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Counter everything she says/does


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 20, 2015
Hi, I though I'd somehow contribute here and also discuss this "technique" if you will, this past summer I was in the U.S and I had this roommate who was natural with women, he slept with like 5-6 that I know of and I'm sure he did more, and he did it so smoothly, he didn't have anything special going on but he was just confident and I guess knew what to do.

Anyway we had these 2 girls on our crosshairs that we wanted to bang so I talked to him because they started showing interest etc, and the only thing that he said to succeed with them ( and the only thing that I saw him do ) was go against everything they said or did, a Counter Move if you will.

They'd say something, he'd either walk away, act cold, disinterested or just plain up shoot their words from the sky like a god damn sniper, if the girls started to touch him or something, he'd grab their hand and just push them off, anything you could imagine he countered it, he established a good sense of authority there and didn't have a problem even going at it with girls ( arguing aggressively ).

Now I know that in their mind he put himself in as a person of a high standard and someone's attention that they needed, he'd be pushy and cold and when the right moment struck, he'd give them attention and be normal and that's when he scored, I guess they were so overwhelmed by the fact that this guy, the guy that pushes everything finally warms up to them.

From everything I've read here ( before remembering this guy ) I though that pushing it too far would send girls into auto-rejection, but this guy pushed it to the limits, like fully and he still scored, now to clarify he didn't act like an asshole or a jerk where you just insult people, he just countered everything, they challenge him, he just ignores it and challenges back.

Anyway, I wanna hear your thoughts on this and I believe that even when your pushing it too far you can still succeed if you do it correctly ( with experience ).
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Typically you want to mirror emotion, rather than counter it. Countering leads to typical chasing behaviors. She shows interest, you show distaste, she shows auto-rejection, you begin to go after her, leading her into further auto-rejection.

Now, you can certainly use push-pull to get women, where you will initially mirror the emotions she is presenting, IE, when she acts warm towards you, you act warm back, but only to a certain extent, where you show that you are in control by pulling back from that warmth before she does.

Your final word on the way he runs his game makes more sense,

he just countered everything, they challenge him, he just ignores it and challenges back.

Ignoring challenges and challenging back is a good way to spike attraction, but not completely countering every single thing that she did. Again, this is moreso mirroring, as instead of capitulating to the challenge, he is mirroring her actions and challenging her back.

So, if you have anything to learn from this, mirroring should be the default mode you set yourself at, but using "counters" should still be a part of your game that you throw in every now and then to keep her off balance. And even then, countering her is best suited to being done in a playful way, that way you are encouraging her to chase.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
To add to what Ross mentioned here, the whole "countering" mechanism that your buddy employs is probably mostly effective on women who have some sort of social tie to him. In this scenario, the girl has a certain level of "trust" and "knowledge" about who the guy is, so if he starts playing coy with her, she sees it as more of a game (rather than him just being somewhat of an asshole).

If you were to approach random women during the day (or meet them at a club at night) and immediately start playing that type of game, it will more than likely leave a bad taste in their mouth and make them wonder why you approached them in the first place. I would probably leave any "countering" type of tactics to the realm of social circle only.

- Franco


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 9, 2014
I totally support what Franco and Ross have said. I mean, this sort of a thing can only be pulled off perfectly with folks whom you have already got, and established some nice vibes and rapport with.

I had a tough time imagining a scenario where, after just meeting a girl, you throw her under the bus and lord it over her. If I were to be in her shoes, I would mostly likely be thinking, " Wait, this bozo is such prick! Whoever does he think he is?".

Having said that though, I'm also aware that, when reasonably done with savoir-faire, the said method can work perfectly well even on strangers who may find such a reaction from the guy a challenge of some sort(some girls are just weirdos....they get incredibly horny and frisky whenever a guy whom they find attractive rejects their charm and advances), and hence, make it their goal to do whatever can be done to seduce the guy in question.
Even then, the odds are still quite high, and against you.

All in all, I would advise that you stick to whatever gets you the most and best results.