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Confused with Daygame Times and Places??


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
Hello, I'm really new to Daygame and I'm really trying to focus on this style of game for now. So I've been trying to look around for great times to go out and the days, for weekdays. I've seen a lot of posts and kind of narrowed down a general idea to follow for now until I find some high traffic places.

Weekdays: Monday-Friday
Times: Lunch time (Noon-3pm)
Rush-Hour (5pm-7pm)
Places: City Parks, Malls, Streets
*Also I was surprised the Metro/Transit was kind of dead during the weekdays?*

*Haven't really worked on Weekends yet*
Weekends: Saturday & Sunday
Times: All Day really
Places: City Streets, Mall, ect.

So the reason why I ask is because I live in Denver, and I've been out trying to find high traffic places in Denver for 2 days. I tried going out on Wednesday at 9am just to go grab a bite to eat and walk around and see if I find any places that are High Traffic with women, and it was kind of dead which I was surprised. I was out until 3pm look for High Traffic places. All I found was the Parks are great because girls are taking there dogs for walks and Malls are great too because girls are out shopping. But with Street stops I didn't see a lot of attractive girls and it was pretty dead in general.

Then I went out the Second Time on Friday to see if it was just because it was the middle of the week. So I went to Denver to grab a bit to eat again (Sorry love my breakfast lol), was walking around till 3pm again to see any changes in traffic. When I walked around it was alittle busier but I saw more older people out and about and parents with there kids walking around and didn't see any attractive girls that caught my eye. There were a few girls walking around but they were either to young, to old, or alittle bit heavy (more into curvy chicks). So I might change up my plan and just hit City Parks and Malls for the weekdays, and change my time alittle.

I would love some feedback or any tips really. Just a guy trying to get in the game.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Hello, I'm really new to Daygame and I'm really trying to focus on this style of game for now. So I've been trying to look around for great times to go out and the days, for weekdays. I've seen a lot of posts and kind of narrowed down a general idea to follow for now until I find some high traffic places.

Weekdays: Monday-Friday
Times: Lunch time (Noon-3pm)
Rush-Hour (5pm-7pm)
Places: City Parks, Malls, Streets
*Also I was surprised the Metro/Transit was kind of dead during the weekdays?*

*Haven't really worked on Weekends yet*
Weekends: Saturday & Sunday
Times: All Day really
Places: City Streets, Mall, ect.

So the reason why I ask is because I live in Denver, and I've been out trying to find high traffic places in Denver for 2 days. I tried going out on Wednesday at 9am just to go grab a bite to eat and walk around and see if I find any places that are High Traffic with women, and it was kind of dead which I was surprised. I was out until 3pm look for High Traffic places. All I found was the Parks are great because girls are taking there dogs for walks and Malls are great too because girls are out shopping. But with Street stops I didn't see a lot of attractive girls and it was pretty dead in general.

Then I went out the Second Time on Friday to see if it was just because it was the middle of the week. So I went to Denver to grab a bit to eat again (Sorry love my breakfast lol), was walking around till 3pm again to see any changes in traffic. When I walked around it was alittle busier but I saw more older people out and about and parents with there kids walking around and didn't see any attractive girls that caught my eye. There were a few girls walking around but they were either to young, to old, or alittle bit heavy (more into curvy chicks). So I might change up my plan and just hit City Parks and Malls for the weekdays, and change my time alittle.

I would love some feedback or any tips really. Just a guy trying to get in the game.
Sorry short on time so this will be rough.

1. Talk to the locals. Ask logistics, venues, guys where girls aren't and are, girls where they go and what they do.

2. Go to a marketplace, plaza, malls.

3. https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...-time-and-days-to-approach.25457/#post-141783

4. Look up venue and niche shit on girls chase

like these

https://www.girlschase.com/downloads/Finding Your Niche.pdf

5. Get as social as you are seductive in general. You need people, go meet and befriend some.

6. Get a hobby beneficial for meeting people you desire to meet. Here's an amazing thread on that https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...ou-dont-really-know-anyone.25092/#post-137685.

7. Google google google and social media. Look up venues, streets, locations. Pictures of places, who's tagging that location, how many reviews, cars parked there, foot traffic on google maps, population density, google analytics on peak attendance time, events occurring whether or not you attend big events bring people to the area so you can street approach. Google, google, google, and social media. Cannot recommend this enough.

8. Get jiggy in a tourist locations and or class that people new in town might go to. Easier lays I hear and many of my closest pulls were in situations where either I wasn't local or she wasn't. Pretty enjoyable sets too. Interesting people. Maybe even go on a tour idk.

9. Crossgame if you can?

10. Drink water, bring chapstick, comfortable shoes, and pick a direction and time and just explore that way. Maybe even occasionally just head somewhere and or take a detour from your regular route.

Hope this helps.

- Mist
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
@Mist22, thanks for the tips man. I think 2 and 7 are really good tips. I've done tip 4 alot on chase's articles and still trying to do that for Night Game too. Now Tip 5 & 6 is fine, but I have enough friends really, I mean I just want to meet girls. I'm at the age now that I kind of want to settle down with someone, but I want to start dating so I find the right women for me. But I do really apppericate the tips man. Thank You

@pancakemouse, Ya Denver kind of sucks a bit. I thought just because its a a big city that there would be high traffic of people at anytime really. But I was surprised when I went out and kind of explored. So I might change it up and maybe do the Weekends when everyone is off work. That is so crazy that Denver is in the 20-30 ranking. That killed alittle bit of my motivation alittle, but I'm pretty optimistic.

I'm still alittle confused on wants considered Daygame really?
I mean is Daygame like 9am-6pm (At sunset)
and then Night Game is like (7pm-2am)??

And I always here people doing Daygame, but are they doing it during the Weekdays or the Weekends?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2021
I'm still alittle confused on wants considered Daygame really?
I mean is Daygame like 9am-6pm (At sunset)
and then Night Game is like (7pm-2am)??

And I always here people doing Daygame, but are they doing it during the Weekdays or the Weekends?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
So hey man, just remembered something and I wanted to ask you more about it. So I remember you commented on my post on day game and you said this:
"There's only about 10 cities in the US where day game is viable, and Denver is probably number 20-30 in the rankings."

So when you said rankings and like the top 10 cities, where did you come up with those numbers? Also if you have like a list of some sort of the best cities for day game would love to see that. Thanks Man, hope to hear back from ya
Denver is going to be pretty much impossible for anything other than low-volume daygame. The city just isn't dense enough.

There's only about 10 cities in the US where daygame is viable, and Denver is probably number 20-30 in the rankings.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
I would recommend between 7pm and 9pm on weekdays and 12pm to 5pm on weekends.

On weekdays most people are at work and IME, after work most people want to go home. Your ideal target are girls who are strolling around after the work crowd has gone home.

On weekends, most people who are out alone tend to be out early especially around 12-2pm. The numbers tail off as the day wears on, especially as girls are likely to have evening plans.

Shopping malls are also the best place to game. As people go there to specifically to shop, so will tend to be in leisurely mode. Shopping streets and especially high streets, loads of people are just passing through so tend to be more difficult to derail. Transits' (trains and buses) a great option as you can buy yourself face time if you're both going in the same direction.