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Dance Floor Rebound (2010)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Originally posted in the first Girls Chase Forum on Thursday, 22 July 2010

Cool little thing I’ve done a few times, and tried out again to great effect last night.

I’m not a big dance floor kind of guy. I’m more a chill-out, slow, seductive, verbal kind of guy. But right now I’m in Beijing, and the nightclubs here are eardrum-shatteringly loud. Like, unless you speak sign language, you’re not going to be doing a whole lot of information exchange. My pal and I were communicating by showing each other text notes we wrote in our phones. You get the point.

So, in an environment like that, dance floor game is pretty much the only option available, and pretty much everyone in the clubs here is on the dance floor. For that reason, I’ve had the opportunity (well, more like had the necessity) to test this out a little bit, and I’m finding it works with flying colors.

Here’s the scenario: ever dance with a girl, and things are going great, she’s got a big smile on her face, she’s dancing sexy with you, and loving it, and then… things kind of fade out? Maybe after eight or nine or ten minutes, it gets a little old and she starts pulling away and eventually is largely ignoring you.

Kinda sucks when that happens, no?

What I started doing to combat this, when it happens, as it did last night, is that I let the girl cool her heels for a minute. I turn my body language away from hers too, so I’m not chasing after her with body language, and just stay like that for a minute or two, until she probably feels like it’s all over and we’re not going to dance anymore and maybe it even feels a little awkward that we’re standing right next to each other but not dancing with each other anymore. And then…

I put my hands on her arms and turn her back around to face me fully, and have her dance with me.

The response to this is typically the same: the girl is usually thrilled, and her attraction spikes a lot higher than it was before. You can fairly reliably get a make-out very quickly and easily after you do this, if you like making out in clubs (I tend to consider it bad form, but it’s admittedly a guilty pleasure from time to time). Things get hot and steamy in a hurry, basically. It’s good, it’s fun, and it’s effective. And it’s pretty easy to do.

There are, methinks, a few reasons why this seems to work so effectively. For informational purposes, here’s what those reasons seem to be to me, in no particular order:

  • When doing this little maneuver, you dominate your girl and make her face you and dance with you. Women want to feel that they have a strong man making the decisions for them and looking out for them, and they love being dominated. The dance floor is in a sort of way a bedroom simulation; just like women love being dominated in bed, they love being dominated on the dance floor.

  • You display boldness and confidence. Unlike the guys who droop their heads and give up when she turns away and plays hard to get, YOU know that what she really wants is to keep spending time with you. So you shrug off her little game as just being the little game it is, and reel her back in. Girls like this a lot.

  • You let her ride a roller coaster of emotions. She starts off enjoying dancing with you. Then she gets a little bored and starts turning away. Then she feels a mixture of disappointment and resentment that you don’t chase after her immediately. Then maybe a little awkwardness that you’re still there. THEN, when you boldly turn her back to face you fully and have her resume dancing with you, you give her surprise, excitement, and relief in one fell swoop. Emotions hit harder when they’re poised against opposing emotions; she felt like she almost lost you, and then BAM! you took her back again. Attraction goes through the roof.

There is a certain attraction switch in women that gets flipped by persistence in men; persistence seems to make a woman feel that, “Yes, he IS interested!” The guys who aren’t really all that interested don’t persist. This flips that switch – and I have to say, the big, visible boost in attraction that subsequently follows is a beautiful thing to behold coming from a pretty girl standing in front of you rubbing her body up against yours.

Hope you enjoy.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers