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Consistent approach journal


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 8, 2025
Hi, this is my journal for daygame and nightgame. I try to daygame with mostly direct openers to save time. I will be making ONLY weekly reports to share my progress because daily reports wouldn't motivate me as much. Currently I have been consistently approaching for a week. However, since I have exams soon, I will only be doing 1-2 approaches per day as I go out during my day-to-day life. After exams, I will again go out for the sake of approaching. Here are the reports:-

18/02/25 (college)

Approach 1:- Number close (replied to my first text)

Approach 2:- Failed shit test. My opener was "I saw you and I wanted to meet you. Hi, I am..."
She asked me why I wanted to meet her after I said my opener. I lost my frame and said "I want to get to know you" after which she said "not interested", I should have instead said that "I found you cute but I also wanted to know if you are interesting".

Approach 3:- Rejected. Asked for the number too soon. I should have ploughed more or gone for an instant date to build rapport. She seemed receptive.

19/02/25 (street)

Approach 1:- Didn't stop. Dunno if she was wearing earphones or not. Should have talked to her from the front

Approach 2:- Got rejected. Should have done kino when she was hooked in a conversation with me (said she is here only for a day)

Approach 3:- Self-ejection. She couldn't speak English much. I should have ploughed more and then tried to number close (didn't try to close)

Side note:- Approach 1 from 18/02/25 rejected me on text for a date. I shouldn't have asked her out so early on text. Should try to send 2-3 messages first to build rapport via texting.

20/02/25 (street)

Approach 1:- Rejected. Not confident enough at opening

Approach 2 to 4:- All girls ignored me, didn't even stop. I wasn't confident enough in my approach. It was evening and quieter where I approached and I spoke too softly.

21/02/25 (nightclub)

Did handful of approaches. Got an instagram close but doubt it is going anywhere. Some girls were receptive to me but I self-ejected including one hot girl and one 5/10 MILF who was flirting with me. I was too much in my head overthinking negative things.

22/02/25 (various places)


Approach 1-4 Rejection

Approach 5:- Self-ejection. Girl seemed little nervous so I lost my frame. Should have put some pressure off the girl and ploughed (didn't try to close)


Approach 6:- Self-ejection. Indirect approach. Girl seemed little nervous so I lost my frame. Should have put some pressure off the girl and ploughed (didn't try to close).

23/02/25 (street)

Approach 1:- Girl was very receptive. Could have asked for instant date. Approach got ruined because of my friend calling me multiple times.

Approach 2:- Didn't stop. Dunno if she saw me or not, she was wearing earphones. Should have talked to her from the front.

Approach 3:- Girl was receptive. I asked for number too soon because I ran out of things to say.

Approach 4:- Girl was very receptive. I should have ploughed more. I asked for number too soon.

Approach 5:- Had a bf. Could have ploughed more.

Approach 6:- Rejected

Approach 7:- Girl was very receptive. I should have gone for an instant date. I asked for number too soon.

Approach 8:- Girl seemed receptive. Should have done cold reading instead of asking her a question.

Approach 9:- Girl was somewhat receptive. I should have ploughed more. I asked for number too soon.

24/02/25 (college canteen)

Approach 1:- Opened with a direct opener. I wasn't confident. She replied very neutrally that she has an appointment and I ejected.

Anyway, as you have seen, I haven't been getting many numbers lately (1 number after 20+ approaches or so). Is this normal? In reddit and youtube, I see guys claiming they get few numbers after every 10 approaches or so. However, it is also true that once the girl gets hooked into the conversation, I don't try to lengthen the conversation because I kinda get lazy or can't hold the conversation longer. I don't think I am ugly. Just want to know if this is normal from someone who daygames a lot. Btw many of these girls also said they have a bf/fiancé.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 8, 2025
I missed some days of approaches due to inner game issues and other irl related stuff but trying to keep it consistent.

25/02/25 (street)

Approach 1:- Very interested. Got her number, she replied to my message but bad texting game. Should have pulled same day.

26/02/25 (street)

Approach 1:- Self-ejection

Approach 2:- Ignored me. She probably thought I was selling something because I held curtains on my hand while approaching her.

27/02/25 (street)

During day:-

Approach 1:- She stopped but I didn't notice and then she went away. Should have talked to her again

Approach 2 and 3:- They said they didn't know English. Should have ploughed through

Approach 4:- Ignored me

Approach 5:- Rejected. Asked for number too soon. I should speak slowly, let her also speak and plough.

During night:-

Approach 6:- Ignored me

28/02/25 - 03/03/25

No approaches
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers