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FR  Cute Blonde in Class


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 12, 2014
As soon as I entered one of the lecture rooms, I saw a cute girl come in on the other side of the room and sit down using her crutches. I told my friends I'll be back and I headed towards the other entrance of the room and sat next to her, while joking that I found the worst person to force herself to stand up so I could sit next to her, she laughed and I told her "I saw you sitting here, I thought you were cute, what's your name?" and we began talking while we tried solving some exercises. This was a good opportunity to deep dive as the class was expected to talk to each other as they solved problems. She seemed shy at first but then I could sense some reluctance as well, I could feel she was resisting herself not to talk and try to keep the conversation bland and professional. I asked her some questions that stopped her automatic thought process and made her think, simply "What was the last movie you saw?" was enough to do that, and then I teased her about her choice of chick-flick. Shortly afterwards as if her subconscious jump-started her defenses her body language became more defensive and when I was easing in towards deep diving she stopped and said "Why are all these questions? Let's do our work" I told her we are doing work, and then she said "I have a boyfriend, just so you know" at this moment I was proud that I didn't even flinch or get visibly upset like I used to, I calmly said "And I have a headache, when did we start sharing our problems?" She smiled at that, without being able to say anything, then turned over to working again. I didn't prod any deeper considering either she really has a boyfriend, or I didn't present myself sexually aggressive enough for her to not even mention her bf in the first place. When I calmly continued working on my problems she tried to re-initiate the conversation with formal questions about the solutions and after some while the class ended and she slowly got up to get her crutches she told me she has to go, I waited a moment, looked at her, and said "Have a safe journey" with a careless attitude, she made a pun with "Break a leg" which I found amusing and then she said bye to me a couple of more times, looking eagerly into my eye then left.

When a very similar situation like this happened last time some months ago, I looked at that girl's Facebook and saw that she had been dating someone for over a year so she wasn't lying. In this case, her actions were similar, she blurted out a boyfriend bomb in the middle of the conversation as if to ease her conscious that I knew she was taken and she reminded herself that too. I may be wrong here but I find it akin to women saying, "Oh I'M ON A DIET Sweetie!" when they see a cake just to remind others and themselves that they shouldn't be eating that stuff; thus the analogy would be her thinking about doing something sexual with me and then quickly reminding herself that it's "improper" to do so.

Perhaps my observations are right, or perhaps she just wasn't interested or she was simply testing to see what kind of a reaction she would get, but I doubt the latter because the males in this society are generally very passive in dating and "game" is unheard of for the majority so if she thought this could go somewhere she would not want to risk it with a fake boyfriend bomb. Comments and criticisms are welcome!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
I calmly said "And I have a headache, when did we start sharing our problems?" She smiled at that, without being able to say anything, then turned over to working again.

Hah! I like this one. May have to steal it and use it for myself sometime.

I may be wrong here but I find it akin to women saying, "Oh I'M ON A DIET Sweetie!" when they see a cake just to remind others and themselves that they shouldn't be eating that stuff; thus the analogy would be her thinking about doing something sexual with me and then quickly reminding herself that it's "improper" to do so.

Obviously no way of knowing for sure unless you put in all the effort to get to the hook point of sex/no sex. Usually when a girl randomly blurts out, "I have a boyfriend," they in fact do have one. A lie is more likely to come as a reaction to what you've said, such as telling you she had a boyfriend at a transition point (when you try to pull her, get her number, open, etc).

I feel that you did a good job. A good idea to keep in mind is that if you're in the position of screening girls who say they have boyfriends away, you absolutely need to try and get that out of the way on your own time. Ricardus's "Are you single?" opener works very well for this. Of course, with more screening, you'll need to approach more often as well. Always keep your goals in the back of your mind.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers