Day 42 of 363 day challenge:
Find this super cute asian HB8 I'm insanely in state right now, on another level. Grab her move her talk talk close kino top notch game here. Make her sit blame her push pull escalate. I only end up number closing, get tons of shit for it, "I don't give out my number." break through with the number anyway. I do this because I started losing momentum and wasn't sure how good the set was, I guess it doesn't matter and it's about the process. Logistics weren't the greatest, pull may have been possible who knows.
I send her a text in the club while she's sitting there:
Me 3/17 2240 - "Stop trying to take advantage of me - tyler"
Fast forward to today I save her name in my phone as "(Name) Mix Asian Cold?" because I KNOW numbers aren't shit when you get them in the club right? I text her from work:
Me 3/18 1325 - Hey! Sup girl? What u up to tonight? Lets meet up for a few.
Her 1327 - Hi
Her 1327 - Wow its Monday!(shit test, who goes out on a monday??)
Me 1332 - Haha yep did u lose track of the days? lol But yeah lets grab some coffee/tea low key pimpette.(flipped)
Her 1333 - Ohhh.. thought u meant happy hr
Me 1334 - I rarely drink, u would try to take advantage of me again.. fuck that
Her 1336 - Haha!
Her 1337 - Do u rmbr who i am?(leet moment! I think this is a way of qualifying herself)
Me 1345 - Bettr quest, do u remember who i am? Lol(Don't answer)
Her 1348 - I rmbr u wore a green shirt n ur skinny
Me 1402 - Yep, I remember ur kinda cute asian girl that made me sit down with u
Her 1406 - I think u made me sit
Her 1406 - U were prob taking advantage of a drunk girl
Me 1418 - I kno rite, doesn't count if wer both drunk tho
( thought I completely blew it here, I was free tonight and pushing a date with 4 different girls so why not burn it to the ground, Abundance!)
Me 1551 - So lets meet at 7, ur not allowed to take advantage of me this time tho.(restriction ftw, learned from Artisan)
Her 1551 - Whaat? I nvr said i was going today.. (BAM! literally instant how weird, must have been my wording, impactful)
Me 1555 - I wouldn't ask if I knew u didn't want to but u do, so cum have a jolly old time
(Cum! first time using this spelling, IDGAF)
Her 1557 - Not today..
Me 1611 - Never!
Her 1617 - Never what
I did not respond and wasn't going to until another day.
Her 1851 - Wyd (I was driving home and literally stared jumping around like a crazy animal hahah, state!)
Me 1855 - Driving lol. Ur gonna get me killed!
Me 1855 - u?
Her 1857 - Just woke up.. wanna go eat
Me 1858 - Mmm chipotle. U down?
Me 1900 - Oooo or bento box! I just drove by it
Her 1900 - Uhh.. not a big fan (I thought she meant of both :/ later we talked and she was talkin bout chipotle)
Her 1901 - What area are u at
Me 1902 - Midtown. Not a big fan of wither? Ur crazy!
Her 1903 - Huh
Her 1903 - U live in midtown? Im in (her town)
Me 1904 - Sucks for u! Well come out here there's tons of choices within walking distance, otherwise I'm goin to the gym(threw this out there to show her idc if she comes)
Her 1905 - Hahah ok where should i meet up
Me 1915 - My address. Wear shoes u can walk in (request)
Her 1918 - Ahh ok
Her 1937 - On my way
Me 1941 - K text when ur here
She calls when she gets here, starts walking the wrong direction. Gives me opportunity to lightly tease. We walk to her car and she has me parallel park it closer to my place. She gives me shit cause I did it all proper saying I could have pulled in normal, remain unaffected, "it's always good to practice."
We start walking I have no clue where we're going. End up at Firestone. I tell her sit next to me, she complies. We banter well, chat about racist jokes, and really just have a good time together. I don't care about anything and I keep saying ridiculous things. I frame her as the aggressor the entire time, saying I brought my rape whistle, and she rufeed me. I was really running game on a high level here. I ordered a salad she got some unhealthy chili fries! She tries to give me shit, I'm unaffected of course and call it yin and yang. I really think what I did best here was own who I am and not hold anything back. It's really awesome to see a girl get more and more attracted because you are doing the cliche "Just be yourself"
One thing I said was I'm black in the pants(she thought I meant ass) then I say no my dick is only this big (2cm). This became an ongoing joke.
I don't even wait for the bill and just give the waitress my card. I usually don't pay, but in this case I felt it would be worse if I didn't and could lose the set. She fucks up the bill and I tell her I'm broke and it will overdraft my account. Big joke in the end I'm not thaaat broke its no big deal. I do tell her she's paying next time which yes she will. I will seed with what are you buying me for dinner, she already joked mcdonalds. Her sense of humor is amazing, very witty.
I forgot to mention kino. I never once used sexual type kino, I did not hold her hand, brush her hair back, play any compliance/kino games. I just did my normal light touching throughout the night. I'm just a touchy feely guy right. It's normal, pull her close when she says something I like then push her away. Very simple nothing extravagant.
We start walking home and I want to test taking her down a dark alley. I saw a video from AFC Adam where he talked about taking a girl down an alley. So when I get close I say we're about to walk down this dark alley and I'm scared cause it's infested with werewolfs. She says it's ok if their name is jacob. Tease her for the twilight reference. I ask what Asian she is and I should have guessed Viet, but her cheeks make her Mong. I say I think she's Mong and she explains the hiearchy of Asians and how the hierarchy works. Mong is the lowest and it's insulting to say this to an asian person. Nonreactive as always and lead her around more Walk through the alley, no skepticism, right into my apartment. Get inside start deep diving.
To be continued...
Find this super cute asian HB8 I'm insanely in state right now, on another level. Grab her move her talk talk close kino top notch game here. Make her sit blame her push pull escalate. I only end up number closing, get tons of shit for it, "I don't give out my number." break through with the number anyway. I do this because I started losing momentum and wasn't sure how good the set was, I guess it doesn't matter and it's about the process. Logistics weren't the greatest, pull may have been possible who knows.
I send her a text in the club while she's sitting there:
Me 3/17 2240 - "Stop trying to take advantage of me - tyler"
Fast forward to today I save her name in my phone as "(Name) Mix Asian Cold?" because I KNOW numbers aren't shit when you get them in the club right? I text her from work:
Me 3/18 1325 - Hey! Sup girl? What u up to tonight? Lets meet up for a few.
Her 1327 - Hi
Her 1327 - Wow its Monday!(shit test, who goes out on a monday??)
Me 1332 - Haha yep did u lose track of the days? lol But yeah lets grab some coffee/tea low key pimpette.(flipped)
Her 1333 - Ohhh.. thought u meant happy hr
Me 1334 - I rarely drink, u would try to take advantage of me again.. fuck that
Her 1336 - Haha!
Her 1337 - Do u rmbr who i am?(leet moment! I think this is a way of qualifying herself)
Me 1345 - Bettr quest, do u remember who i am? Lol(Don't answer)
Her 1348 - I rmbr u wore a green shirt n ur skinny
Me 1402 - Yep, I remember ur kinda cute asian girl that made me sit down with u
Her 1406 - I think u made me sit
Her 1406 - U were prob taking advantage of a drunk girl
Me 1418 - I kno rite, doesn't count if wer both drunk tho
Me 1551 - So lets meet at 7, ur not allowed to take advantage of me this time tho.(restriction ftw, learned from Artisan)
Her 1551 - Whaat? I nvr said i was going today.. (BAM! literally instant how weird, must have been my wording, impactful)
Me 1555 - I wouldn't ask if I knew u didn't want to but u do, so cum have a jolly old time
Her 1557 - Not today..
Me 1611 - Never!
Her 1617 - Never what
I did not respond and wasn't going to until another day.
Her 1851 - Wyd (I was driving home and literally stared jumping around like a crazy animal hahah, state!)
Me 1855 - Driving lol. Ur gonna get me killed!
Me 1855 - u?
Her 1857 - Just woke up.. wanna go eat
Me 1858 - Mmm chipotle. U down?
Me 1900 - Oooo or bento box! I just drove by it
Her 1900 - Uhh.. not a big fan (I thought she meant of both :/ later we talked and she was talkin bout chipotle)
Her 1901 - What area are u at
Me 1902 - Midtown. Not a big fan of wither? Ur crazy!
Her 1903 - Huh
Her 1903 - U live in midtown? Im in (her town)
Me 1904 - Sucks for u! Well come out here there's tons of choices within walking distance, otherwise I'm goin to the gym(threw this out there to show her idc if she comes)
Her 1905 - Hahah ok where should i meet up
Me 1915 - My address. Wear shoes u can walk in (request)
Her 1918 - Ahh ok
Her 1937 - On my way
Me 1941 - K text when ur here
She calls when she gets here, starts walking the wrong direction. Gives me opportunity to lightly tease. We walk to her car and she has me parallel park it closer to my place. She gives me shit cause I did it all proper saying I could have pulled in normal, remain unaffected, "it's always good to practice."
We start walking I have no clue where we're going. End up at Firestone. I tell her sit next to me, she complies. We banter well, chat about racist jokes, and really just have a good time together. I don't care about anything and I keep saying ridiculous things. I frame her as the aggressor the entire time, saying I brought my rape whistle, and she rufeed me. I was really running game on a high level here. I ordered a salad she got some unhealthy chili fries! She tries to give me shit, I'm unaffected of course and call it yin and yang. I really think what I did best here was own who I am and not hold anything back. It's really awesome to see a girl get more and more attracted because you are doing the cliche "Just be yourself"
One thing I said was I'm black in the pants(she thought I meant ass) then I say no my dick is only this big (2cm). This became an ongoing joke.
I don't even wait for the bill and just give the waitress my card. I usually don't pay, but in this case I felt it would be worse if I didn't and could lose the set. She fucks up the bill and I tell her I'm broke and it will overdraft my account. Big joke in the end I'm not thaaat broke its no big deal. I do tell her she's paying next time which yes she will. I will seed with what are you buying me for dinner, she already joked mcdonalds. Her sense of humor is amazing, very witty.
I forgot to mention kino. I never once used sexual type kino, I did not hold her hand, brush her hair back, play any compliance/kino games. I just did my normal light touching throughout the night. I'm just a touchy feely guy right. It's normal, pull her close when she says something I like then push her away. Very simple nothing extravagant.
We start walking home and I want to test taking her down a dark alley. I saw a video from AFC Adam where he talked about taking a girl down an alley. So when I get close I say we're about to walk down this dark alley and I'm scared cause it's infested with werewolfs. She says it's ok if their name is jacob. Tease her for the twilight reference. I ask what Asian she is and I should have guessed Viet, but her cheeks make her Mong. I say I think she's Mong and she explains the hiearchy of Asians and how the hierarchy works. Mong is the lowest and it's insulting to say this to an asian person. Nonreactive as always and lead her around more Walk through the alley, no skepticism, right into my apartment. Get inside start deep diving.
To be continued...