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FR+  Dance floor fun


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
This is my field report for last night. My goals were:
1. Use a slow opener (from the Ebook)

2. Use three Chase Frames

3. Move or get the phone number of three girls

For #1, it isn't easy to use a slow opener at a loud crowded party. I'm going to try to do it tomorrow, but any tips you guys might have would be great.

#2- I used two chase frames. For one a girl complained about how many texts she got and how her phone wouldn't stop vibrating. I said, "I bet that's the only time you wanted something to stop vibrating". Not sure she got it, but whatever. For the other one, I told a girl it wasn't my fault I couldn't keep my hands off her because she was wearing sexy clothes. I didn't get a third one.

#3- Earlier in the night, I got a girls phone #. I kinda put myself into a bad position with this girl though. She is gorgeous and my strategy was not to show any physical interest in her (unlike how everyone else was all over her). It worked, but I think I'm in the friend zone now. I guess I was intimidated from the start by her and didn't go for her. The lesson I took from this is I need to communicate interest earlier, but I'm still happy I got the phone number. Later in the night, I started talking to a girl and moved her to the dance floor successfully. I was doing most of everything right (leading her, communicating interest, breaking the touch barrier). But for some reason dancing didn't feel right (probably because I knew her as friends before) As we were dancing she told me, "You're a lot more attractive than you think you are". As things were starting to heat up a little, her friend drunkenly stumbled into her (this wasn't a friend saving her, they were both shocked to see each other). As soon as that happened, I figured it was over (spell broken kind of thing). The third girl was a girl who I asked to dance and things were going well. As things got more intense, I kissed her. I've seen plenty of FRs about how kissing a girl on the dance floor is a bad idea, and I knew I shouldn't, but it's tough stopping yourself. After we made out, I moved her to the foyer of the house and she and her friend sat on my lap. I started deep diving, and her friend eventually left. I made my biggest mistake her and didn't follow my process. Instead of continuing to deep dive or taking her home, I moved her back to dance. After that, the girl and her friend went to the bathroom and I simply moved on.

Overall, I think it wasn't the worst night. I accomplished most of my goals and that was the first time I had been sober at a party and made out with a girl. Obviously there are some lessons to be learned, but its still a step forward.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake