meet girls. “Meh, why not,” I thought, and I made my way inside.
1. Brunette sitting down in caf
I went up to her and opened direct. “Thanks,” she said.
Me: “I hope you don’t mind if I take a seat”
Her: “no, of course”
Me: *take the seat closest to her facing her directly*
Introductions; handshake
Me: “so what is that you’re working on?”
Her: “chemistry”
Me: “so you must be….savvy”
Her: “haha not really, I hate chemistry”
Me: “so why are you taking it?”
Her: “I have to”
Me: *put on sad face*
Me: “for what?”
Her: “science”
Me: “cool…”
Me: “so what do you plan to do with science? Like what are your dreams… your ambitions…”
Her: “I want to be a surgeon”
Me: “oh cool…”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “and open up people and stuff”
Her: “yeah… well I would be a plastic surgeon. Help people who get into accidents.”
Me: “oh I see. Transform people back into their original form”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “so what else do you do, when you’re not stressing over chemistry”
Her: “well, I’m on the track team”
Me: “oh, cool. So you must be a really fast runner”
Her: “haha sort of.”
Me: “I like how you’re humble”
Her: “haha
Me: “most people would jump on that chance and be like: ‘yeah! I’m the fastest runner ever”
Me: “but you… you’re like: “mmmm… sort of… I’m alright”
Her: “haha, yeah… getting there”
Me: “practice makes perfect
Her: “yeah”
Me: “well you seem like a swell girl, want to grab a coffee sometime?”
Her: “I actually have a boyfriend”
Me: “and what makes you think I want to take his spot?” *said with a nudge on her upper arm*
Her: “well, I’ll be down for coffee if it’s just as friends”
Me: “I can’t promise you that, but I can promise you that you’ll have a good time ”
Her: “haha okay…”
Me: “great” *take out my phone* “just add your number to my phone”
I give her my phone, she adds her info.
Me: “I’ll send you a text later so you have my number saved. Just make sure you aren’t calling me 24/7”
Her: “haha, ok I’ll make sure”
Me: “so, how’d you get into track?”
Her: “well, my mom was in it, so I thought that I’d do it too”
Me: “ah, like mother, like daughter”
Her: “yep”
Me: “you must really look up to her”
Her: “yeah, I do”
Me: “I look up to my mom as well” (I tried to relate to her here, but I think I should’ve just dived deeper, instead I tried too hard to relate back)
Her: “cool”
Me: “it’s good to have a role model” (screwed up here, should’ve been like: “yeah as I grew older, I realized more and more how much my mom did for me, and I want to mirror her generosity, but for you, I’m guessing that you want to mirror her athleticism?”)
Her: "yeah"
Me: *made my farewell*
Fuck! I can’t think always think of these things on the spot. But I know with practice, I can. Just read Anatman's LR and he did great on relating to the girl regarding her relationship with her mother:
2. Mexican girl walking
This girl was on the phone, apparently waiting for someone, so I waited for her to get off before approaching.
Me: “hey!”
Her: “hi”
Me: “I just wanted to let you know… *slow spreading smile* that I loveee your style”
Her: “thanks”
Me: “your red scarf really works well with the all black”
Her: “thanks”
Me: “it doesn’t sound like you’re from around here”
Her: “I’m from mexico”
Me: “mehico”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “so do you like it here?”
Her: “yeah! I do!”
Me: “what do you like about it?” *use my hands to express this*
Her: “everything. The weather, it’s really nice today”
Me: “yeah it is. Everyone seems happier. You can really feel it”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “it seems like you’re waiting for someone”
Her: “yeah, my friend should be here, but is not”
Me: “I’m sure she’ll be here soon…” (better not to have said?)
Me: “so what do you study here?” *point to ground*
Her: “economics”
Me: “ah. Money money money”
Her: “Haha
What do you study?”
Me: *thoughtful look* “psychology… how we think… how we behave…”
Me: “how’d you get into economics?”
Her: “I love economics! The world revolves around it”
Me: “Yeah. All these buildings around us *use arms to show this* all these people, wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for economics”
Her: “yeah exactly...! Well, I got to go now!”
Me: “Let’s grab a coffee sometime” *start taking out my phone*
Her: “I have a boyfriend”
Me: “…and what makes you think I want to be your boyfriend?”
Her: “haha…”
Me: “just add your number to my phone”
I take out my phone and show it to her while I type in her info. Halfway through, her friend calls her. She talks to her friend, hangs up, and then continues giving me her info. Then she says bye and walks away.
I sent both of these girls an icebreaker text an hour ago. But no reply yet.
January 29
1. Cute brunette in hallway
Me: "hey"
Her: "hi"
She walks ahead of me, so I walk a bit faster to get back to her side.
Me: "are you single?"
Her: *laughs, like it’s not something that she gets asked every day* "no, I'm actually not."
Introductions; handshake.
Me: "so what are you up to today?"
Her: "just finished class, going to go meet up with friends now"
Me: struggling for what to say, so this is what I say: "You seem like the goody two shoe kinda girl"
Her: *laughs*
Me: I should've followed up with something like: "am I correct?" Instead I say: "hey, stop for a minute" and stand by a wall
Her: *stops and takes a few steps closer to me - I'm locked in now*
Her: "why?"
Me: "I want to talk to you"
Me: "so what do you do here in the city?"
Her: "Well, I live out in poco, so I drive here to school, and drive back every day"
Me: *should've said something like: "aha! so you are a goody two shoe!" Instead I said: "so you’re quite the traveller"
Her: "yep *pause* seriously, I have to go though”
Me: “two minutes won’t kill your friends”
Her: *complies*
Me: “what else do you do?”
Her: “I play soccer”
Me: “ahh, so you must have a really hard kick”
Her: “haha yep”
Me: “like kicking balls?”
Her: *smiles*
Me: “I better watch out” *I take a step back, then step forward again (push-pull)
Her: *laughs*
Me: “hey so what’s your schedule looking like? We should grab a coffee sometime”
Her: “I do have a boyfriend”
Me: “and what makes you think I’m trying to take his place?” *skeptical look*
Her: “I don’t know…”
Me: “so what’s your schedule like?”
Her: “well, I have a 2 hour break at this time on Mondays and Wednesdays, and no breaks on Tuesdays and Thursdays”
Me: “cool, why don’t you just add your number to my phone then” *take out my phone*
Her: “okay, but I’m just letting you know, I do have a boyfriend” *talking in a tone of voice that says: so don’t try anything!*
Me: “so K…”
Her: “E L S A”
Me: “Kelsa… like the cool version of Kelsey”
Her: “haha, I guess”
Me: *look at her like I want her number, while showing her my phone at the same time*
Her: “xxx-xxx-xxxx”
Me: “great!”
Me: “so how’d you get into playing soccer?”
Her: “just started when I was young, and it sort of just escalated from there”
Me: “mmm, escalate... I like that word” (damnit! Too obvious flirting again! Better said: “mmm… I like your choice of words, not trying to escaaaalaattteee with me….are you…?”)
Her: “haha ok. I gotta go now, c ya!”
I sent her an icebreaker and she responded within ten minutes. Don’t know how I’m going to deal with this girl though, since she’s only giving me two hours, and lives far away, so she might be hesitant to meet up with me out of school time.
2. Curly haired brunette in library
Catch this girl walking up the stairs of the library. She pauses at the top, and this is where I come from behind her and open her from the side: “shhhhh” (because there was a sign in front of us that had a smiley face on it with a zippered up mouth lol). She laughs and continues walking. I look at her and signal her to take off her earbuds. She smiles at me and keeps on walking. So I open up my mouth to say something, and this is when she takes them off.
Me: “I just wanted to let you know… *slow spreading smile* that I looveee your curly hair”
Her: “thanks”
Me: “stop for a second” *lean by this glass overlook*
Her: “I can’t, I’m looking for someone”
Me: “two minutes won’t kill them”
Her: “it’s already been two minutes”
Me: *ignore that shit* “I’m Darren by the way” *hold out my hand*
Her: *laughs and walks away*
3. Brunette in library
Me: *frontal side open* “Are you single?”
Her: *smiles* “no.”
Me: “I’m Darren”
Her: *name*
Now I take her hand, and I never let go unless the girl lets go. But this girl didn’t let go. So we just held hands and stared into each other’s eyes for a good like 15-20 seconds. Then she looked over and said: “hey George!” I look over as well, and there’s this guy standing there. Fuck! Spell-broken!
Me: “is this your… friend?” (should’ve said boyfriend, why didn’t I? Because I was sort of scared that he actually was lol)
Her: “Yeah”
Him: *to me* “hey, you were in one of my classes.”
Me: *looks over at him* “I just wanted to let her know” *looks back at her* “how pretty I thought she was” (this is what I should’ve done but instead I did something like this: *look over at him, then look back at her* “I just wanted to let her know, how pretty I thought she was”)
Me: “okay, c ya”
Walk away half laughing and half mad at myself for not asking if he was her bf.
It was funny since I saw this guy again later, and he complimented my on my confidence. That was when I asked him if he was her bf, and he said no. I was like “damnit. Because I would’ve probably kept talking to her.” He was like: “oh really? I think she has a boyfriend though.” I was like: “yeah, she does,” then I kept walking away lol.
4. Hottie brunette in library
There’s this girl sitting down studying. So I go up to her, she looks at me. I open direct as usual.
Her: “thanks”
Me: “I hope you don’t mind if I take a seat”
Her: “I’m actually just studying”
Me: “two minutes won’t kill ya” *sit down*
Introductions; handshake
I sit down and stare into her eyes for like 10 seconds. She laughs, looks down, and continues studying.
Me: “just being a goody two shoe, huh?” (trying to re-initiate her)
Her: “just trying to study”
Me: “key word: studying” *I do that thing with my index finger and my middle finger, sort of looks like bunny ears flapping, but it indicates sarcasm*
Her: “haha, what about you?”
Me: “same…trying to study. But you’re quite the distraction”
I actually can’t remember this entire conversation. So I’m just going to write down parts of it that stood out. I remember I used the bored look a couple times throughout this interaction since she tried to ignore me. Usually it doesn’t work because the girls aren’t testing me; they’re just not interested from the get-go. However, it did seem to work a bit this time. Other than that, strong eye contact throughout this entire conversation (well, in most of my conversations when the girl is stationary, but this interaction made extremely good use of it).
Me: “are you always that spontaneous?” (don’t remember why I asked this, but something she said gave me the perfect opportunity to ask so)
Her: “yeah”
Me: “that’s cool, because some of the best moments in life are spontaneous”
Her: “yep.”
Me: “so what do you do when you’re not stressing over homework?”
Her: “*something* *something* *soccer* *something*”
Me: “oh cool, soccer huh? You must have a pretty hard kick.”
Her: “haha, sort of… not really…”
Me: “mm. so defender then?”
Her: “no”
Me: “what then?”
Her: “a bit of everything”
Me: “aaaahhhhh, the variety kind” *use my hands to express*
Her: “yep!”
Me: “how’d you get into soccer?”
Her: “just started playing it when I was young”
Me: “cool” (bad feedback lol)
Me: “so what are you studying anyways”
Her: “fitness fiz”
Me: “the fiz at the end of it just makes it” (said something like this lol)
Her: “Haha. What about you?”
Me: *thoughtful look without putting hand on my chin*
Me: “mostly psychology. You know… how we think, and behave”
There was this point where we ran out of things to talk about. So we just stared into each other’s eyes for a long time lol. I love doing this.
Me: “you have really pretty eyes” (should’ve said more sexually! Damnit Darren! Pretend like shes naked in the bedroom! You always forget to do that lol)!
Her: “thanks”
Me: “stop looking at me like that” (push-pull motherfuckers!)
Her: “like what?”
Me: “like…” *continue staring*
Hahahaha, so fun! Game is so fun! Meeting girls is so fun! And this staring to create sexual tension to replace words is so fun! Anyways, I try to close at some point, and she gives me the boyfriend objection + the busy objection.
Her: “I’ve got labs, exams, homework… fun stuff”
Me: “me too”
Her: “yeah? Psyc labs and whatnot?”
Me: “yep… fun stuff… so what’s your schedule looking like” (lol yeh, stud mode – ignore everything and push on)!
Her: “I’ve got a boyfriend” *blah blah fucking blah!*
Me: *use Wesley’s line as usual now lol* (thank’s Wesley!)
Her: “I just don’t want to do that to him…” *blah blah blah* “I hope you understand…”
Okay, at this point, she looks past me, and I look behind me, and there’s this guy walking up to us.
Me: “is that your boyfriend?” (hahah good job)
Her: “haha no”
Anyways, they greet each other, and it seems obvious they’re gonna go do a group project.
Me: “she’s gonna get a coffee with me before *look at her* right?”
Hahahahaha. So funny. I laugh after this, and say: “nice meeting you!” and walk away.
5. Brunette at café
She’s sitting down doing work, so I go up to her, she looks at me, and I open direct. She says’ she’s doing work but I say “two minutes won’t kill ya,” and sit down nevertheless. Gonna just write excerpts from the conversation.
Me: “what is it that’s so important anyways?”
Start light bantering about her studies (she’s doing business so I say: “working on your persuasion skills, I see” blah blah fucking blah. Then she shows some interest in me and asks me what school I go to).
Me: “Langara”
Her: “oh, me too”
Me: “I better not see you stalking me”
Her: “I think it would be the other way around”
This took me by surprise, and I didn’t know how to respond, just held a blank expression for a few seconds. Now that I think about it, I should’ve put on a skeptical face. Anyways, she totally won the frame here.
We talk about what her assignment is about. She says that she chose to write about how society creates a fake perception of beauty.
Me: “wow… deep” (shouldn’t have said this, she gave me an opportunity here to agree with her and talk about how society distorts everything, especially regarding rules on sex - would have allowed me to qualify her on her intelligence and set up a us vs. them frame, but I don’t think about these things until after the interaction, when I realize I screwed up – this is why writing everything down is so good, it makes you put down in words, what you did wrong so that you will remember it forever and ever and ever, and learn from it).
Her: “anyways, I’ve got to get back to work”
I try to close here. She gives me boyfriend objection. I reply with the usual. Still no go.
Me: “you don’t like trouble?”
Her: “it’s just that I can’t do that to my boyfriend, sorry, I hope you understand”
6. Blonde by school
After I approached the café girl, I realized that I am going to be late for class. So I drive, park 5 blocks from school, and begin walking. I am holding my drink, and have my other hand in my pocket. So not a very sexy walk; not in a state to approach. A cute blonde walks right past me. I stop. Think about it. Fuck it.
Lightly jog up in front of her.
Me: “stop.”
She looks at me and takes off her earphones.
Me: “I just wanted to let you know *slow spreading smile*
Her: “what?”
Me: “that you are aaabsolutely gorgeous”
Her: “thanks”
Introductions; handshake
Gaze into her eyes for 5 seconds.
Me: “so what are you up to today?” *use my hands to ‘exaggerate’ this*
Her: “just going home from school”
Me: “cool. Langara?” *points*
Her: “yep”
Me: “I go there too. I better not see you following me around”
Her: “I won’t”
Me: “promise?”
Her: “yep”
Me: “so what do you do here in the city?”
Her: “well, I’m from Langley, but I live here during the week with my aunt and uncle”
Me: “that’s nice of them”
Her: “yeah, I don’t have to pay”
Me: “haha, straight to the point: ‘I don’t have to pay’”
Her: “haha”
Me: “what else do you do? Any sports, anything creative?”
Her: “well… I used to dance”
Me: “oh no way. What did you like about it?”
Her: “I don’t know…it was fun.”
Me: (“fun as in”… *should’ve added this phrase to the beginning of this sentence*) “you got to be the centre of attention; got to show off your agile movements; make boys stare…?”
Her: *awkward laugh*
Me: “Well, Hannah, you seem like a swell girl”
Her: “thanks!”
Me: “let’s say we grab a coffee sometime”
Her: “I actually have a boyfriend”
Me: “and what makes you think I’m trying to take his spot?”
Her: “I don’t know…”
Me: “What’s your schedule looking like?”
Her: “well… tomorrow I’m going back home”
Me: “okay, well just add your number to my phone”
Her: “okay”
I take out my phone and hand it to her, she enters her info down.
Me: “any plans for the rest of the day?”
Her: “gonna go out for dinner with my aunt, then gotta work on this library studies assignment” *starts talking about her library studies*
Me: “so you must really like books”
Her: “oh ya. That’s also something else I do. I like reading”
Me: “aaahhhhh, escaping to fantasies”
Her: “haha”
I should’ve related back to her here, but instead I kept pummeling her with questions. Fuck Fuck Fuck.
Me: “what books do you like? The ones with the handsome, mysterious men I’m guessing”
Her: *another awkward laugh*
Her: “I like teen dramas… fiction… cases that are presented, and solved.”
Me: “mm. mysteries”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “cool! Well, I’ll see you around!
Her: *sort of caught by surprise* “okay!”
Me: “bye”
Her: “bye”
Fuck! I should’ve deep dived reading more, but I was honestly just thinking about getting to class. I was still 10 minutes late, so I should’ve just kept talking to her and making the number pull more natural. But fuck! Also, waaaaayyyyy too many sexual remarks. I need to tampen down on those. I always feel the urge to toss those kinds of remarks out, even though I know I shouldn’t! It’s so weird! I know I shouldn’t do it but I still do! As a result, I could tell she was a bit weirded out.
7. Cute girl in class
I walk into class late, and there’s this girl in class who’s also in my psychology group in another class. The first time I tried talking to her, she seemed pretty shy, and not into me (or maybe just shy) so I stopped talking to her after that. But today, I was feeling pretty confident, so I took a seat beside her. At break I opened her with: “are you ready for the test tomorrow?”
Fuck! I know I shouldn’t talk about class in class. Instead, I should’ve said: “that’s nice of her (teacher)” because our teacher gave everyone a free 10$ tim horton’s gift card… I know, right?
Anyways, at least that got her talking. We light banter for a bit. She says she hates multiple choice, so I relate back to her (even though I love multiple choice lol). She asks me if I’ve started studying yet. I said no. I should’ve thrown the question back at her so that I could relate, because after that, she told me that she’s been studying for the past three days, making up her own questions and shit. So I sort of killed my relatability here.
Me: “so is this your first semester?”
Her: “um. No. I’m doing a second year course” (lol I’m so stupid, she looked young though, I swear!)
Me: “got me there”
Her: “yeah it’s my fourth and final semester”
Me: “me too, high five!”
We high five.
Me: *look ahead, pretend to be bored*
Her: *re-initiates me* “where are you planning to transfer to?”
Me: *thoughtful look without the hand on my chin* “mmmm, I applied to a bunch of universities”
Her: “well, where do you want to go?”
Me: “out of town would be nice. Change of scenery.” (implicitly stating im not bf material + not answering her question fully – not spilling the beans)
Her: “oh”
Me: “wbu?”
Her: “sfu”
Me: “you live around Burnaby?”
Her: “I live in Richmond, and you?”
Me: “I live in the Kitsilano area”
Me: *bored look*
Me: “so what do you do in Richmond?”
Her: *like it’s a stupid question* “what do you mean? I live in Richmond”
Me: “like do you do any sports? Anything creative?”
Her: “well I used to do gymnastics and play softball”
Me: “so you’re quite the athletic person”
Her: “haha sort of”
Me: “would you ever get back into doing those?”
Her: “hmm… well I’m too old for gymnastics now. Softball… in the summer I’ll probably get back into it, because all I’ll be doing is work.”
Me: *think about what to say* “so you must really be really good at batting”
Her: “haha not really…”
Me: “so what position do you play?”
Her: “just outfielder, nothing special”
Me: “I like how your humble”
Her: “haha”
Me: “I can tell that you’re the kind of person who, when they win an award, doesn’t brag about it”
Her: *shy laugh*
Me: “or maybe not….”
Her: *another shy laugh*
Me: *bored look again*
Her: *re-iniatiates me with a boring question about our research group* (why can’t she ask me what I do? *sob* *sob* lol jk)
Light banter about that for a bit until break is over. Made real good use of the bored look this convo and it worked wonders. Sucks that we only talked about “real shit” 1/3rd of the conversation. Although this girl is in two of my classes, so it is better to take things a bit slower. Gonna have to ask her out sooner or later though (before 5 classes). But I don’t know if I want to because she’s in my group and if she says no it would be so fucking awkward the rest of the semester.
January 30
1. Brunette girl sitting down on sofa
I go up to her. She looks at me and says: “heyy!” That’s when I know, that I’ve already approached her.
Me: “hey!” *take a seat beside her
Me: “whatsup?”
Her: “just obsessing over squamish music festival” *playing around on her phone, most likely reading about it*
Me: “cool”
Her: “yeah it’s in August”
Me: “ahhh, anything to take your mind off this horrendous…” *point outside the window to pouring rain*”weather…”
Her: “haha yep, still so far awayyy” (I should’ve responded: but you can dreeeaaaammmmm)
Me: *look straight head of me* - Okay, I keep saying that I do bored look, but what I’m doing is just smiling and looking straight ahead (since she’s at my side). But I just realized that you should still have half your face turned to the girl when you do this. You shouldn’t be too aloof.
Her: *re-initiates me* “do you have class?”
Me: “no, I just finished a test”
Her: “oh what test? How’d you do?”
Me: *used my hands to demonstrate: ‘meh’*
Her: “oh, happy medium, that’s good”
Me: *look forward again*
Her: *re-initiates me* “what are you doing now?” (oh no! She wants me to leave… I can sense it - *sob* *sob* …please get me a bucket) lol jk
Me: “I was just on my way home, but you’re quite the distraction”
Her: “hahaha. Oh my god. I don’t even know what to say to that.”
Me: “ummm…. Thanks?”
Her: “haha, okay… thanks?”
Me: *look forward again*
Her: *re-initiates me again* “do you have class tomorrow?”
Me: “no, why? Want to grab a coffee?” (hah – not a bad chase frame – but better stated: “no, why? Wanting to grab a coffee with me I see)
Her: “haha no. I have a boyfriend”
Me: “and what makes you think I want to take his spot?”
Her: “well… you asked me out for coffee… so I’m assuming…”
Me: “doesn’t mean I want to be your boyfriend. I just want to get to know you better”
Me: “just add your number to my phone”
Her: “I’ll take down your number”
Me: “Okay. It’s xxx-xxx-xxxx” (damnit! Went a bit needy here. Better to have been like: “I don’t give my number out just like that! You gotta work for it girl!)
Her: “what’s your name?”
Me: “Darren”
Her: “okay! Got it, Darren!”
Me: “and yours?”
Her: *her name* (I forgot her name already lol)
Me: “nice to meet you again” *shake hands lol*
Me: “so what do you like about Squamish music festival”
Her: “well, Bruno mars is going to be there *names more artists*”
Me: “sounds cheery” (like cheerful – but I think I should’ve said instead: “sounds like you’re going there because you really enjoy the artists)
Her: “well, yeah, it better be, it’s outdoor”
Her: *looks down at her phone again and says real quietly: “hmm… to do or not to do”*
Me: *look ahead again*
Her: “what are you doing now? Going home?”
Me: “yeah, what about you?”
Her: “I need to go to the mall! and get a knife engraved!”
Me: “for your boyfriend?” (better stated: “oooooo, for your boyfriend” – lightly teasing)
Her: “yeah, don’t tell him though”
Me: “I won’t. I like secrets *pause* This one will be between me and you”
Her: “hahaha. Oh. My. God.”
Me: *stand up* “which way are you going?”
Her: *points* “that way, but I’m not going yet”
Me: “okay, c ya”
Also, at one point of the conversation (I don’t know know exactly when, it’s actually surprising I can remember these interactions with such vivid detail in the first place, but I don’t know where to put this part), I asked what she did for work, since she mentioned it briefly.
Her: “oh I work at a restaurant in *somewhere* ….hostess”
Me: “oh, so you must be really good at putting on that friendly smile”
Her: “haha ohhh yes.”
Her: “hello! How are you today? Table for three?”
Me: “mmm, even got it memorized”
Her: “of course. Two years and going.”
Her: “do you have a job?”
Me: “no”
Her: “how do you support yourself then?”
Me: “mmmmmm….”
Her: “parents? I do that sometimes too”
Me: “well (not wanting to sound like a snob), I saved up money during the summer” – revealing some info about myself
Her: “oh”
Me: “yeah, I respect my independence. I bet you do too.”
Her: *smiles sorta awkwardly, sort of like saying: ‘I do have a boyfriend, you know’*
Pretty good interaction overall. Made real good use of putting the social pressure on her.
January 31
Went to the university today. The day started off horribly. I would say assertively to girls: “stop,” and this would get them to stop right there and then. But then after my opener, they would say they were busy or whatever and continue walking. No point in chasing those girls. They’re in a hurry and uninterested. After an hour, I was ready to give up. My confidence had completely dissipated from the previous days and I knew this was because I hadn't had any good conversations thus far. But I simply wasn't satisfied.“It’s not time to give up,” I told myself.
Right then, I saw a building that everyone was going into. I had no idea what this building was but this is what is so fascinating about going to a new environment to meet girls. “Meh, why not,” I thought, and I made my way inside.
1. Brunette sitting down in caf
I went up to her and opened direct. “Thanks,” she said.
Me: “I hope you don’t mind if I take a seat”
Her: “no, of course”
Me: *take the seat closest to her facing her directly*
Introductions; handshake
Me: “so what is that you’re working on?”
Her: “chemistry”
Me: “so you must be….savvy”
Her: “haha not really, I hate chemistry”
Me: “so why are you taking it?”
Her: “I have to”
Me: *put on sad face*
Me: “for what?”
Her: “science”
Me: “cool…”
Me: “so what do you plan to do with science? Like what are your dreams… your ambitions…”
Her: “I want to be a surgeon”
Me: “oh cool…”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “and open up people and stuff”
Her: “yeah… well I would be a plastic surgeon. Help people who get into accidents.”
Me: “oh I see. Transform people back into their original form”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “so what else do you do, when you’re not stressing over chemistry”
Her: “well, I’m on the track team”
Me: “oh, cool. So you must be a really fast runner”
Her: “haha sort of.”
Me: “I like how you’re humble”
Her: “haha
Me: “most people would jump on that chance and be like: ‘yeah! I’m the fastest runner ever”
Me: “but you… you’re like: “mmmm… sort of… I’m alright”
Her: “haha, yeah… getting there”
Me: “practice makes perfect
Her: “yeah”
Me: “well you seem like a swell girl, want to grab a coffee sometime?”
Her: “I actually have a boyfriend”
Me: “and what makes you think I want to take his spot?” *said with a nudge on her upper arm*
Her: “well, I’ll be down for coffee if it’s just as friends”
Me: “I can’t promise you that, but I can promise you that you’ll have a good time ”
Her: “haha okay…”
Me: “great” *take out my phone* “just add your number to my phone”
I give her my phone, she adds her info.
Me: “I’ll send you a text later so you have my number saved. Just make sure you aren’t calling me 24/7”
Her: “haha, ok I’ll make sure”
Me: “so, how’d you get into track?”
Her: “well, my mom was in it, so I thought that I’d do it too”
Me: “ah, like mother, like daughter”
Her: “yep”
Me: “you must really look up to her”
Her: “yeah, I do”
Me: “I look up to my mom as well” (I tried to relate to her here, but I think I should’ve just dived deeper, instead I tried too hard to relate back)
Her: “cool”
Me: “it’s good to have a role model” (screwed up here, should’ve been like: “yeah as I grew older, I realized more and more how much my mom did for me, and I want to mirror her generosity, but for you, I’m guessing that you want to mirror her athleticism?”)
Her: "yeah"
Me: *made my farewell*
Fuck! I can’t think always think of these things on the spot. But I know with practice, I can. Just read Anatman's LR and he did great on relating to the girl regarding her relationship with her mother:
Me - So you and your mom are best friends, then?
Her - Definitely! I talk to her at least once a day
Me - And you can share almost anything with her? I can talk to my mom about anything
Her - Same here! (I had her qualifying herself here, relating to me, rather than vice-versa)
2. Mexican girl walking
This girl was on the phone, apparently waiting for someone, so I waited for her to get off before approaching.
Me: “hey!”
Her: “hi”
Me: “I just wanted to let you know… *slow spreading smile* that I loveee your style”
Her: “thanks”
Me: “your red scarf really works well with the all black”
Her: “thanks”
Me: “it doesn’t sound like you’re from around here”
Her: “I’m from mexico”
Me: “mehico”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “so do you like it here?”
Her: “yeah! I do!”
Me: “what do you like about it?” *use my hands to express this*
Her: “everything. The weather, it’s really nice today”
Me: “yeah it is. Everyone seems happier. You can really feel it”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “it seems like you’re waiting for someone”
Her: “yeah, my friend should be here, but is not”
Me: “I’m sure she’ll be here soon…” (better not to have said?)
Me: “so what do you study here?” *point to ground*
Her: “economics”
Me: “ah. Money money money”
Her: “Haha
Me: *thoughtful look* “psychology… how we think… how we behave…”
Me: “how’d you get into economics?”
Her: “I love economics! The world revolves around it”
Me: “Yeah. All these buildings around us *use arms to show this* all these people, wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for economics”
Her: “yeah exactly...! Well, I got to go now!”
Me: “Let’s grab a coffee sometime” *start taking out my phone*
Her: “I have a boyfriend”
Me: “…and what makes you think I want to be your boyfriend?”
Her: “haha…”
Me: “just add your number to my phone”
I take out my phone and show it to her while I type in her info. Halfway through, her friend calls her. She talks to her friend, hangs up, and then continues giving me her info. Then she says bye and walks away.
I sent both of these girls an icebreaker text an hour ago. But no reply yet.