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Creating a new vision for life


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 29, 2021
This is my first post on this forum, so let me start by saying thanks to all of you. I've been reading this place for the past 2 months or so and have gotten a lot. It's great to see, especially on a forum as old as this one, so many thoughtful and smart people helping each other. I hope to stay active on it and contribute as best as I can.

Anyway, the TLDR of my question is: how does one create a vision for their life to get excited about.

The backstory is as follows: I'm 34. A little over 2 months ago my 11 year LTR ended pretty much out of the blue. My ex girlfriend, with whom I spent the last few years talking about and planning our marriage and trying for a kid (which was supposed to happen next year), in the middle of the renovation of my apartment, where we lived together ( so we can have a nice place for our future life) just came up and said she's been unsure about our relationship for a long while now and that she's ending it. We had our issues, like any relationship, but she didn't give any hints that she was feeling like this. It was a shock to put it mildly.

Now, I've been handling the breakup as well as to be expected (I'm in no contact, have a lots of support from friends and family, trying to focus on myself etc), but I feel like I don't have any excitement in my life right now.

I know "don't make her your purpose", but I wouldn't say I did. I was truly looking forward to making a home with her that would be beautiful and a sanctuary from these crazy times of ours in the world, a great place to entertain friends, to have a kid and all that jazz. Now that she left, the vision I had for my life is gone with her, at least in the short-to-mid term, as it will surely take at least 2-3 years before I'm ready to make that move with someone new. In the meanwhile, I'm not exited by much in my life.

Don't get me wrong, I like my job. I've run my own biz for 5 years now, and the last 2 have seen it grow nicely. But I'm not crazy about it, and honestly, I don't think that I would be about any job. Yes, work is important, but for me, it's not the point of my life. I was quite happy with it being the engine that will enable the lifestyle I wanted to have.

I spend my free time working out, reading, hanging out with friends, of which I have quite a few and love to spend time with them. But I still feel like, to get out of this funk, I need a new thing to pull me forward, something to light that fire in the belly, to make me jump out of bed in the morning, and nothing feels like it would do that. Any new hobby ideas or similar that I think of don't sound exciting to me. I can't tell if I'm just still bummed about the brake-up and need to give it more time, or it's time to be proactive and figure out what would make me fired up about life again. All the stuff that I found interesting as a younger man, while I'd like to do, don't seem that super interesting to me at the moment (traveling, learning languages or various other skills, and so on).I just don't have an exciting vision for myself as a single man right now, and can't figure out how to get it.

Any suggestions, ideas, home remedies?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Hi @Lantern,

I'm sorry to hear that. 11 years seems like a very long time, and I think time need to pass to feel a better than now. For sure, a break up can shake you a little bit.

Regarding your lust for life: do you have defined you objectives? Do you have maybe some dream car/dream house you would want to have?(I know, it may sound superficial at first)

What are the things that are tied to your self image and you would be pleased to achieve?

Also, in these times, testosterone may take hit and that's why you feel like that. Optimizing it may give you the drive to live your life again. Eating healthy/going to gym/sleep is a must.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 29, 2021
Thanks for the reply, @Alpha13SC!

The brake up shook more then a bit, believe me, but that's a different topic.

Objectives I do have, but they all feel a bit meh. One thing is that I'm not really motivated by material stuff. I just bought a new car, a Mazda 3, and that's all the car I need or want. A nice house as a objective made sense when I had an idea of the future family to live in, for myself, give me a simple apartment, 500 sq ft and I'm good. Which I have.

I've always been motivated mostly by curiosity, I like to learn, discover and explore. So traveling is a nice objective, but with the current state of the world, it's a bit off the table at the moment.

But I think you may hit the nail on the head with testosterone. It's not just the break-up, but the fact I need to get my apartment renovation finished (which turned out to be one mess after another), end-of-year work is always crazy, the days are shorter so there's less sun etc. I have been working out, but with all the stuff going on, I could be eating better. And sleep also is not great since the break up, I often wake up too early with my mind going through it all, trying to make sense of it etc.

I'm going home for Christmas and taking the next week off work so maybe that will help.

Writing the first post helped a bit tho, I think also I need to get my thoughts on paper to dig out some deeper motivation for the future.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake