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Wealth  Copywriting: A money making skill (and a small introduction to get started)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey guys,

If you're on the wealth section, you're probably looking for a way to earn more money.

I really believe that copywriting is an excellent choice for a skill to monetise. "Copywriting" means writing advertisements (not creating patents, which is "copyright"). I believe this because you can take any product with potential, market it, and make money from it. Companies will ALWAYS need marketing to survive, and good copywriting is actually pretty rare (and also hard to outsource - not many people in India or China with sufficient English skills to outsource to).

Also, in terms of lifestyle, it's pretty sweet. You can sign up for a freelancing site like Upwork.com and basically choose how many hours you work.

A good place to start is here: https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/commun ... ess.59465/

That whole community is awesome; you can get feedback from your work and learn as you go, too.

So yeah. Totally give it shot if you're looking for that lifestyle.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Cool share Nick,

Have you pursued this avenue of money making at all?

If so how much have you been able to make (roughly) within the timeline you've done it?

I'd imagine there is anywhere to a hefty to existing curve of learning the skillset and landing gigs that actually payout. Curious what that process looks like if you're actively doing this.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

Oh, totally. If I made it sound super easy, than I gave the wrong impression. I find it difficult work, but it's psychologically fascinating. It's really crazy what affect your words have on influencing people. Well maybe not influencing, but guiding the energy of human "want" toward your product, if that makes sense.

I've been doing this sort of gig for about 6 months now. I'm trying to break into freelancing a bit harder, but I need an upgrade in skills first.

Process is just like, "wow, I suck" to "great, I suck a little less" and then improves from there, just like any skill I think.

Either way, in my low-level humble opinion, I find this a less time consuming learning curve than, say, a bachelor's degree for basically the same or better pay. Plus the lifestyle is better. Just depends on what you're into I guess.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Yeah I'm fascinated by the idea of being able to operate a business (or perform a skillset) for money from anywhere in the world virtually.

I think it would be cool to learn how to build some form of lifestyle business. One blog I've been reading lately on the subject is this guy Nat Eliason who has successfully built a lifestyle business and occasionally shares tidbits about the topic. http://www.nateliason.com/fratboxes-start-company-weekend-less-25-150-sales/ Here's an interesting one.

Keep us posted on your copywriting man. Curious. Have you gotten to the point where you can replace your income yet or is this still mostly a side gig for you as you slowly upgrade your skillset?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2016
Ciao Nick,

Can u share some tips on how u made it in upwork?

Are u managing to make money there??


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
nolimits said:
Can u share some tips on how u made it in upwork?

Hey man. Well, I wouldn't say I've made it in Upwork ;)

I'm making money on this, yes. After about 30 proposals, I got a job for $30. Completed the job in 24 hours. In full disclosure, it actually took me 7 hours. Which is like, basically South East Asian farmer pay.

But what's important is I got my first 5-star rating, and he immediately offered me some repeat business. And from that experience, I can start to charge higher and higher rates.

I'm spending maybe 2 hours a day learning it and sending out proposals. So I'm sure others could learn it faster. All I know is that the money I've made, I could have made anywhere in the world. And that foot in the door is all I need.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Mr.Rob said:
Yeah I'm fascinated by the idea of being able to operate a business (or perform a skillset) for money from anywhere in the world virtually.

I think it would be cool to learn how to build some form of lifestyle business. One blog I've been reading lately on the subject is this guy Nat Eliason who has successfully built a lifestyle business and occasionally shares tidbits about the topic. http://www.nateliason.com/fratboxes-start-company-weekend-less-25-150-sales/ Here's an interesting one.

Keep us posted on your copywriting man. Curious. Have you gotten to the point where you can replace your income yet or is this still mostly a side gig for you as you slowly upgrade your skillset?

I'll check out the link, man :)

Still a side gig. Though my expectation is as I improve my skill set, the number of jobs and my hourly increase will rise at the same time. So the opportunity is exponential.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2016
Sounds great! That s also a goal of mine.
I m trying it too and though i ve passed about 4 tests, i m still not able to send applications.
Maybe it is because i said i was a beginner in the outset settings questions?
Do u know how to become allowed to work?

Ps planning to move to sydney, might text u while i m there!

Master K. Stone

Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 22, 2016

This seems like a good way to make money.

How are you progressing with it?

If you're comfortable answering can you elaborate on how your income has grown from month to month?

All the best!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers