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FR  Cute Blonde in the Street


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 12, 2014
As I was sick of not having any lays despite coming very close to it 2 times in the past 3 months, I have developed a routine for me and my wingman. We will do street/mall/supermarket daygame approaches 5 hours a week spread evenly over the weekdays. Today my wingman and I mostly discussed the things that held us back and how we felt when we were about to approach a girl in daylight, we both agreed on approaching any girl at the first opportunity of any individual session so that we can be comfortable the rest of the approaches. As we spent time talking about our tactics we didn't actually approach anyone on our first day, so we headed for our homes. As we very close to saying farewell and calling it a night, I saw a cute blonde girl walking by herself with a bag in her hand. She seemed a bit sad so that gave me a boost to go and talk to her as I would make a good first impression to her presumably bad day. I was still feeling a bit queasy as I walked behind her, at this point we had left the tunnel so there were only street lights illuminating the street. I said to my demons, fuck you, and ran towards her, when I caught up with her I pointed to her earphones and said "I saw you walking there, I think you're beautiful", she was dazed at first and for a single moment I thought she was going to give me the hand and turn around but then I quickly said "I know this is strange, but I'll probably never see you again, so I had to meet you" while saying this I had a bit of a mumble so I called myself out and said "see you're making me mumble!" and suddenly she had a big smile on her face at last. Just as the articles suggest, girls usually haven't been in a situation like this, so they're speechless. I then shook her hand and asked her name. Now I wanted her to stop walking and get to know her a tad bit more, so I said "you're walking too fast for me to keep up" in a sarcastic tone, and she said "this is very strange for me, I ... don't ... umm". I asked her where she studied, made a connection and managed to stop her under a streetlight. I wasn't able to do too much of a deep dive even though she was flattered and smiling at that moment her body language was still a bit stiff and defensive so I kept things light and said, yeah I know the street isn't the best place to talk so I took out my phone did Chase's trick of "Have one of these?" and put it in her hand. She was about to object to putting down her number but I gave her a confident look and said It's okay. While she was putting down her number I said we should get some coffee sometime, to which she said "Yeah maybe we can". After that I checked her number and we smiled at each other, said good evening and parted our ways. After an hour I sent "Hey ____, this is lingua. Save my number."

This is the first time I've done dark street approach and gotten a number. My goal is to set up a casual date asap and deep dive, because I'm sure it will be a pleasant experience for both of us in a calm relaxed environment when she can open herself up to me, first knowledge-wise afterwards . . . ah that was a bad joke.

Comments and criticism are welcome. Unlike most things Chase writes on, there's one subject which I'm not too confident on applying, which is not paying for dates, in this case (possibly) coffee. I do not speak from experience(no data points in which I did NOT pay and got BAD results), so it's only society doctrine and "chivalry" that tells me to pay, and otherwise expect the interaction to go downhill; I'd be happy if you guys had similar hesitations and/or advice on this as well.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jun 13, 2013
lingua said:
Comments and criticism are welcome. Unlike most things Chase writes on, there's one subject which I'm not too confident on applying, which is not paying for dates, in this case (possibly) coffee. I do not speak from experience(no data points in which I did NOT pay and got BAD results), so it's only society doctrine and "chivalry" that tells me to pay, and otherwise expect the interaction to go downhill; I'd be happy if you guys had similar hesitations and/or advice on this as well.


Paying for dates seems like one of those few things that seems to split the guys down the middle. Some guys think its better not to pay, others think it's date suicide if you don't. Here's my take on it:

For simple cheap dates like coffee, you're not really over-investing by spending two dollars on a coffee, so I don't think it will make much difference who pays.

For more expensive dates, I've almost always had a girl offer to at least pay her half. I think this is where most guys go wrong. They thank her but insist on paying. This is where you should avoid it at all costs because you're slotting yourself in the provider category. This is another reason why simpler, cheaper dates are better.

At the end of the day, if your dates only going to cost you a few dollars, then figuring out who pays isn't an issue.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 12, 2014
Thanks for the explanation John, creating two categories of dates clears it all up.


Today I've sent her a text "asking and sharing something personal to relate to" following the text game article on brevity, and I've said "Shall we grab some coffee we talked about, what's your schedule looking like this week?" It's been 3 hours or so and there's no answer on the ice-breaker nor the date planner, I'm not gonna try to deep dive over text or have long text conversations, if my direct approach wasn't enough of a first impression for her to be interested in a date then I ought to simply move on.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake