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Cute girls with boring, average, mediocre lives...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 8, 2014
Ok so we all know that women are attracted to sexy, attractive guys who lead interesting lives with lots going on. But what about cute girls who have boring, average, mediocre lives? One thing I've noticed is that while there are loads of cute girls, so many of them have no interests and lead boring lives with nothing going on. Are they interested in being with the sexy, attractive guy with the exciting life or do they see him as out of their league and unattainable? Are they more interested instead in guys with boring, average, mediocre lives? This all goes back to the concept I've heard where people like to choose people who are EQUAL to them. So do these cute girls with mediocre lives reject the sexy, attractive guy with the awesome life in order to settle with the unsexy mediocre guy with the same mediocre life because they know he's less likely to leave them, unlike the sexy guy with the awesome life who might reject them at any second? Also maybe those cute girls with boring lives don't want to be with the awesome guy because they know that being with him would mean being dragged into that awesome lifestyle, and they don't want to be challenged, grow as a person, experience more life experiences because they're lazy and would rather stay in that comfortable life of mediocrity where they don't have to push themselves. What do you think?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 12, 2015
Yes there are lots of girls out there who are like that, however, as far as my experience goes, such girls WANT a sexy, alluring guy to be a part of their lives, because that guy is different, refreshing and a break from the ordinary. However, most of these guys tend to be lovers and less of a boyfriend type.
And yes, there are also girls whose main motive is to live a life of mediocrity, but even those girls can change over time, its as Chase says, if you spend enough time around any woman, she is bound to fall for you provided you do display at least some of the traits which are attractive in a guy.
The rule of thumb however, would be to screen out the girls who actually enjoy your personality and your company..its spretzaturra i.e. least effort-maximum gains.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake