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LR  Curly HB7, failed friendzone, ditches friends to fuck me


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 24 of my 363 day challenge go to Mix nightclub downtown.

I'm sooooo in my head, just not prepared for this upbeat environment. James is mingling with some friends and I feel a bit akward just standing there. I wander, TRY to open sets. I feel like the biggest chode. I'm trying to get out of my head by walking through the dance floor maybe I thought some vibe would rub off on me(Not drawing state from within fml). I see a girl look at me Curly HB6(Maybe a 7, she doesn't work out, weighs about 110lbs, but with a slight pooch Have I ever mentioned I find fat repulsive), but I keep walking. I walk back and this time the same girl eye fucks me, so I have to open. I go up pull her in close, start dancing and talking in her ear, dance talk dance talk, my game was tight even though I wasn't in state. actually credit to the first 20 mins of juliens latest video. He said when you know what you act like when you're in state then act like it before even if it's in congruent. She turns around facing me and starts feeding me validation, then grinds on my dick.

Fuck me I got sucked into it again, fucking validation. In my head I'm getting so angry at myself because I hate the validation but I cant seem to walk away. I'm loving the fact this set is going well and my ego is sucking it down like a 4lb leech. Definitely all the WRONG ways to game.

Anyways we grind for a bit and I move her to the patio we talk then she suggests we go dance again. It seems the interaction is starting to fizzle so I say lets meet back. I go walk around look for something to open and don't see shit. Keep wandering still nothing, fuck, I lean on a pole for a bit and start texting, or more reading through my texts from earlier. I make it back and reopen her with body language. This is something I want to work on, less energy powerful eye contact strong kilo, non apologetic. This is how I want to open in the club.

We dance, patio then back to dance. This time tension is through the roof. I can tell she is getting really turned on so I start to heat up my sexy eye contact. Dancing and I am staring into theis girls soul. I start teasing her lips moving in then pulling out. Moving in closer, then pulling out. Then bam she attacks my lips. So funny. She says she couldn't wait anymore, I say it was fun teasing you. It was really though, something else I'm going to work on.

I finally say let's find your friends. She introduces me to the group, It's this guys bday and he is awesome. I really like this guy, and I'm hoping I will run into him. I want him in my social circle. He knows promoting and really is socially in tune. Great eye contact, clear strong voice, he is a natural.

Anyway number close and walk the girls out of the club. My biggest problem is this girl is not hot enough, she is chill, but she doesn't work out and it shows. I will have to figure out the friend zone on this one. I really need to learn how to do this without sending them into auto rejection.

Fast forward to last night. We have been texting back and forth a bit, but I haven't really pursued any meet or anything. She invites me to The Park ultra lounge and I say I might show. I decide to drink with my two friends, not really TRYING to game tonight. We end up at the park later cause my friend suggested it and of course I wasn't going to turn down my almost for sure opportunity.

We get in VIP status and I do a lap, pretty much find her and her friends within 5 minutes. Her and I vibe immediately and I isolate. I tell her that we are going to ditch her friends and go to my place. Zero objection. Eventually she makes her friends take a cab and drives me to my place. I go to the bathroom, come out and commense escalation. No LMR whatsoever, but I cant get my dick that hard. Thanks liquor I remember why I don't want to drink. She did give a great BJ without me even asking, gotta love that shit.

I tell her I already had sex that day which I did twice, that combined with my drunkness ruins my libido. She loves that I'm honest and we pass out. I wake up and bam I get a boner fuck her for about 20 mins and it goes limp again fml. I cant make her cum, but she said she's never came during sex... I told her I will be the one to change this. I end up giving her an orgasm with my had which wasn't hard at all. I know I can make her cum just have to get my dick hard enough and do my thang.

Anyway she cuts out pretty early in the morning, some excuse idk. She has been texting me all day though and wants to go again tonight. I'm debating if I'll meet up with her still cause I'm going out for this guys bday and probably gonna get drunk again... I really dont want to and if I don't I'll have her come over and show her what she's missing. So much for friendzoning hahah also need to set the no relationship frame, I don't think I did that yet oops..


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Re: LR: Curly HB7, failed friendzone, ditches friends to fuc

really good technical post. I will try to fashion some of my LR's after this, because you reference technique well.
Sounds like you had "cold pizza"——it's not as great as piping hot pizza, but it's still pretty awesome!
A great 'test run' of your game, brother.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: LR: Curly HB7, failed friendzone, ditches friends to fuc

Sounds like a problem I can relate to. I have a problem deciding if I really want the girl or not. I found that the solution is just go for it. Worst that can happen is you get extra practice.
Three questions:

1. How did you open her with body language? I'm working on my opening, and I'd like more details on this.

2. How did you let the girl know/ guide her to give you a bj? I know I have to lead girls during escalation, but I'm not 100% sure how.

3. How do you usually finger a girl?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: LR: Curly HB7, failed friendzone, ditches friends to fuc

cccrunner said:
Sounds like a problem I can relate to. I have a problem deciding if I really want the girl or not. I found that the solution is just go for it. Worst that can happen is you get extra practice.
Three questions:

1. How did you open her with body language? I'm working on my opening, and I'd like more details on this.

2. How did you let the girl know/ guide her to give you a bj? I know I have to lead girls during escalation, but I'm not 100% sure how.

3. How do you usually finger a girl?

1. I locked eyes and held eye contact. She was dancing and I stepped in right behind her, hand on hip and pulled her ass into my hips. I danced for a minute then leaned over her shoulder into her ear said,"Hi...." I proceeded running game as normal, but very slowly dancing in between. After about 3 sentances I spun her around to look at me in the eyes, I placed my leg between her leg and started dancing to raise her BT.

2. In this specific instance I didn't have to say anything to get a BJ, she automatically did it and enjoyed it. I maaayyyy text her again solely on this factor alone(still haven't texted since the day after.) In most situations it's a bitch to get girls to do this, they all say "I don't do that," "I dont like that," "I don't swallow." Fuck that shit if you want to be with me you will do it. The way I get them to comply is focus entirely on them, make them cum atleast twice then explain I don't like to finish in a condom, or inside as I've been barebacking a lot lately... I know, fuck.. I make it a quid pro quo situation and never get denied. Most girls are ok with the fact I took care of them fucked them for a minimum of 1 hour, sometimes two. I always wash up before so it's not uncomfortable and proceed. I'm an ass cause I love finishing in their mouth, oh well.

3. This is a bit embarrassing, but as asian ink says "radical self acceptance" very good advice. I have a pesky wart on my right index finger, this thing will not come off, and it creates a ruff spot on my finger. Full treatment will take weeks and I need to wear a bandaid the entire time which makes it look even worse. Anyway this makes this finger useless, but almost taught me something better. I Always start by rubbing the clit. This should usually be the last thing you're doing in escalation so she should be very turned on. You should be able to find the clit cause it will be swollen, some girls are smaller and harder to find then others, but they are all very close to the same location. Start rubbing it lightly and slowly increase pressure for a minute, then slightly release picture 2 steps up 1 step back. How you decide penatration is up to you. If she's super wet I go right in with just my middle finger and my palm on her clit. As I go in and out I put pressure with my palm for dual stimulation.. I have given multiple girls orgasms this way, actually this girl came like this.