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FR  Cute freshman girls #


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2014
Hello gents,

My usual tactic of finding girls by themselves at the library didn't go according to plan, and I found out that a critical piece of equipment in my research lab is broken, so I couldn't do any research even if I tried, so I decided to stay around the library. There's bar-style seating at one of the cafe's in the library, so I sat down next to this cute girl and started doing some work. Soon after, she let's out this exasperated sigh.

I ask what she's working on, she immediately giggled and said she's working on some presentation about something with a german airplane company being bought out by some arab country, etc etc.

So I made small talk, where she's from, what her major is, didn't really deep dive that much, if at all. But it seemed like whatever I said she had a genuine smile on her face. I asked her her name, she said Julie, I extended my hand out, said Hi I'm Randy, let my hand linger in hers a bit, and moved forward in the conversation. I also asked her what she plans on doing for spring break (everyone here leaves Friday/Saturday and comes back on the 21st). Eventually I had to leave because the bus was coming soon. So I say to her "Julie, what do you say, when we're back from Spring Break we grab a bite to eat?" She smiled and agreed. I took down her phone number, said I got to go and walked away, but not before a brief touch on her upper arm.

As I was walking away, I texted her.

P.S. - Now what I'm worried about is another case of giving my number to a girl and then never getting responses to my texts. I've been burned by that in the past and it's understandably annoying. It's only been about 2 hours since, but I haven't gotten a reply or anything from her. However, before I had opened on her, she was checking her phone somewhat frequently, so I feel like she's definitely seen the text.

P.P.S - What's a good way to get the momentum going in the conversation again? At a few points, the conversation lost steam and there was a bit of an awkward silence and I did my damndest to get it going again without sounding like I was desperate for something to talk about.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers