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Crazy ass day game adventure with a rando


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 8, 2024
Will use a different style than usual to narrate given the circumstances

  • Approaches: 5
  • Numbers: 2
  • Discarded approaches (too old, too young, weird face, etc.): 1
  • Location: college campus and surrounding areas
  • Timing: Sunday afternoon

I was sitting on the train, just a few stops out from the college town. At one of the stops, I saw this younger black dude walk into the train with a ~40 y.o. woman. He's standing up facing her at a 90 degree angle, while she's seated down. She put one of her Ross bags on the seat next to her and is clutching it. I could tell that they just met. I couldn't really hear the conversation, but it was some type of frame battle about a random topic. She also mentioned that she had kids.

She threw a couple more objections at him, and he was not handling them well. The train was arriving at my station. I heard her ask him "please be honest with me - how old are you?" He stood there for a few secs. I gotta help this guy out. Since I was about to exit anyways, I stood up, walked right next to him, and answered the lady "he's old enough to be your baby daddy." She cracked up hard. In the meantime, I told him in a lower volume "I got you bro." She threw another objection that I can't remember. The new guy (I'll call him this from now on) was adamant on a contact close before the train stopped. I said "she's a red light, let's go outside, we'll get another one." Coincidentally, we got off at the same station.

At the train stop, he kept mentioning how close he was to closing that girl. I gave him some advice, but he didn't really trust me, so I pulled out my list of girl contacts to show my credentials. He was extremely impressed saying "dayum." He told me that he's new to this and has found it hard to pull digits. He'd been spamming random places over the past 2 weeks, from my blurry memory. I told him that I have a few hours to burn before a date, so we can walk around and see if there's anything good.

We exited the station. Moving onto the street, there's this girl with headphones on and wearing black headed our way. This guy had 0 approach anxiety and moved straight at the walking target. Extremely impressive since he's a beginner. She didn't stop, he followed her a bit, and nothing came out of it. I gave him some tips on how to stop them: policeman stop and up nod for these moving targets, as an example.

There's a bookstore in front of us. I said to the new guy that we gotta be less aggressive in there and come across more natural. Otherwise, we might get kicked out. Looks like I'll just be winging him for the day, I thought. While he's looking at some comic books, I did a full lap around the store and found one potential target. I signaled him to follow me and approach. He started asking her questions like favorite color, movie, music, etc. The girl went along and answered the questions. Unfortunately, she didn't hook and left the store shortly thereafter. Not 30 secs later, he approached another girl 20 feet away who turned out to be a lesbian (5 min convo). I would not have approached this one, given that she's much older and looked weird. I signaled him to move her in the background, but he didn't notice. He kept plowing and eventually attempted an IG close "to be friends." This somehow triggered one of the staff nearby who was stocking the shelves to ask the girl "if everything is ok." She left the set to talk to the staff to find a book or something. I grabbed the new guy, pulled him out of the store, and we debriefed.

I told him to work on the opening body language (opening without full body facing the target), not looking down, not asking too many questions at the beginning, cold reads, etc. While I was talking to him on the corner of the street with animated gestures, this couple walked by. Both of them were staring at me hard like who is this guy, so I stared them down until they passed my line of sight.

I signaled new guy to approach one target (waited for her to cross the pedestrian first), and he randomly approached another one, both walking towards him. Neither of them stopped for more than 10 secs before they resumed their walk. Both of them were dressed in more revealing clothing. He cut a frustrated figure. Even though these were super short convos, the new guy said they were nice.

At this point, I was reflecting on what had happened so far and had no idea why so many of the mainstream PUA advice / coaches recommend beginners to approach moving targets. Even for a guy with no approach anxiety like the new guy, these sets were of a very high difficulty. It probably looks good on camera, but none of these were going anywhere. I mean he couldn't even get them to fully stop walking and had to speed walk next to them to continue the convo.

I said we gotta find you something easier, a girl who isn't speed walking, and so we went inside Target. Unfortunately, this was a relatively smaller store, and all the girls were with boyfriends or large friend groups. He bought a cup of pineapples, and we left.

Outside at the intersection, there's a blonde girl 50 feet away wearing a blue top. Seeing that new guy didn't have any luck, I told him I'll take this one.

Set 1
  • Given this girl was walking towards us, I did a policeman stop
  • Then I took an extra step towards her to close the physical gap with her
  • Unlike all the previous walking sets that kept walking, this one stopped fully
  • Reality pace opener
  • Stacked with more flowery languages about how good the weather was
  • Asked her how her day was and she gave it a 2 :( so I tried to reframe
  • She said she's meeting a friend at the train station and had to go

The new guy was really impressed that I was able to fully stop this one plus I was using hand gestures. He was watching from a distance. We walk in another direction, and I said I gotta use the restroom quickly. It's 2 blocks away.

He said he wanted to stay here, so I grabbed his number in case we split off. I called him from my phone. Guess what? He said he didn't have Wi-Fi and can't receive calls or texts right now. WTF?

Meanwhile, a girl with a hijab was crossing the street across from us. The new guy thought she's absolutely beautiful. I disagreed but whatever. Hijab girl was greeting a friend after crossing the street. This guy walked up and opens the 2 set. It didn't last even 1 minute and he walked back. I told him straight up that it was a horrible idea. He couldn't even do the 1 set and was attempting 2 sets...

After using the restroom, we come back to this same block. Another 2 set was crossing the street perpendicular to us. The new guy hollered at them "hey you come over here!" I'm dying laughing. Really? The girls ignored him, and the new guy asked me why it didn't work. I gave him a quick overview on compliance, and how he should be doing things baby step. If he couldn't even stop a single girl in front of him, how's he gonna command 2 girls to do a U-turn from their intended direction? He needed much more compliance from these girls to pull it off.

We reached the perimeters of the campus. I gave him a stern warning not to do anything stupid, as we're entering campus property. There are campus police here, and he needed to stop the untargeted spam approaching as we could get in serious trouble. I told the new guy my aim was to open a 2 set with him on campus, and I could do most of the leading including the opening. I see a blonde Asian girl lying down on a mat about 50 feet away. I told the new guy to hold his position and observe. This is the first non-moving set of the day. Finally!

Set 2
  • I walked past in front of the girl and opened from the side, parallel
  • She didn't look that good from close range...
  • Reality pace opener on how nice the day was and the need to relax
  • Made some cold reads on her major and mentioned how she didn't fit the stereotype
  • When I moved onto the connection gambit, instead of maintaining eye contact like before, she broke it for a good 10 secs and looked off to the side
  • I immediately sensed that something was off
  • She later told me that she has a boyfriend, and I didn't wanna waste my time

During the set, I saw that the new guy had his body fully facing me and the girl from the street onto this grassy area. This made things look very obvious, and I'm sure the girl saw it. At this point, I'm not sure how much help this guy would be. He did say that he was impressed this convo lasted 5 mins, and the target looked comfortable.

We approached a hilly area, and I see an Asian girl lying down on her stomach comfortably using her iPad on the hill. I told new guy to approach this one, but since he'll be moving up the hill and the girl's back was towards him, make absolutely sure that she saw you before you open so as to not astonish her. Within one minute, she had a beaming smile and was shaking his hand. Looking good so far! I take a vantage point up the hill to observe them. There was a guy taking a piss in the bushes surrounding a building, and his friend was there too. I told them that I didn't see anything lmfao.

I re-focused my attention on new guy and iPad girl. This interaction lasted like 30 mins. New guy was smart to take a locked-in position. At a 10 o'clock position from iPad girl, there was a tiny tree just a few feet tall. New guy rested his back against it while facing iPad girl. However, over time the interaction became less and less animated. New guy looked too relax and wasn't really trying as he leaned against the tree. I can't hear what they're saying cuz they're too far, but it looked like she was drawing him? That was really odd, and something definitely looked off to me.

Suddenly, there's a skinny blonde girl placing a mat on the grass 30 feet away. Since that interaction didn't look promising, I go in for the approach here 2 mins after she settled down.

Set 3
  • I walked past in front of the girl and open from a 45 degree angle, not parallel like the one before
  • Same opener on how nice it is outside
  • This girl asked if I'm selling her something
  • I said yea you can have my iPhone for free and threw it on the grass in front of her, followed by just kidding
  • Asked what she's up to today
  • She says she's visiting family from another state
  • Wanted some alone time and didn't wanna talk so I bid her farewell

I cut behind new guy and iPad girl. Didn't look like new guy spoke a word in the 20 seconds that I observed him, so I couldn't tell what was going on. I moved onto another part of campus adjacent to this hilly area. There's one girl sitting on a mat talking energetically on her computer. Not a good target.

I returned to the hilly area and saw both of them had split off. I was gonna call this guy when I was doing my scouting but remembered that his phone didn't work. I saw new guy sitting on a bench. I told him it's great that he was able to hold a 30 min conversation with a random girl. I doubted that most of these campus guys could do it on the other hand.

We walked deeper into campus territory while analyzing the set. The sun's rays were very powerful, so we had to take cover under trees before we got cooked. Apparently, he fumbled the number close somehow. I can't remember what exactly he said, but the girl had his number. He didn't have hers. He was very angry at himself. I emphasized to him not to worry, as there would be plenty more opportunities going forward. This was just the beginning.

Here, I introduced to him the Skills method for exchanging contacts, whereby he inputs his number into her phone and texts himself on the spot. Also the need to avoid triggering negative patterns if asking something like "can I have your number." He was amazed by this newfound knowledge, and the look in his eyes was like he found gold.

As we're walking and talking, I learned why the interaction became less animated over time. iPad girl was, like my girl in Set 3, visiting from out of town. Her folks gave her a call in the middle of the set. She was on the phone with them a good portion of the time. I thought they were looking for her but can't really remember. Looking back, I forgot to tell new guy what to do in this situation. My recommendation would be to either go on your phone and "appear busy" until her call was over or grab her contact and eject to not waste time.

I asked him what they talked about. He mentioned things like cars, sports, etc. I told him to be mindful that women aren't men, and the topics that he mentioned weren't great for deep diving. I gave him some suggestions like travel, relationships, male / female dynamics, her passions, etc.

We passed by this large round grassy area, where most people like to lay down / play sports. Well, it was a bad day and there was nothing after an intensive scout.

It was only at this point that I began to ask the new guy some personal questions. He's in his late 20s and goes to community college. I didn't ask what he did for work. Before this, I only knew his name lol. He quoted a Maya Angelou saying something about time that I couldn't remember. He didn't ask me any personal questions. I showed him what some of the buildings were for.

We arrived at this part of campus with really tall trees. He asked me how to sexualize the conversation verbally because this was an area that he has trouble with. He had the right idea in mind, and I was extremely impressed with his thinking to use verbals and do this early in order to avoid the boyfriend zone.

He mentioned this as his version of sex talk that he used on iPad girl. iPad girl was mentioning how she films videos of herself for TikTok. He tried to relate and introduced sex by saying he filmed himself jerking off sometimes. What... the... fuck?! That was the worst sex talk I've ever seen. He then asked her if she did the same. I think she mentioned that she did sometimes, but I couldn't remember for sure. I told him that this was really cringey and awkward...

Since he mentioned TikTok, I gave him my TikTok sex talk gambit. It's over a min long, but he was blown away by the frames that it set: open-mindedness, non-judgmental, understanding of male / female dynamics, etc. Reflecting, I did a terrible job here cuz I didn't give him any actionable lines for setting a sexual frame via verbals. I forgot to mention sexual humor too. One easy line that I was thinking of telling him actually comes from the title of this report "are you bisexual." However, I haven't field tested this for early conversations in day game yet and don't have the exact wording written down for the follow up after the girl responds. Work in progress...

Anyways, we ended up at a grad school building. Right away, I see a girl sitting down under an umbrella on her computer studying. This building was on the edge of campus where it intersected with the city. I told him to make targeted approaches in the area but not to spam approach in the meantime.

Set 4
  • This set lasted half an hour. Given that she was seated with her computer, backpack, phone, tablet, folders, and random papers on the table, I couldn't think of a way to move her as she was in a very comfortable locked-in position
  • There are 4 chairs at the table, all equidistant
  • I wave hey and take the chair on her right, with a vantage looking over the rest of the campus and a part of the city
  • She reacted really to the opener
  • She's originally from South Korea, and now studying in Canada. She's here in the US just for another month for an exchange program
  • Significant use of gambits, connections, pacing and leading, being in a new place, very technical in general
  • Deep dived her on her passion for computer science and its intersection with medicine
  • One of her hobbies was making video games, including treating people with Alzheimer's (I don't know how it works but it sounded cool)
  • There was some resistance when she was opening up at times, and it seemed like she wanted to go back to studying
  • I number closed her and proposed to hang out sometime
  • It was successful, but she raised the concern that she had a boyfriend in Canada and she's not that type of person
  • I got up from my chair to get closer to her and did a YOLO reframe and the importance of enjoying life to its fullest and leaving the US with fond memories
  • Don't think she was too receptive but I didn't wanna waste any more time and left

During this whole time, the new guy was actually spam approaching on the edge of campus. Not again! All the approaches were within a 50 ft radius. Bruh! I saw him approach a pair of 50 year old walking women (I said not to do these crazy 2 sets). After they left, he approached another girl 20 secs later. Both of the women turned around and kept watching him while walking. I was ready to step in and run over from the grad school table, if things went out of control. I thought he approached at least 5 sets in half an hour before sitting down and observing my convo with the South Korea girl. He left the area and was heading back to the forest area. This coincided with me exiting from my set so I was catching up behind him.

He sat at a table at a courtyard and opened a black girl. I was 20 ft away from him, observing. Somehow, he either ejected or got blown out in less than a minute. Just how was that possible? I didn't even ask cuz when we caught back up, he was complimenting on how my set lasted half an hour with South Korean girl. He also mentioned that I used a lot of hand gestures.

I led him inside one of the buildings. I told him we're not doing anything illegal and not to worry. Right as we entered the building, there was a tall blonde girl following us. I pinged her by saying how nice it is to be inside this building with AC when it's hot as hell outside. She smiled and didn't respond verbally. I was trying to set up the new guy, and I thought he got what I was trying to do. He opened her. The purpose of me going inside the building was to actually get a sip of water, so I let them talk while I walked to the end of the hallway, where there's a water fountain. I checked out some funny posters on the wall. There were echoes, but I couldn't hear what exactly they were saying. When I came back, it was another unsuccessful approach from him.

We exited the building together. I showed him the text that I got from South Korean girl (which I texted myself) and underscored the success of that tactic. I added that she has a boyfriend. New guy was amazed and said "dayummm." In my head, I'm like this girl was probably not gonna pan out.

It's like 5:40 now and my date was at 6:00. I was gonna meet my date at a monument on campus so we walked over there. New guy asked me another question along the way, this time on physical sexual escalation in the early stages. He wanted to grab one of these girls by the ass and make out with them and was wondering if it's possible. Again, another horrible idea on campus. I said it was possible, but the risks were extremely high = sexual assault. I introduced him to micro escalation. He asked me why there were so many damn terms, and he couldn't remember all of these concepts. Just try to soak up as much as possible, I said. Then I gave him some examples of micro escalation: milking the handshake, touching upper arms, back, getting closer, sitting next to her with skin touching, etc. The point that I wanted to drill in him was not to take one giant leap like what he said.

We arrived within visual distance of the monument. There were a few cute girls there. I told new guy that I could approach but wanted to be careful and not have my date see me do it since we were getting close to time. Out of all the targets that he could have went for, he chose a 2 set. There were 2 Asian girls taking pictures with the monument in the background. I thought to myself, bruh when is this guy gonna go for the easier ones?

Now, a small tangent. A blonde sporty girl walked by me and reached one of those school bulletin boards. Some guy starting talking to her, and she took out her earphones. I could tell from the body language that they didn't know each other. What an interesting day...

I shifted my eyes to new guy. He was previously locked in engaging with the target, but now the target drifted away and was in a 90 degree huddle with her friend. I heard them speaking in Mandarin. Fuck! This was not looking good. I walked over there and was gonna help him out.

As I walked there, I see the other guy who approached the blonde girl walk past me. When he saw new guy and the girls, he gave them a smile then looked down on the ground. Guess his set wasn't successful. Whatever, I gotta play the wing role here.

Set 5
  • I walked up to the friend (they're in a huddle now) but addressed both of them at the same time in Mandarin "hey do you guys speak Mandarin?"
  • FYI Mandarin isn't my native language but I'm quite fluent, so I have no issues
  • They both hooked immediately
  • I asked the friend (tan girl with big eyes) what they were doing, and they said they're taking photos of the other girl (in a white dress, new guy's target) around the cool places on campus
  • I kind of locked in with tan girl and cold read that they were international students. She said they're exchange (like Set 4) and were leaving in a month
  • At this point, I eye coded new guy to re-approach his girl by looking at him, then at her, then at him. He got the message and re-engaged
  • Tan girl told me they go to school in Beijing
  • I don't believe that she's from there cuz she's way too tan. I was right, and she said she's originally from Southern China
  • I teased her on her hometown, which was previously known for things like drugs, etc. She laughed and said that was in the past
  • I got more basic info from her like what her major was. She's in international relations, so I asked her if she spoke any other languages. She said no and asked me the same. I said I also spoke Russian. I got more intel that those 2 were roommates. I kept everything light
  • Somewhere in here, I addressed the group in English that new guy is an athlete (I just made it up lmfao)
  • New guy wanted to take pictures with white dress girl so we all stopped talking
  • They stood next to a tree and tan girl took a picture with a digital camera
  • The first picture was not good. New guy was standing too far from white dress girl
  • I told the group in English to take another picture and said "closer" to the two of them. This time, new guy wrapped his arm around white dress girl's shoulder and the picture was better
  • We did some more chit chatting in our little groups
  • I heard new guy ask his girl for her IG, so I did the same and asked my girl for her WeChat (it's like the China version of WhatsApp. I just use it to keep in touch with girls from Greater China haha). There was a bit of a hiccup in the contact exchange, as tan girl had bad cell service, even out here in the opening...
  • I told tan girl that I'll text her and said goodbye

We found a place in the shade to sit and dapped each other up. New guy was trying to take credit for "holding down the set" lol. Whatever, I don't mind what he had to say since it was successful. I told him about the other guy who failed his approach.

All of a sudden, this skinny guy holding a camera walked over. New guy asked him if he's got a good camera. Skinny guy had earphones in so couldn't hear. New guy repeated. Skinny guy said he's a photographer. New guy asked if skinny guy could take a picture of me and new guy. "Sure" said skinny guy. I told them I'm not big on photos, but new guy had 20k followers on IG (I just made that up lol) so he's a bigshot. Skinny guy was impressed.

While they're doing their photoshoot, I moved over to the side and did a deep scan of the environment for anything interesting and threats. There's this brunette sitting at a table on a terrace that faced the monument. I noticed her at the very beginning before we even approached the Chinese girls. I looked her in the eye to gauge her reaction, she returned eye contact, and then she looked away to the side. She saw this entire interaction and now the photoshoot, so I was just keeping tabs on her.

Skinny guy promised to send new guy the photos later in the evening, edited too. Apparently, he's a physics major who's taking a photography class for fun and putting his skills to good use lol.

We found a bench by the monument and took a seat. Instead of sitting on the bench, we sat on the backrest and put our feet on the bench. I sent my date a text saying that I'm here. I opened up WeChat and go through some of tan girl's pictures. She's actually a beach volleyball player. Everything makes sense now.

We reviewed the day, and I did some quick tallies. Gorili = 2/5 and new guy = 2/20 number closes. It was fun to say the least.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 11, 2021
Your post cracked me up in parts - especially where the new guy was going wild with spam approaching.

I learned a thing or two - I might have used reality pacing unconsciously but never knew the structure till I read your post. Thanks for that

policeman stop and up nod for these moving targets, as an example.

What's 'up nod' ?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 8, 2024
Your post cracked me up in parts - especially where the new guy was going wild with spam approaching.

I learned a thing or two - I might have used reality pacing unconsciously but never knew the structure till I read your post. Thanks for that

What's 'up nod' ?

Glad you enjoyed!

An up nod is simply moving your head up, sort of like what people do when greeting each other with "what's up." I found it to be really effective when used in conjunction with hand gestures during the opening phase. The air of authority you get when doing this somewhat resembles a bouncer.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 11, 2021
The air of authority you get when doing this somewhat resembles a bouncer.

I must try this out. Thanks!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 8, 2021
A bit late to the party, but… first of all, absolutely hilarious! This is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. And I love your writing style. It’s kind of dry with bits of color here and there, like Cormac McCarthy.

At this point, I was reflecting on what had happened so far and had no idea why so many of the mainstream PUA advice / coaches recommend beginners to approach moving targets. Even for a guy with no approach anxiety like the new guy, these sets were of a very high difficulty.

Now this really caught my eye. I have the opposite experience. Maybe it’s because I’m pretty good at getting people’s attention in general? Especially the first times I tried approaching in the daytime, it was psychologically WAY easier to approach moving girls.

Is it just in my head? Or is it a cultural thing? Where I live people are generally quite reserved and extra respectful of other people’s personal space.

But in your opinion stationary girls are easier, did I understand that correctly? Do you deal with feeling like you’re intruding, or have you somehow sorted that out in your head? To be honest I don't know your experience level, perhaps these are non-issues for you.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 8, 2024
A bit late to the party, but… first of all, absolutely hilarious! This is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. And I love your writing style. It’s kind of dry with bits of color here and there, like Cormac McCarthy.

Great to hear! This is the first time someone has commented on my writing style since college :)

Now this really caught my eye. I have the opposite experience. Maybe it’s because I’m pretty good at getting people’s attention in general? Especially the first times I tried approaching in the daytime, it was psychologically WAY easier to approach moving girls.

Is it just in my head? Or is it a cultural thing? Where I live people are generally quite reserved and extra respectful of other people’s personal space.

But in your opinion stationary girls are easier, did I understand that correctly? Do you deal with feeling like you’re intruding, or have you somehow sorted that out in your head?

My writing may have been a bit unclear. I was trying to say that it's much easier to hook a stationary target. This is based on a significant amount of field data. If there's an interesting girl, definitely go for it whether she's lying down, walking, or on her skateboard. That shouldn't matter. But keeping all other variables constant, it's just easier to reach the hook point when she's stationary from my experience.

To be honest I don't know your experience level, perhaps these are non-issues for you.

Pretty experienced with day game in a lot of scenarios: malls, sex shops, Sephora, Victoria's Secret, parks, streets, campus, airports, Target, etc. The only 2 that I'm missing are cafes and beaches. Nowadays, I also go for 2-sets (doubles) with success.