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LR  Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great sex


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 42 of 363 day challenge:

Find this super cute asian HB8 I'm insanely in state right now, on another level. Grab her move her talk talk close kino top notch game here. Make her sit blame her push pull escalate. I only end up number closing, get tons of shit for it, "I don't give out my number." break through with the number anyway. I do this because I started losing momentum and wasn't sure how good the set was, I guess it doesn't matter and it's about the process. Logistics weren't the greatest, pull may have been possible who knows.

I send her a text in the club while she's sitting there:

Me 3/17 2240 - "Stop trying to take advantage of me - tyler"

Fast forward to today I save her name in my phone as "(Name) Mix Asian Cold?" because I KNOW numbers aren't shit when you get them in the club right? I text her from work:

Me 3/18 1325 - Hey! Sup girl? What u up to tonight? Lets meet up for a few.
Her 1327 - Hi
Her 1327 - Wow its Monday!(shit test, who goes out on a monday??)
Me 1332 - Haha yep did u lose track of the days? lol But yeah lets grab some coffee/tea low key pimpette.(flipped)
Her 1333 - Ohhh.. thought u meant happy hr :)
Me 1334 - I rarely drink, u would try to take advantage of me again.. fuck that :p
Her 1336 - Haha!
Her 1337 - Do u rmbr who i am?(leet moment! I think this is a way of qualifying herself)
Me 1345 - Bettr quest, do u remember who i am? Lol(Don't answer)
Her 1348 - I rmbr u wore a green shirt n ur skinny
Me 1402 - Yep, I remember ur kinda cute asian girl that made me sit down with u :p
Her 1406 - I think u made me sit
Her 1406 - U were prob taking advantage of a drunk girl
Me 1418 - I kno rite, doesn't count if wer both drunk tho :p( thought I completely blew it here, I was free tonight and pushing a date with 4 different girls so why not burn it to the ground, Abundance!)
Me 1551 - So lets meet at 7, ur not allowed to take advantage of me this time tho.(restriction ftw, learned from Artisan)
Her 1551 - Whaat? I nvr said i was going today.. (BAM! literally instant how weird, must have been my wording, impactful)
Me 1555 - I wouldn't ask if I knew u didn't want to but u do, so cum have a jolly old time :)(Cum! first time using this spelling, IDGAF)
Her 1557 - Not today..
Me 1611 - Never!
Her 1617 - Never what
I did not respond and wasn't going to until another day.
Her 1851 - Wyd (I was driving home and literally stared jumping around like a crazy animal hahah, state!)
Me 1855 - Driving lol. Ur gonna get me killed!
Me 1855 - u?
Her 1857 - Just woke up.. wanna go eat
Me 1858 - Mmm chipotle. U down?
Me 1900 - Oooo or bento box! I just drove by it
Her 1900 - Uhh.. not a big fan (I thought she meant of both :/ later we talked and she was talkin bout chipotle)
Her 1901 - What area are u at
Me 1902 - Midtown. Not a big fan of wither? Ur crazy!
Her 1903 - Huh
Her 1903 - U live in midtown? Im in (her town)
Me 1904 - Sucks for u! Well come out here there's tons of choices within walking distance, otherwise I'm goin to the gym(threw this out there to show her idc if she comes)
Her 1905 - Hahah ok where should i meet up
Me 1915 - My address. Wear shoes u can walk in (request)
Her 1918 - Ahh ok
Her 1937 - On my way
Me 1941 - K text when ur here

She calls when she gets here, starts walking the wrong direction. Gives me opportunity to lightly tease. We walk to her car and she has me parallel park it closer to my place. She gives me shit cause I did it all proper saying I could have pulled in normal, remain unaffected, "it's always good to practice."

We start walking I have no clue where we're going. End up at Firestone. I tell her sit next to me, she complies. We banter well, chat about racist jokes, and really just have a good time together. I don't care about anything and I keep saying ridiculous things. I frame her as the aggressor the entire time, saying I brought my rape whistle, and she rufeed me. I was really running game on a high level here. I ordered a salad she got some unhealthy chili fries! She tries to give me shit, I'm unaffected of course and call it yin and yang. I really think what I did best here was own who I am and not hold anything back. It's really awesome to see a girl get more and more attracted because you are doing the cliche "Just be yourself"

One thing I said was I'm black in the pants(she thought I meant ass) then I say no my dick is only this big (2cm). This became an ongoing joke.

I don't even wait for the bill and just give the waitress my card. I usually don't pay, but in this case I felt it would be worse if I didn't and could lose the set. She fucks up the bill and I tell her I'm broke and it will overdraft my account. Big joke in the end I'm not thaaat broke its no big deal. I do tell her she's paying next time which yes she will. I will seed with what are you buying me for dinner, she already joked mcdonalds. Her sense of humor is amazing, very witty.

I forgot to mention kino. I never once used sexual type kino, I did not hold her hand, brush her hair back, play any compliance/kino games. I just did my normal light touching throughout the night. I'm just a touchy feely guy right. It's normal, pull her close when she says something I like then push her away. Very simple nothing extravagant.

We start walking home and I want to test taking her down a dark alley. I saw a video from AFC Adam where he talked about taking a girl down an alley. So when I get close I say we're about to walk down this dark alley and I'm scared cause it's infested with werewolfs. She says it's ok if their name is jacob. Tease her for the twilight reference. I ask what Asian she is and I should have guessed Viet, but her cheeks make her Mong. I say I think she's Mong and she explains the hiearchy of Asians and how the hierarchy works. Mong is the lowest and it's insulting to say this to an asian person. Nonreactive as always and lead her around more Walk through the alley, no skepticism, right into my apartment. Get inside start deep diving.

To be continued...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great

charming said:
Geeze Tyme, such a tease! I'm not a woman, screw the foreplay! ;)

HAHAHA! He couldn't help it. lol



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great

I tried Franco's strategy where I ask "What do you want to drink" and gave her options. She still denied, oh well. I make her sit next to me and we connect real well. There was one point I talked about family and she mentions her mom, I ask if they are clsoe and she tells me she died two years ago and doesn't like to talk about it. I do not react! This is extemely key, I focus and redirect immediately. I can hear the emotion in her voice as we talk about other things. I rethread back to her puppies, positive emotions and she can trust I will lead to positive emotions :) Eventually she says something about how my place is boring. I say oh yeah and I grab her head to kiss her. This was not "smooth" but I made it happen. I pulled away first as ALWAYS. This is key when escalating quickly, you have to convey you do not NEED to escalate, you are communicating what you want to do and letting them come to terms with what they want to do. I go back to talking then grab her again to kiss, she is not returning the kisses right away so I pull back.

We lay there keep talking and I keep going in and pulling back first. Finally I go in and passionate kissing ensues. I know it's on and I start being slightly more dominant and physical. I place my thigh between her legs and start rubbing her body, kissing neck ears and makout. I can tell she is getting insanely turned on. I use my hand to rub her from outside of her pants. She lets me for a minute and grabs my hand to move it, but again I lead and move it first. I return my hand and eventually try going into her pants, she's not havin it. She says things like nope, don't etc. I remove rinse and repeat. I take my shirt off and turn off the lights that way she can see me as sexual and less of a game. I continue to escalate and undo my belt. She asks why my belt is undone and I say IDK why did you do that? You are taking advantage of me this is unfair.

Continue to escalate, she starts throwing objections that she has to leave. I have lost a gorgeous girl right at this point because I fought and objected. Before I said no stay 5 more minutes, 10 more needy chode status. This time however, I stay calm chill and say, "get the fuck outta my house." I say this but with my body I continue to escalate and dominate. I will throw out "why are you still here?" "I thought I told you to leave." I continue to escalate physically. I unbutton her pants and keep trying to get my hand inside, she still doesn't let me. Again I pull back and keep trying. Shit test,"do you try to get into all the girls pants on the first date." Me "All of them, every single one." Continue to escalate. I never once reacted to a shit test cause I've heard it before, it's really a great feeling to know what's happening and remain cool.

I finally get my hand down her pants after she said she was leaving 20 times +. I take her hand and place it on my extremely hard dick and tell her the 2 cm is so hard to find. I try to take her pants off, no go. Each time I get close she pulls them back up. I make her get on top and dry hump me then turn her back and start pulling the pants. After about 8 tries of this I finally get her pants off. The whole time she fights it slightly, but I cant really tell if she's helping or intentionally making it more difficult, but I don't really care. Once I get her pants off I tell her to sit up and lift her arms, shirt and sweater off in one motion. Now I still take my time, but we both know there's no return after getting this far. I grab a condom and have trouble opening it 1 handed. I keep escalting and finally get it out lol. On, rub penetration with underwear on.

The most difficult LMR I ever had to deal with, but closed anyways. We fuck for about 30 minutes all positions, she's super loud which I LOVE! it gets me into it big time, but I have to turn my Pandora (Swedish house mafia station) up super loud. Problem, she starts to get dry, fucking condoms. I grab some lube. Rinse her and me then we 69. She even LMR/shit tests me for this, but I don't care and she goes to town. Love it! After I put another condom and go at it some more. I think she likes it slower than I do, couldn't make her cum. I didn't finish either and started losing my hard on. It was super late so I make her lay with me then we get dressed.

I walk her out and kiss her goodbye. She doesn't really return the kiss, so I think she has buyers remorse. I shoot her a text with some call back humor. I left my socks on for the majority of our sex and she said it reminded her of a 70's porn. Her witty humor is great. She texts me when she gets home and again this morning so I think I secured the FB. I'm so busy this week so hopefully I can get her over in between everything.

Hardest LMR I ever had, but in a sense it's respectable and I'm sure most guys can not break this.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great

I wanted to add something I've been thinking about that backs up Chase's ideology on smell article here - https://www.girlschase.com/content/having-male-scent-fills-women-lust

After reading this article I have stopped using any sort of cologne, raising my testosterone, and lowering my cortisol levels. I do use a small amount of deoderant and wash thoroughly every day, I will also use a bit of baby powder under my balls so they dont stick or stink when I get head.

With this I have definitely seen an increase in polarized attraction from specific women. While escalating with Cute Asian HB8, my testosterone was rising, she stopped and said,"you smell hella good." This scent she was smelling was my natural scent. I could sense her uncontrollable natural attraction to the scent, obviously due to a biological connection.

Looking back, the reason why I really accepted this article was because one of my first cold approach girls ever was insanely attracted to my smell also. I would watch her some times rub my balls and take in my natural scent. I have also seen and heard one of my natural friends take in scent from girls, he explained it as he got a weird feeling in his dick and was compelled to talk to her. He wanted to get a hug to enjoy her scent for a moment, weird at first, but it all makes so much sense.

Back even further, I spoke to a woman PUA coach(I forget her name) in LA at a convention. I told her I have a terrible sense of smell and asked if there was any colognes she would recommend. Her response, which I'm not sure if she fully understands, was "Once you become fully immersed and congruent as a man and who you are, women will naturally be attracted to your scent. If you must wear cologne wear very little to over power her senses." Break this down further as Chase did in his article, it comes down to a biological level. Once your game gets tighter, fundamentals are handled, body language, eye contact, genuine congruency, you start to give off a scent that women love and cant resist.

Amazing to see...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great


Really enjoyed reading this one. There are some choice bits in here:

Tyme2k said:
Me 1555 - I wouldn't ask if I knew u didn't want to but u do, so cum have a jolly old time :)(Cum! first time using this spelling, IDGAF)
Her 1557 - Not today..
Me 1611 - Never!
Her 1617 - Never what
I did not respond and wasn't going to until another day.

Great use of impromptu intrigue.

Tyme2k said:
We walk to her car and she has me parallel park it closer to my place. She gives me shit cause I did it all proper saying I could have pulled in normal, remain unaffected, "it's always good to practice."

Funny! And, smooth response.

Tyme2k said:
Shit test,"do you try to get into all the girls pants on the first date." Me "All of them, every single one." Continue to escalate. I never once reacted to a shit test cause I've heard it before, it's really a great feeling to know what's happening and remain cool.

Nice response. Yeah, that's a good feeling when you start getting it... "Hey, wait a minute, I've heard ALL of this before already! Ha ha HA!" It's like having some kind of bedroom superpower.

Tyme2k said:
I left my socks on for the majority of our sex and she said it reminded her of a 70's porn. Her witty humor is great. She texts me when she gets home and again this morning so I think I secured the FB. I'm so busy this week so hopefully I can get her over in between everything.

I like this chick's sense of humor. Fun girl.

Tyme2k said:
With this I have definitely seen an increase in polarized attraction from specific women. While escalating with Cute Asian HB8, my testosterone was rising, she stopped and said,"you smell hella good." This scent she was smelling was my natural scent. I could sense her uncontrollable natural attraction to the scent, obviously due to a biological connection.


Amazing to see...

It's kind of crazy how strong that reaction is when you find an immunological match (aside from your testosterone levels, that's really what she's sniffing - your immune genes). Made all the stronger because most men are working so hard to mask their musks... you end up being one of the few men she smells who really revs her up like that.


Mr. Hawaii

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 30, 2013
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great

Really entertaining to read. Good job.

I do the same thing, i tell girls i have a tiny dick and dont chuckle or smile or anything. The last girl i told that to, she was ecstatic about how perfect my manhood was. To be honest it's completely average, i think it had to do with me saying it was tiny.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great

Tyme2k said:
I tried Franco's strategy where I ask "What do you want to drink" and gave her options. .
A few folow ups:

How did you handle the transition from date to going into your place - had you mentioned it before - or did you literally just walk upto your door and lead her in without even mentioning where you were going?

When she shit tested you "do you do this with all the girls" your response "every single one" I'm sure if the girl hadnt been totally sold already this could have backfired - or would you say its just because you said it with such confidence/congruency and not giving a damm that she just ignored it? I've found this another difficult transition...

How did she shit test you for 69?

AWESOME job with the LMR, I haven't ever persisted this much - I think you must really have the persistance down - how do you make it seem smooth and not desperate?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great

Thanks GF.

To answer your questions:

girlsfollow said:
How did you handle the transition from date to going into your place - had you mentioned it before - or did you literally just walk upto your door and lead her in without even mentioning where you were going?

In my last 2 closes I just led them back to my place and walk up the stairs and inside. No excuses. Funny thing is on my last date that I didn't close I told her lets go get a drink somewhere else, when we got to my place she said,"Oh, is this your place? I thought we were going to a bar?" I still got her in my place, but it wasn't as smooth as I'd like it.

girlsfollow said:
When she shit tested you "do you do this with all the girls" your response "every single one" I'm sure if the girl hadnt been totally sold already this could have backfired - or would you say its just because you said it with such confidence/congruency and not giving a damm that she just ignored it? I've found this another difficult transition...

She was not completely sold yet. However you will hear a ton while delving into game theory, "it doesn't matter what you say, but how you say it." I read an FR on RSDnation yesterday where a guy was sexually escalating while talking about vegetables, both the girl and him got extremely turned on and he carried her to his room. In my situation I said it without a stutter in my voice, completely sexy and arousing. Literally anything could have came out of my mouth except "No" and I would have been fine.

girlsfollow said:
How did she shit test you for 69?

After I washed her and I up she didn't know what was about to happen yet. Luckily I have done a 69 before with a girl that lets me do anything otherwise I don't think I could have pulled this off. I started going down her navel, breathing and kissing, moved to her inner thigh without actually licking her yet. Then I rotated my hips towards her head so my dick was right in her face. She grabbed it and threw out multiple objections, "oh yeah?" "you think I'll just do this" "what makes you think I even do this?" I just continued and remained unreactive positioning myself to where she couldn't fight it and the only option was to let me fuck her throat.

girlsfollow said:
how do you make it seem smooth and not desperate?

Practice. I think the main turning point was this girl I met in a club a while back. I took her to my place for the first date walked around and got her back inside. Hard LMR and what happened, I fought it. I told her "stay 5 more minutes" "Don't go yet" shit like this. It definitely came accross as desperate. Now I remain unreactive to this bullshit, I don't fight the words "I have to go" instead I embrace it but physically sexually escalating. Remaining sexy and masculine the entire time. I make sure to get them so wet they cannot stop, but do note, some girls will fight their sexual urges all the way up to your dick finally getting inside.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great

Tyme2k said:
In my last 2 closes I just led them back to my place and walk up the stairs and inside. No excuses. Funny thing is on my last date that I didn't close I told her lets go get a drink somewhere else, when we got to my place she said,"Oh, is this your place? I thought we were going to a bar?" I still got her in my place, but it wasn't as smooth as I'd like it.

This is a major sticking point for me at the moment. Its frustrating because I had a girl really on it after the date in my FR and I handled this wrong so it didn't work. Have you worked out a way to make this smooth? I think the best way is to mention that you have a pool table at your place at some early point in the interaction (I think franco talks about this general idea) and then later on invite her for say pool/(something else fun and not just a drink) as the next venue to go to and then just walk straight upto your place - since you've mentioned it before you can feel totally comfortable in having not kept anything hidden since you mentioned it before, and then as you say its all just about acting totally cool and relaxed - its just an unimportant sidenote that it happens to be your place...

I'm still not convinced that first date attempts at taking them home are ALWAYS ideal (obviously that should be the aim but I'm not sure its always best to push for it HARD)- i met this really cool girl at the gym and since I might be seeing her again and I really dont want to make things awkward that maybe it would be better to just hang out for the first time I meet her (much like chases informational date during the day to get her more comfortable). It can be really tough to seal a connection on a first weekday date especially with girls like this (essentially in the extended social circle) I find. thoughts?
Tyme2k said:
girlsfollow said:
how do you make it seem smooth and not desperate?

Practice. I think the main turning point was this girl I met in a club a while back. I took her to my place for the first date walked around and got her back inside. Hard LMR and what happened, I fought it. I told her "stay 5 more minutes" "Don't go yet" shit like this. It definitely came accross as desperate. Now I remain unreactive to this bullshit, I don't fight the words "I have to go" instead I embrace it but physically sexually escalating. Remaining sexy and masculine the entire time. I make sure to get them so wet they cannot stop, but do note, some girls will fight their sexual urges all the way up to your dick finally getting inside.
Yes, I think a good way to deal with this is to verbally agree bt physically escalate - I'm remembering this stuff again now. If she says "we should stop" you just say "yes we should totally not be doing this" and then just resume escalation


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: LR: Cute Asian HB8, Crazy LMR, Shattering beliefs, Great

girlsfollow said:
I'm still not convinced that first date attempts at taking them home are ALWAYS ideal (obviously that should be the aim but I'm not sure its always best to push for it HARD)- i met this really cool girl at the gym and since I might be seeing her again and I really dont want to make things awkward that maybe it would be better to just hang out for the first time I meet her (much like chases informational date during the day to get her more comfortable). It can be really tough to seal a connection on a first weekday date especially with girls like this (essentially in the extended social circle) I find. thoughts?

In my opinion, definitely the best and only choice. If you are going for an informational date then don't take them home, be the one to end the date. I have done this though and never got a day 3 due to bad schedules and girls going cold after attraction expired. This even gives more time for them to meet another guy.

My most recent dates all ended at my place, even if I didn't fuck them I brought them over and made the decision there. If the girl you speak of from the gym comes to your place and you feel it will be awkward if you escalate and fail and think it will benefit you to not escalate then don't. Just be aware that she may not see you as a lover in the future. She will feel you should/would have made a move if you were interested, since you didn't, she will protect herself and want to be "friends."