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FR  Cute Filipina

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Most of my field reports are going to be taking place in malls because there really isn't any other place to daygame here besides malls.
My town has three. One on ach side of town
The one on the west side is wayyyyy too far from me and I have to be on a bus for two hours to get there. The good thing about this mall though is that it seems to be where ALL the cute Asian girls gravitate to. Lol
Then there's the one on the south side which seems to be the most popular and filled with rich folks and hot white girls.
Then there's the one I work at on the south east side. It is the most unpopular. Last year, in fact, there was a shooting that happened in the parking lot and lots of fights occur here often.
People refer to it as the "ghetto mall"...and I think most people are scared to even come here.
Then we have an outdoor mall but it's only thriving on weekends.
I could daygame at bookstores but there's usually older folk or parents and kids.

Anyway, I'm working in the mall at the kiosk I stop people all day but I'm going to write the two that I stopped and actually tried to game on.

First was a short black woman with longgggg hair. (not weave...like this stuff was real)
(her walking past me)
Me: damn...your hair is long!
(she smiled and kept walking)
I ran up beside her
Me: this might be a rude question but is this your real hair?
Her: (smiling) yes, I've been growing it out since I was younger. (she also said something about what she did to it that morning but I didn't catch it.)
Me: can I touch it?
Her: sure :)
Me: it's so soft and thick (my mind started thinking of all the fun I can have with her...I can actually pull on this and her whole hairstyle wouldn't come off ;))
Me: my name is Wes, by the way. (I try the putting my hand on her shoulder thing instead of shaking her hand. I think I read it from AsianPersuasion..)
Her: I'm ____( I think she thought that my hand on her shoulder was me trying to hug her so she moved in and we hugged)
I noticed when she was smiling that she had braces in her teeth and decided to tease her about it.
Me: aw, look at you...you have braces. That's so cute..are you like a little nerd?
Her: (smiling) well I do like nerdy things...
Me: awesome, I don't meet too many black girls like you...what are you into?
(she goes on explaining how she likes those things with the cartoons and pictures...which made me doubt that she was actually a nerd)
Me: you mean comic books? Like Marvel or DC?
Her: yea..is that what you like?
Me: yep! And Anime.
Her: oh okay...well I gotta go, I'm kinda in a rush I have to drive to so &so blah blah.
Me: Well, here, before you go...(hands my phone to her)
She puts her number in.
Her: send me a text so I know it's you. :)
(I send her 'hey' and my name.)
Me: alright...do you wanna see me again? We didn't even get a chance to talk all that much.
Her: just text me (while walking away)
( I pull her in for another hug and then let her go)

After about five minutes after she left she replies.
Her: huh?
Me: it's Wes
Her: hey
Me: after you're done with so &so, do you have any plans tonight?
Her: lol mall
(what? I was so confused)
Me: sooo...you're coming back?
No reply.

Next is a cute shy Filipina girl. Luckily she was 17 because thats the lowest I go...I'm going to be turning 21 in January.
She had her hair up in a bun and the back of her head had hair shaved into a heart shape. Interesting!
I noticed her looking at me earlier when I was walking to the bathroom and now she's walking past me so I stop her.
Me: damn I like your hair...can I take a picture of it?
Her: sure...(she holds her bun in place and I take a picture with my phone)
Me: I don't see too many girls with their hair shaved in the back.
Her: yea, I kept seeing people shave their hair on the sides so I wanted to try something new.
Me: where'd you get it done at? (assuming she lives here)
Her: at so &so...
(I give the skeptical look, eyebrow raise)
Her: it's not in this city, it's in Las Vegas.
Me: oh, so is that where you're from? Las Vegas.
Her: Mhm..
Me: what? Why this boring city of all places?
Her: my sister lives here. I'm visiting her. I'm leaving tomorrow actually.
She's with another girl who looks much younger who is pushing a stroller. There's also two toddlers running around with them haha.
Me: is that your sister?
Her: nope, thats my cousin. And these are my sisters kids. (pointing to the little kids)
Me: you guys must be Filipino.
Her: (surprised look) wow..yea we are. How'd you tell?
Me: idk...I've been around..lucky guess. My second guess was Thai.
Her: well you got it spot on :)
(I looked at the little boy)
Me: haha do you know Timothydelaghetto the YouTuber? He looks just like him!
Her: (looks at her nephew) haha yea he does!
Me: yea just give him a snapback or a beanie and it's perfect.
(she laughs)

Her cousin and the kids walked away to leave us alone.
Her cousin: we're gonna go find (someone) we will be back.
Her: okay.
This whole interaction she doesn't really look me in the eyes..she keeps looking down or to the side and she's also shifting around like she's nervous. Some might take this as disinterest but I believe she was interested because we had a few silences and she didn't try to get away, she stayed until I could come up with another topic.
Me: what's your name? (places hand on her shoulder)
Her: (tells her name and just like the black girl moves in to hug me. Okay? I'll take it lol)
Me: my name is Wes.(not my actual name)
Her: that's a unique name.
Me: the question is..can you spellit right?
Her: (she spells it right)
Me: wow..you actually got it right. I don't know why people here are so stupid. They always spell it like this or like that. It's pretty obvious once I tell them.
Her: (laughing) well Wes..you seem like a pretty cool guy.
Me: you do too.
Me: we'll I WAS going to ask you what school you go to but don't live here. Haha
Her: haha yea..
Me: Well did you at least go to the beach at all. (I forgot to include this as another place to daygame...but it's far from where I live)
Her: yea we went like 3 times this summer.
Me: good, I couldn't let you leave unless you've been there. that's one of the upsides to this place.
Her: yea..in Las Vegas, once you've done everything there is to do, it feels kinda boring.
Me: haha it's so weird how everyone finds their city to be so boring.
(I personally feel like the vibe isn't where I want it to be...I can tell she likes me...but our conversation isn't amazing. I'm thinking maybe I should just move her. Before that I wanted to see if I can get her to do something for me...)

Me: hey, what's your hair look like down?
Her: it's this long...(she shows me with her hands where her hair goes down to)
Me: just show me.
Her: but then I'd have to put it back into a bun.
Me: then I'll put back for you...is it really that hard? ;)
(she takes it down)
Me: dang..your hair is long. It smells fruity too.
Her: haha yea I just got out of the shower.
(she pulls out her phone and goes to the camera to use it as a mirror. She starts examining her face to make sure she looks okay and styling her hair. I move in beside her and get in the frame)
Me: you look fine. Wanna take a picture with me?
Her: okay.
(we both smile and take a picture)
Me: awesome.
A few seconds of silence.
Me: do you want to sit down? (I point to a seat at the kiosk I work at)
Her: no, I'm good.
Me: Well I'm tired of standing...so I'm sitting over there. Let's go over there.
(she follows me. I sit and she stand close to me with her leg touching mine. She's looking away avoiding eye contact and shifting around)
Me: you don't have to be nervous...I won't bite. (I was about to add in the: not yet anyway ;) but she interrupted me with..)
Her: I know...I'm just shy when I first meet people. I'm always like this. (so much for setting a sexual frame)
Me: I know how you feel...just last year I was the same way. If you met me then, I would've been too shy to talk to you
Her: what happened?
Me: long story...but the point is anyone can improve.
Her: yea, usually when I've gotten to know the person they will see my fun side eventually.
(I hugged her again. We held each other for a couple more seconds than usual)

Things seem to be moving slow and she isn't really giving me much to work with. I have trouble remembering what I need to deep dive for. Although I've read the "8 things you must ask her" and "deep diving" articles multiple times...it doesn't retain and it's quite different in person. I rarely have girls asking me questions and they usually just wait for me to come up with something else while it's quiet. It puts a little pressure on me and I'm wondering why they're not feeling pressured to start conversating. Should I just let out a sigh of boredom or something?

Me: do you have a Facebook?
Her: don't you want my number?
Me: oh sure..
Her: what's yours?
Me: (gives number)
(she texts it, I save her.)
Her sister walks up with the cousin and kids. She's an older Asian lady.
She's looking at the product in the display windows.
Sister: what is this?
I make my sales pitch but I kinda half assed it and didn't really try to sell. Lol
Sister: hmm..that's cool. (looks at girl) I see you've made a new friend.
Her: (covers her face embarrassed )
Sister: (looks at me) it's okay I'm fine with it. We gotta go now though.
Her: (she looks at me) Well..byeeee. (gives me a hug, she pulls away. I pull her back in for another)
She starts to walk away. I'm not satisfied with this.
Me: wait before you go...
She turns and comes back.
I get close to her ear and whisper.
Me: I know this is kinda early..but you're about to leave tomorrow..I was wondering if you wanted to kiss me.
Her: (she covers her face embarrassed) Ahh..it is kinda early for that. But I'll see you whenever. I'll text you.
Me: yea maybe we can skype or something.
Her: I come back every summer so..
Me: alright (hugs her again)

She leaves.
After I get off I text her
Me: hey
Her: sup suppp :)
Me: just getting off of work. What are you doing tonight?
Her: we are about to go bowling.
Me: aw bummer...I was going to see if you wanted to come chill with me and my brother before you leave.
(my brother has the car...I am car-less)
No reply.

Trying for the kiss and letting her know about it was a big mistake on my part. There were no sexual frames really set.
Sometimes I just panic when I should keep calm.
Anyway, I got to see how touching the shoulder worked instead of shaking the hands. Everything else was like just about every interaction I have. Same routine. Same un-participating girl.
I really need to level up soon.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
i think you have quite a potential, some more blog reading & practice and you`ll definitely score high %. i agree with Kickbomber on what he said especially on pointing out dont ask just `command` her.

my 2cents:

Her: send me a text so I know it's you. :)
(I send her 'hey' and my name.)
Me: alright...do you wanna see me again? We didn't even get a chance to talk all that much.

this girl digs you, if she says stuff like this, its an automatical FR++ at least. just go ahead moving things forwards assuming she wants you to post an LR later. the text game articles cover most for the followup.

im wondering if she ended the interaction to game you btw.

Me: do you have a Facebook?
Her: don't you want my number?

you had a potential here bruv

Me: I know this is kinda early..but you're about to leave tomorrow..I was wondering if you wanted to kiss me.

wasnt a good idea, either try to pull or suggest a meetup asap and go for the dets on text. the booty call article on the blog is a good reference for these situations i think.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Kickbomber said:
I'm older than you so I don't know what it's like for 17-21 year olds, but I feel like asking for her facebook is kind of weak.

You kind of fucked up and got needy towards the end there with the multiple hugging and then trying to go for a kiss in front of her family. Wasn't going to happen. Going for a kiss is fine, but not in that situation. If you two were alone, wouldn't have been a problem. Except saying it out loud, don't do that. The girl will almost always say no, even if she wants to.

Try this: try to hold the girl's hand. The first try, she probably won't let you. Try again in 5-10 minutes. If a girl won't hold your hand, she's likely not interested. If she won't even let you touch it, definitely not interested. It's a really easy test to let you know exactly where you stand.

Me: you look fine. Wanna take a picture with me?

"Let's take a picture."

Me: do you want to sit down?

"Let's sit down."

I rarely have girls asking me questions and they usually just wait for me to come up with something else while it's quiet.

Happens when you're first starting out. Could also be because she's young and shy and isn't really used to being in conversations with strange guys. DO NOT let out a 'sigh of boredom'. If it's boring, she'll just blame you for it being boring, so that won't help you. Just hold eye contact. If she's at all interested, a lot of times she'll say something to break the tension.

You had the right idea trying to get her out, but in my experience saying 'come chill' translates to 'come let me fuck you' in a woman's brain. You already knew she was shy, probably not going to deliver herself to your bed. Maybe should have tried to meet her somewhere in public if possible and then go from there.

Good job though. Just iron out the kinks.

Facebook: yea usually in the past I went for the number but a friend of mine suggested asking for Facebook first and then number because he felt like girls were more "comfortable" with it. Maybe I should go back to number though. It's just in my experience, the girls have the choice of never replying to a text while on Facebook I can let a few months pass if they never reply then re-talk to them and light a new flame.

Thanks for the holding hand tip. Note taken.

"Happens when you're first starting out. Could also be because she's young and shy and isn't really used to being in conversations with strange guys. DO NOT let out a 'sigh of boredom'. If it's boring, she'll just blame you for it being boring, so that won't help you. Just hold eye contact. If she's at all interested, a lot of times she'll say something to break the tension."
Thank goodness. I thought there was something wrong with me. That's a relief. I'm guessing when I'm at a high level all I'll have to do is just hold eye contact when it's quiet and the girl will step it up.

Thanks Kickbomber
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers