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Couple Questions on AWALT & Screening


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 30, 2021
I read some red pill stuff occasionally. Maybe every 6 months or so I'll pop it open and see what the topic de jour is. I don't do it often because their conclusions are usually... very strange, and messaging is oftentimes even stranger. The other day what got me thinking was AWALT. I know this topic is really controversial in seduction, and for good reason. I hope you guys could let me know if my understanding is accurate, and give me a balanced perspective if it isn't?

So the reason I got into seduction in the first place was because of stuff that I experienced in highschool. Not happening to me mind you, but happening to my friends around me. The stories are actually quite juicy but I know this isn't a drama forum so I'll just give the tl;dr that these experiences slammed me face first into AWALT even before I knew what the term was. I decided that I would learn seduction so that I would never waste my time on women who are "like that" again in my life. Because of my motivation for getting into seduction, AWALT as red pill communicates it never stuck to me.

Nowadays I know the nuanced aspect of AWALT - that it's not "all women are like that" per se, but all women could be like that. Humans are a product of their environment after all, and women even moreso than men. So the singular most impactful part of having your woman behave the way you want, is to have her live in an environment that encourages her to behave that way naturally. Work alongside her nature, not against it. Is this a solid framework for understanding female psychology?

The next question I have piggybacks off this. These girls I was friends with in highschool that disgusted me, if I met them and dated them today, how would I screen them out? Even with the benefit of knowing exactly what they did, I honestly can't think of anything. Doubtlessly, this illuminates a huge area to improve on my part.

So then how would I screen out women who've behaved in ways that I consider unacceptable? For example, casual sex. A girl could've had a relationship, then immediately went for a rebound. The guy she rebounded with won't commit, and then she decides that she hates casual sex. I don't want to have anything to do with this girl and I want to screen her out. But with the screening methods I know about, she would pass them because she's decided that she hates rebound sex. This part of her past is very conveniently forgotten now, and I don't know of any way to get her to reveal it.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Nowadays I know the nuanced aspect of AWALT - that it's not "all women are like that" per se, but all women could be like that. Humans are a product of their environment after all, and women even moreso than men. So the singular most impactful part of having your woman behave the way you want, is to have her live in an environment that encourages her to behave that way naturally. Work alongside her nature, not against it. Is this a solid framework for understanding female psychology?

And if looking for a lifetime partner, get good at seducing different kind of women and choose the best you can find.

The next question I have piggybacks off this. These girls I was friends with in highschool that disgusted me, if I met them and dated them today, how would I screen them out? Even with the benefit of knowing exactly what they did, I honestly can't think of anything. Doubtlessly, this illuminates a huge area to improve on my part.

So then how would I screen out women who've behaved in ways that I consider unacceptable? For example, casual sex. A girl could've had a relationship, then immediately went for a rebound. The guy she rebounded with won't commit, and then she decides that she hates casual sex. I don't want to have anything to do with this girl and I want to screen her out. But with the screening methods I know about, she would pass them because she's decided that she hates rebound sex. This part of her past is very conveniently forgotten now, and I don't know of any way to get her to reveal it.

You should filter women using more important/transcendent characteristics.

She had rebound sex… big deal… a lot of people do it only to realize it’s not their cup of tea.
You can’t just write off people for experimenting on things they don’t know nothing about in emotional times of their lives. It’s a little too stiff.

Why not better look for women who are loyal (as long as the guy deserves it), who knows to accept their mistakes, who give little drama and who are sweet and caring?

Anyone can make a mistake or two in their lives… I would say, look for partner potential, not for a perfectly clean CV.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 30, 2021
And if looking for a lifetime partner, get good at seducing different kind of women and choose the best you can find.
Oh I just thought of another question! How much should I let on to a girl that I know "the game", especially since a lot of it is unknown even to women themselves? I know a big part of sprezzatura or whatever it's called is to make it seem like everything comes naturally to you.

For example women that genuinely intend to stay with a man for the rest of their life won't have "backups". But for most women that's entirely normal behavior. So when she tries to have a relationship talk, do I explain that my commitment is contingent on her distancing herself from "backup men"? Or do I actively avoid being blunt and instead imply it when it comes up naturally in conversation ("wow I'm surprised xyz has so many backups even though she's in a relationship, I would have a hard time trusting her") and let the girl take the initiative to figure it out herself?

Or are both approaches viable, and I have to tailor it to the social intelligence of the individual? Like I'd imagine that some women might need it spelled out more than others.

Anyone can make a mistake or two in their lives… I would say, look for partner potential, not for a perfectly clean CV.
Reminds me of the title of one of chase's articles that really stuck to me; "lower your standards and date more attractive girls". And also of a red pill adage that a unicorn is just a horse with a horn tied to its forehead.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Or are both approaches viable, and I have to tailor it to the social intelligence of the individual? Like I'd imagine that some women might need it spelled out more than others.

Calibrate to the girl first and foremost.

Rules are good tools for growing and for dealing with “women” in general.
But if you’re getting invested in one in particular, get to know her really good and the answers will show by themselves.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
For example women that genuinely intend to stay with a man for the rest of their life won't have "backups". But for most women that's entirely normal behavior. So when she tries to have a relationship talk, do I explain that my commitment is contingent on her distancing herself from "backup men"? Or do I actively avoid being blunt and instead imply it when it comes up naturally in conversation ("wow I'm surprised xyz has so many backups even though she's in a relationship, I would have a hard time trusting her") and let the girl take the initiative to figure it out herself?
Don't frame it in terms of "backups". Most women who do stuff like that aren't fully aware of it, at least to the point of conscious self-reflection. And if you frame it that way, you sound like a redpiller.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
These girls I was friends with in highschool that disgusted me, if I met them and dated them today, how would I screen them out?

By dating them and learning the lesson :ROFLMAO:

I'm being serious though, the way to learn this stuff is through experience. At least that is how I learned it.